I'm jonesing yo, haven't played shit since Witcher 3
What are some good PC games this year?
Are you an autist for can't play mulitplats?
Breath of the Wild
some shit ports and indie trash
have fun
Does panser have the best eceleb armpits?
I've been playing Hollow Knight
Yeah maybe after PS4 finishes dominating this year sorry you're missing out
PLAYERUNKOWN Battlegrounds is very good its by the creater of the BATTLE ROYALE genre PALYERUNKOWN you should really play it its super good dayz cant even compare!
You should try out Nier Automata
total war warhammer 2
>Witcher 3
Go ask reddit.
0.05 cents have been deposited in your paypal account
Inuitinua looks a lot more attractive than I remember her being.
Nier Automata, Hollow Knight, Thimbleweed Park, Tales of Berseria, Torment ToN, and maybe Sniper Elite 4 (haven't played this but it looks decent).
so no one is going to post leaked nudes of tradechat?
Snake Pass
Hollow Knight
Enter the Gungeon
Nier Automata
Favorite comfy point and click game? GO
Isn't this that gross melodramatic slut that was on both Tester and King of Zimbabwe? I also remember her getting BTFO by some Youtube group when that monthly King of the Web thing was a thing.
Take a look at the Paradox games EUIV, Cities Skylines and Stellaris all of which are getting their best expansions this year
I unironically want to impregnate Panser.
Isn't that the same girl that said BotW was offensive for being difficult?
Mass Effect Andromeda if you like sci fi rpg
rain world
who is this semen semon
king of the nerds
Didnt she go from basement neet sweaty uggo to green hair furry attention whore?
Why would anyone do that to themselves? How can you possibly suggest this game after everything we know about it? Do you have brain damage?
>2 cents has been deposited into your account
2016 PC Goty is Total War Warhammer
2017 PC Goty will be Total War Warhammer 2
2018 PC Goty will be Total War Warhammer 3
Danielle from Vsauce
Lost Horizon 1
Book of Unwritten Tales
well i just got Cities: Skylines friday and i have around 18 hours played, so Cities: Skylines. pretty fucking good.
Post the photos from the bikini shoot
For nostalgia I mean
I'll help you out OP. These are already out and you should check em' out:
>Nier Automata
>Resident Evil 7
>Tales of Berseria
>Zero Escape: The Nonary Games
>Rain World
Later in the year you should check out:
>Danganronpa V3
>Death's Gambit
FNV with mods.
The jews are right, by the way.
gravity ru-
uhh....mass effect I guess?
Is that a girl (male)?
>playing Mass Effect when Nier exists
>playing Mass Effect when anything exists
Seems like Pc gamers like getting hammered.
I only recognized her from The Tester
Fuck I miss that show and the threads
I'm liking dishonored 2.
Syberia 3 (April 3)
Expeditions: Viking (April 27)
Blitzkrieg 3 (May 6)
Mirage: Arcane Warfare (May 23)
Sudden Strike 4 (Q2)
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam (Early 2017)
Outcast: Second Contact (Fall)
Steel Division: Normandy 44 (Soon™)
The Guild 3 (2017™)
Bannerlord (?)
Ultimate General: Civil War (?)
fucking niggers
Rain World, if you want something that'll make you slap your granny.
This isn't a thread about your hobbies.
As a contrast to console fans PC gamers are on average actually old enough to drink.
There's literally nothing wrong with fucking black men with a knife
Drinking sucks, never touched the stuff, I know this sounds like a joke but it's true.
>The jews are right, by the way.
about what?
>Nier Automata
>Nier Automata
>>Nier Automata
how is the PC version
>The Tester was 7 years ago
holy shit
Hollow Knight.
None so far... hollow knight is getting a switch port which should be the superior version since playing it on handheld will be comfy as fuck
gaming is a trash, shit, dead, and creatively bankrupt genre, all anyone does now is test hardware
Good joke, my dude. Very funny.
>a game where you watch others fight is goty
>comfy as fuck
Pick one and only one.
Interesting. What' s your favorite classic games then?
About their oppression, obviously. Did you know the Jews are the most oppressed people in the world?
is this screenshot supposed to be impressive?
because all i see is a bland and empty world
She looks a lot better without pink hair
>Hollow Knight
>Unity engine shit that has framerate drops even on high end PCs
>expecting the Switch port to be anything but terrible
You missed the invisible walls
What kind of games do you like to play?
>expansion packs
>but do you have a shitload of trash nobody cares about?
No, we don't, and that's why consoles are superior.
>can do literally anything
Its the definition of comfy
>pkeks actually believe this
But that's a two-way street, user.
No, PC has no games anybody gives a fuck about, only endless trash. The most played PC games are literal manifestation of cancer in vidya form.
>Diablo 2
>Brood War
>Planescape Torment
>Baldur's Gate
>Mount & Blade
>Diablo 2
>when Diablo 3 is on the PS4
>Brood War
>RTS garbage
>Planescape Torment
>Baldur's Gate
>literal who genre nobody plays even on Pee Cee
>Mount & Blade
Bannerlord will be on consoles.
Suck it, PCück.
You cant be serious with that list, the age of those games says everything. Nobody denies pc USED to be worthwhile and have good games, but look at it now. Conan exiles, Arma, shovelware indieshit, and broken ports.
>tfw you make money off of screwing over nintendo
>naming diablo 3, the shit storm of a game that got shat on and ripped to shreds because it got consolized and casualized
yeah your opinion literally doesn't matter
>yeah your opinion literally doesn't matter
You're confusing my opinion with PC game sales, LMAO.
>will be on consoles
Yeah in 5-7 years
This. Also, keep in mind that it was Valve who popularized supply crate grinding bullshit with TF2.
Pretty bad port and basically unplayable with kb+m, but modder's fix + controller fixes it up fine now.
Well is post-apocalypse +10000 years.
>consolefags still can't make up an insulting name that can actually be pronounced for us
Maybe when you get there we can talk.
Already out:
Civ vi, tw warhammer, blades of the shogun, titanfall 2, nier automata, motorsport manager, battle brothers, hitman episodes
Steel division, dow3, divinity os2, bannerlord, northgard, sunless skies
rpgs and relaxing type games
> Solitare
> Minesweeper
> Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego
If you play anything else on PC you're wasting your money because a console is easier and cheaper.
>Jews jewing jews
>Civ vi, tw warhammer,
"""Strategy""" trash.
>blades of the shogun
Shit game nobody cares about made by literal whos.
>Titanfall 2
>nier automata
On consoles.
>battle brothers
>Steel division, dow3
Literal trash.
>divinity os2, bannerlord
On consoles.
>northgard, sunless skies
More trash.
Where are the actual games, PCück? Where are the titles that can compete with Nioh, Bloodborne, Horizon Zero Dawn, Persona 5 and Yakuza 0?
>mentioning supply crates
>when you have to pay to play the games you already bought on the internet you already pay for on consoles
>and you still buy prize boxes
Torment just came out
Dark Souls 3
>console port
>action game
>kb + m
when will you dweebs learn
Theres a "it won't be comfortable" and the "it is registering mouse movement as 8-way digital inputs, while a crucial move like Dodge has no keybinding option and defaults to double-pressing directions only".
NEVER EVER, PCfat. Get that through your fucking head. Bloodborne alone will be forever greater than any PCfat game ever made.
How about PCluck cuz i'm willin to bet your all chicken nerds living with mom
We will emulate all of your exclusives KEK How mad are you poorfags. Com'on be honest.
>another word that makes no sense when pronounced
Jesus man are you purposely flagging yourself as mad and illiterate?