What did Nintendo mean by this?
What did Nintendo mean by this?
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Degenerate behavior should be laughed at.
I wanna kiss that tum
Would I pull a cute Link cosplay?
Nothing, however the know their fanbase is retarded and will drool over it. So easy money I guess.
I want to _____ Link
Depends on how much of your face you're willing to cover up in veils.
>tfw I am at the gym and get all raw, strong, and eat good so I can find a cute little fagboi to fuck
>none around my area, just a bunch of girls who keep eyefucking me and being normalfag cunts
So, any good cosplay of this yet? Or porn of cute boys in belly dancer outfits like this?
boards.Sup Forums.org/d/thread/7298007
kill yourself you degenerate gay faggot
Redditor detected
Be a wingman for bi guys in exchange for sexual favors.
>posting on Sup Forums
>posting in this thread
0/100 see me after class
where do I start
Either Link is really effeminate, or Gerudo women are brutishly masculine.
Grindr probably
Maybe it's the angle, or the t-shirt, but you are looking a little THICC there, which is not for me since I like my boys fragile and needed to be taken care off and call me daddy
>be me
>be cute trap
>all the degenerate guys i know on steam and even some around me want to fuck me
>i actually only like girls. just because someone is a trap/tranny doesnt mean they automatically need to like men you faggots leave me alone
>don't hit on me boys~
accept your place sissy.
Cancerous trapshit.
>in denial
>look like something most men are attracted to
>surprised men want to fuck you
You did this to yourself.
its funny because i used to be a
femboy/twink and would have sex with men all the time But then for some reason hormones made me pretty much only like girls
>be you
>be starved for attention
>go on Sup Forums baiting for attention by complaining about getting attention
either you're the same trap that posts on Sup Forums all the time or the hormones making people straight thing is a common occurrence.
>starving for attention
nah actually i just have really bad insomnia and cant sleep. My gf gives me plenty of attention if you know what i mean ;) plus if i wanted male attention id just go camslut on Sup Forums.
Why would i come here.
I am physically the strongest person ITT
If you are an actual trans and not just a femboy or cd you have less of a right to complain that men want to fuck you desu.
I want to tickle those armpits
>Why would i come here.
because you're pathetic, read a book you dumbass
What if I bench 280?
I've heard of opposite cases. How the fuck does that work?
This is sort-of a BotW thread.
Is it really impossible to register The Lord of the Mountain at a stable? I've gone to two and they refuse to take it in.
Do I just have to have my fun with it until I let it go?
Lay off the tren, paul. You overbearing FAT ASS
i mean i was a femboy but i was still depressed self loathing, taking female hormones fixed that.
Its just that now im a lot more attractive to the guys i used to want to fuck , except im not attracted to them at all. Oh the irony.
Dont have any books here except a halo novel and its downstairs and im scared as fuck of going downstairs at night in the dark :|
well most people who take hormones mostly like females before so maybe because i liked men before the change was the opposite? Like i guess im so gay that even when i take female hormones i become gay for women. Literally 2gay2function.
Yeah. It's also completely broken with maxed stats and rumored to be a tribute to Iwata.
You got the bitch complex.
Girls got this chemical that makes them think they are more superior to what wants to fuck them.
Jokes on you, your face probably would deter even the most biggest fag on Sup Forums.
I dare you to take test for a year to see what happens. For science.
>your face probably would deter even the most biggest fag on Sup Forums.
My face is probably my 2nd best asset tho. Nice projection ;)
Do you know how hormones work? Like you cant just take extra testosterone if you are a biological male. Your body is supposed to have a certain amount , you cant take too much more than that without risking blood clots and organ failure. My t levels were normal male range before taking androgen blockers, taking testosterone would be extremely unsafe.
Plus id kill myself in less than a week.
Damn, that's disapointing.
It is nice that they named it Satori though.
>Like you cant just take extra testosterone if you are a biological male.
/fit/ would like a word with you, you delusional freak.
Satori also refers to the sudden enlightenment found in Zen Buddhism, so, you know, there's room for kinds of interpretation.
Shame, I have the perfect torso to cosplay trap link but I'm way too tall and have long dark hair that I'm not gonna bleach for one costume.
