How did he convince millions of people that he's some sort of high brow video game reviewer with undeniable good taste? I feel like everyone should've realized how shallow he is when it comes to reviewing games when Matthew Matosis (i'm no diehard fan of him but his review of infinite was great) made him look like an absolute shallow pseudo-intellectual cunt for putting Bioshock:Infinite at the top of one of his top 5 lists.
How did he convince millions of people that he's some sort of high brow video game reviewer with undeniable good taste...
Other urls found in this thread:
His videos are funny but his actual opinions are generally pretty trash.
yeah this
i don't think anyone ever accused yahtzee of having good taste
This is the man that couldn't figure it out the dragon bridge in demon souls
then gave das a 10/10
he can't be trusted
It's okay to think Bioshock: Infinite is one of your top five. Everyone has their own taste and reasoning for why they like certain games.
And Yahtzee is entertaining because he acts pretentious. He pretends to hate everything even if he likes it. He said that in a video at one point.
He never claimed that his opinions are the true law of the land. He just gives his and they are subjective like everything else.
>Demon's Souls comes out
>he hates it
>Dark Souls comes out and becomes a highly rated memegame
>he suddenly loves it
>by the time 3 comes out he's full of himself and thinks himself a series veteran
>high brow video game reviewer
When has he ever tried to sell himself as some degenerate who likes viyda?
Don't act like you couldn't either. Literally everyone gets stuck there.
He's a comedian. His "reviews" are salt for the sake of comedy.
95% of people can't distinguish cynicism and wit.
>Nier Automata review
>spoils a ton
>generally acts uninformed
>jokes fall flat
>Gravity Rush 2
>stop at the first credits roll even though the game blatantly has more content after that
>then complains that the story didn't answer any questions that GR1 left unanswered
Yahtzee took a fucking nosedive. He lost his one defining trait and now he's just purposely being a bad reviewer for the sake of being bad
>loves fallout 3 because hurr vats gore
>loves skyrim because I don't even fucking know why that review was about as clear as a steel wall
>has a shitty policy of ignoring any possibility that a game can get better as it goes on
The only difference between him and jim sterling is that the latter doesn't wear a fedora. His taste and methods are just as vomit-inducing as jim's.
>How did he convince millions of people that he's some sort of high brow video game reviewer with undeniable good taste?
Nobody thinks that.
Fuck, nobody really thinks that, right?
>played all four games at least once
>isnt a series veteran
He talks fast and has le kinda posh accent so he must be smart!
I envy your optimism, user.
I think he admits the hype helped him give the formula another chance past it's casual filter.
He admits to like looking up walkthroughs and tutorials before starting das and that helped him like it.
>loves fallout 3 because hurr vats gore
>loves skyrim because I don't even fucking know why that review was about as clear as a steel wall
>writes off new vegas as nothing more than a fallout 3 reskin with hunger/thirst/sleep
>gets on his high horse about narrative and story in games every chance he can get
His reviews videos aren't meant to be taken seriously. They are just entertainment.
He's an entertainer.
>Gets paid to hate on [insert video game here]
>found a nice gimmick that sets himself apart from the others
Sounds like he reviewed one of your favorite games OP.
Stop shilling yourself matt, it's sad
The only reason people watch ZP is because he's good at talking shit. Not for masterful opinion on video games.
If it isn't Dark Souls 1 he's going to slam it. Anyone who sees his videos as legitimate reviews are braindead.
the only reason he was considered the "smart guy" for awhile was a lot of american gamers fell for the british accent meme.
now we're all conditioned to it and realize they're some of the dumbest people on the planet.
He's been doing it for years. He's not going to stop now.
I just like the sound of his voice. sometimes I'll just turn on a playlist of his reviews as background noise.
>bioshock infinite and shadow of mordor were his #1 games of the year
Can't be trusted
He plays all his games on easy and ignores multiplayer because people hurt his feelings.
Even though all modern games have mute options so that point is moot. I think it has more to do with the fact that he refuses to learn the game's fundamentals and gets mad when people don't let him win.
>jim sterling
>le current year man
Fuck me you're right, we need to step up our game.
Yep, he is a fake
People like AVGN too, no accounting for taste
I don't know why everyone thinks it's impossible to be bad at DeS then give it another go with DaS/reaplaying DeS with some basic knowledge about how to do shit to get into the series.
I jumped in blind with DeS and did dumb shit like trying to tank all blows with the shield, keeping distance from bosses when they attack instead of using the roll to get in their face, burned all my stamina, etc when I first started and I took some tips from the threads on here and got gud. Now I really enjoy the series and I even went and got a PS4 mainly so I could play Bloodborne.
>just watched the skyrim video because i dont remember a godamn word he said about it.
