ITT: games that aren't as bad as people make it out to be

ITT: games that aren't as bad as people make it out to be

It's still pretty bad, user. Story is a solid 8/10 but the gameplay is pretty shit. Controls like shit, repetitive, unresponsive, the LAGGIEST fucking game I've ever played on any platform, etc.

is not that its bad (I actually enjoyed it), its just tat it was overly hyped during the years it was on development, to the point that it couldnt live to its own fanbase expectations

Fumito Ueda really does details in games that no one else has the patience to do. Though the problem with that is that it doesn't always make the most compelling gameplay. I do like playing The Last Guardian for my niece though since she likes Trico.

I have not really heard anything positive about this game, in spite of how well-liked Team Ico is and how anticipated this game was. Seems to me like it never came out on PS3 for a reason.

>controls like shit
>unresponsive, the LAGGIEST fucking game
The boy controls fine. He never walks off cliffs or anything unless the player inputs a jump. The only bad thing about the gameplay is the camera.

I think you have a point. But there were many times I had forgotten the game existed until the announcement that it was coming out in December. Bad marketing and a long time killed any potential this game had for making money (which was a lot given how well-received SoTC was).

I wasn't let down, and I think it was the best game I played that was released in 2016. It's the most heart-wrenching Ueda game for me; the last section had me nearly in tears. Trico is best boy.

So which one dies in the end?

Neither. Trico brings him back to his village and Trico flies away

It controls like shit, buddy. You try to take a step and the kid stumbles and trips over every extra polygon within a 10 foot radius. The only reason you'll ever die in that game is because you're forced to be a clumsy retard - and yes, I get it, he's a kid, not a marine or whatever, but that doesn't make it fun.

>the only bad thing about the gameplay is the camera

I actually didn't have many problems with the camera. Just the kid who trips over his fucking shadow. And the frame drops which are worse than any game on the PS4.

>But there were many times I had forgotten the game existed
honestly this is more fault of Sony as every gen they dump their past exclusives and prioritizes high risk concepts in an attempt of high rewards

>long time killed any potential this game had
I think this was the main issue, the devs never really explained that delays were more about the budget and less about improving the game as a whole, adding to the overhype montain the game was already building on

also thanks for ctually discussing the game, it has been a cancerous day on Sup Forums, too many shitposts and underages trying to start flame wars, it actully feels refreshing to find someone who actually bring coherent arguements to the table instead of childish insults

I liked the details. Though, I didn't really have him trip all that much. I found he controls extremely similar to the way Wander did in the HD remaster.

I may have noticed a lot of problems with the camera since I rode Trico a lot, I dunno. Still, loved the game and can't recommend it enough.

I'm a sucker for experiences that are endemic to the medium of video games. And this is one of those, which is incidentally the cause of all the emotional charged moments.

I dunno man, it really got to me. It just really got to me. I hated hearing Trico in pain, even if he can only die by falling.

>The boy controls fine.
Except slightly tapping on the control stick makes him take off at full sprint, which in a platforming game is unforgiveable. They also decided to map the combat roll and the completely useless "go forward a little bit and wang your head and stagger yourself" roll to the same button. With the camera being as fucking awful as it is, it's a crapshoot as to whether trying to do a backwards jump off a ledge or chain will result in either you going where you want to go or plummet to your death. Trying to climb down off Trico requires you to either mash the circle button, or far more expediently jump off the top of his head so he doesn't keep clinging to his fur like an asshole; I would have thought that pressing the button assigned to letting go of your grip when I'm on Trico would have been interpreted as me wanting to get the fuck off, not dropping six inches below where I was.

And that's just the problem with the boy, to say nothing of how Trico never listens to commands, occasionally doesn't catch you when he's supposed to, or my personal favorite, when he knocks me into a wall or low ceiling and I fall off to my death.

only hipster contrarian teenage Sup Forums hates it because, once again, it's popular.

>it's popular.
How fucking delusional.

i know right?

i don't get why people would get their hopes up for a game that was promoted at every E3 for like six years


>not as bad as people say it is
Well, most people don't say it's bad. Just contrarian faggots and people who think Egoraptor makes good arguments.

