ITT: Fuck you, I liked it

ITT: Fuck you, I liked it.

ofc you liked it satan


>Dark Souls 2 comes out
>Everyone hates it, rightfully so
>Dark Souls 3 comes out, with its latest and final DLC freshly out of the oven
>All of a sudden there are people who like Dark Souls 2

Wtf happened?

People are getting burnt out on the Souls games. They're trying to remember why they liked them to begin with, so they go back to earlier games back when the series was fresh to them, and for many dark souls 2 was one of their first.

Outside of the dumb decisions like armor abilities, recycled campaign maps and lack of variety in Forge, I really liked Halo Reach.

probably the last good halo... gameplay wise

>throws grenade

1 was my first Souls game, and I have to say that it's by far the most overrated. 2 had a lot of fuck ups too, but it was actually fun.

Yeah its broken, yeah It doesn't make any fucking sense, Yeah its a fun game with good characters.

It was actually a really fun game. Killstreaks were a bit lackluster, but getting 100+ kills while boosting through the air in pub stomps was so damn satisfying

Got it on sale. Beat it twice.

I just have too many good memories going through this game as an edgy teen.

I thought this game was the fucking shit.

Now I still like it, but unfortunately I must accept it was a deeply flawed masterpiece

>uses jetpack/sprint/armor to avoid damage

>Xbox one


scholar of the first sin was fun
yall where just being hipsters

Fuck you, i didnt!

Honestly my favorite game of 2016. I don't actually know if Sup Forums hates it but I'm going to assume they do.

Why not?

Because it's one of the worst consoles ever released.

Fuck you, my opinion is better than yours.

>Better controller
>Better online infrastructure
>Backwards compatibility
>Better security (check Amazon's top selling game items. It's almost always PlayStation gift cards because people are still skeptical of trusting their credit card info to Sony)
>Has Forza and MCC is working good enough now

>Implying I'm some Sony fag.


>Has Forza and MCC is working good enough now

Apologist cunt end your life.


Not really hated or anything, but everyone just says to skip it and play the sequel. Aside from the fact that Suikoden 2 is way better if you've played the first one, Suikoden 1 is a great experience by itself. The overall story isn't as strong as the sequel yeah, but a lot of the smaller story moments are great, and the characters are all so well done. Even with the mediocre translation I just find the interactions between characters so well done.

Jesus Christ it sure is easy though. Probably the easiest JRPG I've ever played

Still a 9.5/10

>tfw the people who are most upset over reach are those who read fall of reach
>the people who are most defensive over reach are the halo players who just stuck to the games

Jokes on you, I never bagged on it. I was seriously confused as to why people hated it so much.

I think the campaign and multiplayer in general was pretty bad, but firefight and the overall weapon variety was excellent.

Fuck you, MY opinion is better than yours.


This game is soooooo fucking comfy. The main story isn't all that but the world feels so nice to just explore.

You didn't enjoy the typos, user?


because multiplayer


isn't all that what?

I felt the campaign was really solid as a standalone title. I felt there should have been some development for Noble Team, enough so that we can feel bad when they died. More missions would be a nice thing so long as they didn't drag and the game kept its replay value.

Honestly, I hated the weapon bloom and how they got rid of the BR, SMG, Brute Shot, Covenant Carbine and Mauler.