>final boss can be killed by a HEADSHOT
Final boss can be killed by a HEADSHOT
The redditor begins to chuckle
>The redditor rubs himself in delicious cheetos, prepping himself for delicious anal sex with his rick sex doll
>Tips his fedora over his dick as a cheeto-filled condom
fart hehe funny
Fuck off with your shit cartoon you god damn Leaf
keep your trash on your containment board
Rick & Morty is unfunny (([AS])) libtard garbage
>The final boss can be killed by a headshot by another character if you let them monologue for too long.
I'm still mad
burp morty burp morty burp morty burp morty
lmao roflcopter
>final boss is a contrarian
I will never not be mad
They're playing Jack on Wednesday and Saturday so I'm ok; it wouldn't be an april fools joke if they actually pushed it back a week.
are 9 more seasons confirmed bro?
>see the episode like 6 times
>forget to check if this really happened each time
fuck that fiasco.
name one game that does this
hey morty vagina sex haha *burp*
Fable 2
fable I think
In fact I think there are more if you have a villain in your party.
The Alt Reich is here
this show is literally why drumpf won
Shittiest Fable
>final boss has an autistic fanbase that made harrasment bots
sorry, but Sup Forums is filled with samurai jack dicksuckers
bumping a Sup Forums thread because mods don't care either way
What part of it is political?
cuck or fuck?
at least we have good taste in dick.
that'd doesn't happen in 3 though
kys buddy
>Sup Forums switches flag to Canadian and then posts blatant SJW buzzwords which are never used on Sup Forums unironically
>switch back to American and mass reply to their own post pointing out their leaf meme
hella f*ckin epic
>Americans are all uneducated tribalistic obese retards who's views align with 1990s soccer moms
Learned this yesterday
so wait, liking rick and morty is a reddit thing now?
does the image say cuck or fuck
>Science in Science Fiction series is just magic
hey murty remember when *burp* haha
underage b&
Nice deflection leaf scum.
The redditor laughs out loud, spewing cheeto crumbs all over his desk
You are fucking retarded if you actually believe ameritards can do this
making threads about it on Sup Forums is a reddit thing
int was the best thing to happen to Sup Forums
i was wondering where all of the "fuck off Sup Forums you're not welcome here" came from
fucking leafs
okay thanks
why does cuck not get censored but KEK does.
just retardation m8
You'll get used to it.
rake war soon, leaf
Did they leak the whole season again?
Yeah, basically anything popular on the internet is reddit here to be contrary. Happens without fail.
>Current year
You have to go back
Magic's just science that we don't understand yet.
you're both idiots.
Ironically, since /vint/, Sup Forums is now reddit
Sup Forums is a reddit thing
>unironically liking Sup Forums
Man, Sup Forums basically tripling in size in the past year and a half really ruined this website.
why is he the strongest rick? why do no other ricks come close? like how did those guys become the leaders of the rick counsel?
how does rick just walk through all of them?
No YOU'RE an idiot, idiot
lucky that i can't see your flag anymore, leaf.
up voted
He's basically just the omega rick. Every rick is more or less a genius, but the rick we watch is leagues ahead of them all.
you know that Sup Forums is the containment board and we all pretend Sup Forums is bad so no one from here goes there.
>>Sup Forums
Your lost or something?
He's the defiant Rick