The new face -and store- of PC gaming

The new face -and store- of PC gaming.

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I know right... too many people trying to make a living while you... uhhh... while you... uh....uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Aren't four of those furry porn games or something? Since when does steam sell porn of any kind much less furfaggot shit

They don't. I just did a search for several of them, they don't even exist on the store.

Some of them are just cropped doujin covers

I legit logged onto Steam just to see if Dayonta USA 2 HD and Chuchu Rocket were real. Even searched for got me good user.

>still hoping Daytona USA 2 PE HD happens with Daytona 3 hitting "arcades" this year.

What's that Castlevania game?

lmao bottom right cant be real
gonna check now this is too funny

>artificial academy 2 and bunny black
>would still openly play these games to steamfriends without giving a single fuck

>Toukiden 2
>Mobius Final Fantasy
>Winged Sakura: Demon Civil War
Fuck PC and fuck pc gamers.


Akumajou Succubus


>blue eyes
absolutely disgusting

Why isn't Sega porting fucking Chu Chu Rocket to PC, they are putting everything else from Dreamcast in.

Because they're flaming faggots and don't want more money.

they already made it through a flash version.

i actually do hope you get your wish, and pc becomes defunct
then there will be nothing to make your games on :^)

Why did you make this shit thread? It's not even hard to make Steam look like the shit it is without photoshopping.


>Windows Store



Fuck those games.

>Anubis is actually going to be on Steam
We're getting there

>since when does Steam sell porn of any kind
For a little over a year

Why are you upset? I don't understand what the relation between Nier, Toukiden 2, Mobius, and Winged Sakura being on PC is.


>Bayonetta 2 next


>he doesn't know

Inform me
Tell me
Explain it to me
Elaborate to me
Give me information

I'm aware of this
I'm just confused as to why people are going "Fuck" and "Fuck this"

What's with all the threads attacking PC lately?
Also the Xbox/Playstation stores a negligibly better, if not worse.
Just look a what sells the most on there

this has a link to uh, who cares

popular sentence "fuck Drumpf and fuck white people"

>better, if not worse.

Maybe people feel threatened or something




>dev decides to work on other projects again and again

>tinklebell on Steam
all my fucking money


Damn. Imagine having Artificial Academy 2 with Steam Workshop support?

and multiplayer.

>chu chu rocket

fuck yeah

I want a Sindoll game so much.