How were you possibly supposed to know to enter the castle?

How were you possibly supposed to know to enter the castle?

C'mon man it was so stupid, the game doesn't tell you anything.

Opening cutscene.

the image of peach in the window after knowing it was she who called you

Come to the CASTLE, I've baked you some cake

Where else would you go?

common sense maybe you fuckin tard

If you've ever passed the age of two years old, you know that opening doors takes you inside of buildings.
Luckily for Mario, the castle has doors on it.

The Toad in the castle tells you dumbass.

going in the castle is the only way to get to yoshi on the roof ironically

How were you supposed to know which file to choose?

how were you supposed to know to jump in the paintings?

How do you get in your own house dingus?

how did bowser enter peach's castle? The doorway was too small for his large body

You werent. I specifically remember as a child running around literally everywhere exhausting options until he auto entered the castle because I walked up to the door. Did you faggots not explore. I spent hours shooting mario out of the canon at the window right about the peach painting because you can glitch mario to be in the hallway.

how were we supposed to know yoshi was on the roof?

>enter castle
>voice tells you Peach isn't there and you should leave
>go back outside
>nothing happens

Wait you can go in the castle?

you go outside and take a good sniff, haha

He retracts into his shell and has his Koopa Moving Co. to shimmy him in like a large couch.


Who was that jolly guy chuckling over the loudspeaker anyway?

How were you suppose to know to jump into this? It looks dangerous

Where did the rumor that the Peach portrait was enterable stem from? I can't find any mention of it now, but I remember that being parroted around a ton back in elementary school.

There is a sign in the room with the portraits saying that there are hidden stars and that one is in this room, iirc

I meant the large mural on the front of the castle, not the one for the secret slide.

Oh whoops

But it was probably just the same fuckers that said sonic was unlockable in Melee

It's been severely downplayed over the years but Bowser is a fucking wizard. How do you think the stars are trapped behind paintings? Do you expect him to use doors like a pleb?

Yes. Bowser is a gentleman and properly lifts his little finger when drinking the tea Peach serves him.

I wonder what he smells like, haha

don't you ever get tired of these posts

i sincerely doubt that they're still funny to you after, what, 2 years now

if they are, you might have some legit mental problems


how am I supposed to know to wipe my ass after shitting

Your mom tells you, you dumb shit

Is Peach's castle inside Dire Dire Docks or is Dire Dire Docks inside Peach's castle?

>He got inside by going outside

Where did Mario come from?
Why did the pipe he took disappear?

dire docks exists in another dimension. the blue portal is located within the castle

my mom is dad

Did you know if you look into the cannon outside the castle for long enough you can see Luigi in it?

i know this is a troll thread but seriously this

He came from hell