Tell Guile a bedtime story

Tell Guile a bedtime story.

Sawnic broom

America wins, the end.

>Long ago in the future,there were 1 kingdoms and other places as well also.
>The Pc massa race were at the top
>the console peasants were scrounging up all the had
>king Gabe was laughing in his tower
>especially at the switch fags

The end



this guy right here

Niggers and Jews


>Thinking Guile is Trump
>Thinking anyone alive is as American as Guile

You can leave now.


Trips speak the truth.

Guile defeats Communism, The End.




Long ago in a distant land



I, Aku the shapeshifting master of darkness


This is High Score Girl, if anybody cares

And she is a good girl.

>The most American
You can leave at any time now you know.

Why do people hate zoning?

no appreciation for styles that aren't GO IN GO IN SWAG COMBOS HOLY SHIT DID YOU SEE THE M I X U P

its an ache in the balls to fight against but I can appreciate getting outplayed one way or the other

Once upon a time there was a nation called the United States. It was the best nation in the world and everyone wanted to live there.

Then one day a bunch of braindead redditors elected an orange man-baby to lead the nation and the orange man-baby ruined everything.

The End.

Once there was an ugly barnacle
He was so ugly that everyone died
the end


Legend is if you play guile's theme in front of a communist he will slowly and painfully disintegrate

But a foolish Samurai, wielding a magic sword

/r/ing more of these, SF or otherwise.

stepped forth to oppose me...




If Jack were to actually go into the past and kill Aku, most likely no one from the future Jack is in will exist.


One time, there was a scrub who couldn't deal with sonic boom zoning and called it spamming. When he tried to jump over your sonic booms you flash kicked him. The end.


once a pon a time capcom made sfv

it flopped badly

teh end