Disillusioned iDOLM@STARDS will look to Sup Forums for shelter that provides solace and comfort in their vulnerable moment of defeat, and they will find said shelter broken down and burned to the ground. All the cross-posters from all the boards that had to deal with Sup Forums's shit for the past year and a half will descend from the heavens and rain mockery down. Not a single inch of this board will escape being torn apart. And then the flood comes, formed from the tears of laughter above and the tears of impotent crying from below, and all the dust, blood and ashes will be scattered and washed away while the iDOLM@SCUM is left no choice but to drown in the hole they dug themselves into. As the gigantic hubris they were architects of turns on them, they will finally realize the purpose of their existence: To be the perfect punchline of the greatest joke in mankind.
Disillusioned iDOLM@STARDS will look to Sup Forums for shelter that provides solace and comfort in their vulnerable...
i rather liked wake up girls
idolm@ster is a reddit franchise
Is this what they call "idol hell"?
I think you meant to say Love Live. That franchise is incredibly popular in Reddit and Tumblr.
Cool story bro.
Nico is best girl
How can anyone actually like sunshine and the aqours? They're nowhere near as charming or memorable as the μ's were, and sunshine was a terrible anime
I'm pretty sure that's the place where characters like Eli Ayase and Kanan Matsuura go to for being incredibly lousy characters.
Go to vg and find the llsifg thread and find out
seiyu are cuter so it's okay
I don't get it either, Aquors is the worst shit ever and I'm tired of Sunrise trying to force it on me.
The fuck are you talking about
idc what they call themselves, I'll still masturbate to them.
I dropped sunshine because it's just too boring
characters are ununique and unmemorable
I don't even remember why they do schoolidol, it was really boring
Sorry, but I'm an Aikatsufag
Just a reminder that you can enjoy both Idolmaster and Love Live. They both have flaws and great points and other stuff I've said far too many times.
Switch Iori and Hibiki and the list is perfect.
Idolmaster is virgin otaku pandering garbage
LL and Aikatsu is for little girls like us
you don't actually think honoka is terrible, right?
Pripara is the thinking man's idol show.
I don't know what literally any of this means but it looks like some good ass copypasta
>shitty VN
>shitty girls
>Not even the songs are good
>easy as fuck """""gameplay""""""
why faggots buy Im@s again?
Fuck stupid memer faggot
I bet your American
Is it just me or do the girls fron idolmaster suffer from same face syndrome?
Love Live is for normies and im@s is for otaku neets, right? Imas seems to be relatively isolated whereas I've seen normies meme Love Live shit.
Do you want to fuck Lala too?
brown nipples
stinky breath
What do you mean Honoka is that low?
no u