>trusting the word of a bunch of neets larping over actual doctors and endocrinologists
I guarantee if i asked my doctor to prescribe me testosterone the first thing they would do(after stopping androgen blockers) would be to test my baseline level. Once they saw it was normal male range they would refuse to give me a prescription because they could be in a lot of shit when something bad happened.
If testosterone were so god damn dangerous you wouldn't be able to literally buy it from Amazon. My bet is that you were on the low edge of "normal," and even if you weren't you can go somewhat higher without risking health issues.
>b-but muh doctor's opinion
These are the same doctors that were cool with giving you androgen blockers to start, so I'm kind of okay with disregarding their opinion in favor of a bunch of fitness autists.
Fine dont believe me idc if you get blood clots and organ failure. In fact, pls take testosterone from amazon and tell us how that works out for you in say... 6? months
Those are not a man's hips.
My hips look like that.
My condolences.
why the fuck are you like 3-4ft tall.
For what? I'm hot as fuck.
I'm so sorry that you're not cute enough for any man to pound your ass.
>be fat
>be greasy
>be pimpley
>be autistic
>be smelly
>be ugly
thats you.
none of those are me and thats some awfully specific projection silly
if i wasnt cute i dont think guys would want to be fucking me.
I want you to fuck me. Checkmate, atheist.
I'm stronger than you.
I will if you're a cute trap or a girl
Now show that tight pucker
no im straight... i think
I'm too /fit/ for your tastes, but that's alright I know I'm an anomaly to many traps out there. Getting bent over by women and traps is my passion.
>femboys taking charge and domming big men
Bonus points if said man is intially a heterosexual with mixed and confused feelings
>tfw a trap has a bigger dick than you
Well guess il be a Sup Forumsirgin forever. HOW CAN STRAIGHT MEN EVEN COMPETE.
Link should put on a few pounds!
How do I shave my crotch area without damage?
Dick sizes are like dress sizes for women. They only really care if it's a microdick just like (fuck off thiccfags) men only care about whether or not a woman is a hambeast, not what dress size she wears.
Always use a new razor, let the shaving cream sit on the pubic area for a few minutes and soak into the skin before shaving, always shave with the grain, quick short strokes, dont drag the blade across your skin.
Is there something more heterosexual than traps?
How about the sack?
Also my butt, how do I even do that.
>trap on trap
>tfw trump literally allowed a tranny to take part in the miss universe contest because they were legally female
Trump confirmed for pro trap
Why does your cock look diseased?
>How about the sack?
Go slow, hold it taught with 1 hand and just try not to knick yourself.
As for your butt, stand with 1 foot on top of either the bathtub ledge or a toilet or something for leverage, then use 1 hand to spread the opposite cheek than your elevated foot and once again short frequent strokes, do not drag it across your skin. Be very gentle.
Im sorry burger but thats not a non mutilated dick looks like, aka forskin.
Unironically, getting fucked by an ovipositor and having your ass impregnated with eggs. Hey, they're both female organs and byproducts respectively.
How's the quality and sizing of the shirt? I was considering copping it and the smug one.
Not the foreskin you twat (although pull it back, fuck man). It so dark it looks like you swapped with a nigger. Also, where are your balls?
>where are your balls?
Underneath, they arent that big. Idk why dick is a different colour than the rest of my skin thats just how it is.
>hormones made me pretty much only like girls
which ones you took ?
Hormones? i take estrogen and testosterone blockers, called estrace and spironolactone i think.
Nice. I'd make you wear my panties while I suck you off
Thats gay user im straight.
>go from being a trap to being a shitty lesbo
Man that's so weird
Trannies are weird
How the heck did that make you attracted to women?
If i knew i would tell you. Also did one of my posts get deleted?
No it's not.
w-w-w-w-elll maybe if you look like a girl too then its ok
Are you a trap?
Fucking lost it
Is that cellulite?
How do you gayfags make LDRs work?
I cam with a cute guy quite often, and I really really like him, but he's so far away ;_;
>make LDRs work?
Skype every day, make concrete plans on meeting up. Dont cheat like a degenerate.