You just weren't burned by the game. When it came out if was such a fucking shit stain compared to what we expected.

you must literally have shit taste to bash this piece of art

what did you expect?

A good Zelda adventure.

Deservedly shit on. Completely turned me off of Zelda and the Wii in general.

No, really, what were you expecting? Because it was pretty much a goddamn 3D Zelda game. Weird right?

The game was great when it came out and it's still great.

its a nintendo title, they work on proven formulas with minor gamelpay changes between gens, honestly as a zelda game it was a solid 9/10

neo/v/ has come to.

I'll give TLG a slide because Trico was interesting but TP is fucking shit.

Archaic style of game. Should have been a PS3 title.

>Game has almost no story
>It's just a boy and his dog thing

Oh my god so deep gotta find the answers. I'm fucking cumming. This game is genius. By not writing a story, they've in fact written a masterpiece.

Still not making an argument user

You're not even trying.

Did you not finish it? It all comes together.

>I didnt like the game therefore anyone who enjoyed it has shit taste

Still I fucking cried like a little bitch. What the fuck, Ueda.

>This was one of the most awaited games of the last decade
>sequel to what many consider the greatest game of the PS2 library and even the entire 6th gen
>It's completely forgettable to the point where people have already forgotten about it
This is terrible. I thought after The Phantom Pain there couldn't be a more extreme example of this. And yeah, FFX was underwhelming too, but not like this. This was Mother Fucking Shadow of the Colossus
Does anyone else have this horrible feeling? I wouldn't mind if the game was bad in a different way, but being this forgettable compared to what it should have been it just almost makes me sick.
Just wait Half Life 3 will be the same way

Literally not as bad as you are saying.


Hnnnnngh, so deep. 99% of the game is just doing shitty puzzles from place to place. But the puzzles and controls are shitty on purpose because it represents a struggling journey. God my dick is hard. And at the very end, it's revealed that the barrels are PEOPLE. GEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNIIIIUUUUUUSSSSSSSS. Oh my god, please excuse me. This is quality stuff here. And it turns out other dog things are being controlled by a thing and then they all die for some reason after it's turned off. Not your dog thing though. Maybe it's because they have a strong bond! A deep bond! I shall cum at this grade A writing! Another masterpiece by this studio. I can't wait for their next game that features no gameplay or story and call it art. Because it is art.

Let's just say I'm glad I didn't pay $40 for it. Not a horrible game but not great either.


>i didn't pay any attention to the ending: the post

honestly if a game is delayed that long its not worth releasing it just because it must be constantly hyped to keep people interested enough to cash in, but in doing so the raise expectations to the point where it fails and is overly hated, and if they try to not over hype to keep audience interested the game is just forgotten to the point where its not profitable when it finally gets released, the best example of this is motherfucking duke nuhem forever, everybody involved in that dry turd should quit the industry at the very least

Honestly the controls are a bit of a pain but I really do love this game. The music/sound and atmosphere are fantastic, and I think the level design is pretty good.

not him, but I was also burned by the game when it came out. Hated it for a while even. If you were following it all the way to the release the developers really oversold how great it was going to be. Things like how vibrant the world would be, etc. The world we got was pretty barren, and the story was just fucking stupid

years later its actually become the zelda game I've replayed the most. Best dungeons in the series, and very enjoyable, despite the beginning and shit tier plot

SotC is a meme game that art fags pretend is good. It has almost no meaningful or challenging gameplay and it runs like shit. Because people pretend that shit game is good, people, for some reason, thought another shit art game was going to be amazing. I dunno why people think like this. You only have yourselves to blame, artfags. Don't let developers get away with making garbage and pretend it's some deep experience.

i love that game. Also had some of the truest "horror" moments in the entire series. The villa and the keep especially are some of my favorite levels in any game

I like how people bitch about the camera even though it's identical to SotC, which people praise as a work of art.

at least the camera fucking works.