>Likes skyrim because unlike the other videogames, skyrim doesnt hold his hands
Blind runs is the worst advice to starting das and Sup Forums was all about that shit, fuck that, souls is only fun when you make it easy with knowledge
Or he is just squeezing last money from failing business and dont give fuck
It doesn't exactly put a fucking smile on my face when he has some of the worst double standards for video games, I swear he just looks at the metacritic score a game gets before he reviews it.
humorously shit
GOTY, unless it's a popular franchise because he needs to have that edgy cynicism feel
It's not that his tastes are bad, it's not even that he's not funny (that is definitely a problem however), it's the fact that the cynical reviewer who hates some popular games shtick has gotten stale and no one but people just discovering his videos are laughing at.
You have to be bloody bonkers to not glass yourself if you are born white in britain
I could never take him seriously after his monster hunter tri video
The one where he shit on the game, okay, he does that a lot, but then he later wrote in an article that he quit when he beat the great jaggi
And his criticisms of the game all happen to misrepresent the game as if there's nothing else to it but the (admittedly dogshit) opening
Literally like said, he can be funny but holy hell is he a terrible reviewer
>i-it's just his internet personality
Alright, faggot, either Yahtzee is an amazing method actor or you're just fucking wrong because he acts the exact same fucking way on ZP as he does on his unscripted LP channel, in interviews, side shows, fan encounters etc., fucking neck yourselves and anyone else who's tried to defend him with this trash argument.
He doesn't review, he does like a quick comedy critique. He's the last person i look at for info on a game. It's way too short and full of too many jokes to be that useful. Also they come out so late that everyone already knows how they feel on the game.
Well 3th is shitty place to start the series t: started from there and still stuck in the beginning
>threading your own post
Well the videos or not that funny and parrot Sup Forums's shittier opinions a lot
Sure but you also didn't make a "review" of it
neither did he but that's what a lot of his fans treat it as, so hey
Some of his indie reviews make a lot of sense (Braid, Limbo) but some he phones in. I fell for the Undertale meme, but last week when he suggested Night in the Woods, no, I'm not falling for that shit again. Undertale is interesting, I'm playing it, but no way is it any way considered for a top 5.
His thing is that he's not so much reviewing as just throwing his opinions out and trying to be amusing about it. He admits this and never says people should actually take him seriously.
Yeah, it's okay to have really bad taste and dumb opinions. It becomes a bad thing when you try to convince others that your way of thinking is valid or correct however
I'm not defending him, though. I'm just saying you'd be a fool to take his opinion seriously. It's clear that he loves shitting on games.
I have better taste than that faggot and I've even written more reviews, and I'm absolutely more coordinated at playing games.
But since they're not as funny and since he started before I did he's a literal God and I'm a literal who.
Fuck this gay everything
>people are still salty about this
so that makes it a shitty game then.
ZP is a lot of things but funny isn't one of them.
No, it's because he was one of those the only people publically willing to shit on games.
Compared to the legion of cocksuckers that is the video game journalist industry, he no doubt looked like Ebert to some people
Because he talks really fast. That's it.
You can convince just about anyone of below-average intelligence that you're smart if you say a lot and say it efficiently.
oh poo poo pee pee man? i stopped watching his reviews after i turned 14
>it actually took me till i was 17
fuck feels bad man
>hates Bioshock 2
>loves Infinite
>How did he convince millions of people that he's some sort of high brow video game reviewer with undeniable good taste?
He didn't. The fans themselves decided that. Yahtzee just spouts his opinion in a long winded rapidfire rant without much thought put into it and whether you find that entertaining is up to you.
I agree with this guy here.
>for putting Bioshock:Infinite at the top of one of his top 5 lists.
wasn't this on his top 5 shittiest or was that something else
anyway you're retarded for treating your impression of him as what you think he portrays himself as
>he portrays himself as
So he was merely portraying himself as having bad taste by making Infinite game of the year, or was that real?
Infinite was his favorite game of 2013 or something like that.
He even had a big fight with Gabe in his weird podcast let's play thing about it.
Yeah, last week's episode made me stop watching as well
That face made it into anime what the fuck
>tarofags on suicide watch
AVGN was the OG of video game reviewers/comedians.
>threading your own post
He's still relevant after ten years so he must be doing something right.
>he's some sort of high brow video game reviewer with undeniable good taste?
he has never presented himself that way, has often gone out of his way to deny any perceived authority he may have as a reviewer, and calls anyone who thinks is opinion is worth something an idiot
This is one of the saltiest threads I've seen in a while.
does ZP have autism?
Why don't you understand his comedy?
Anxiety as well
>he unironically believes that all FPS games are some sort of political neo-nationalist murder simulators
>just because modern FPS games take their "teams" from real world armed forces and terrorist groups which mean they somehow intentionally do this to promote some sort of hatred of people from other nations
no joke, this is actually what he believes just watch his reviews of FPS games, especially the cod o doodies ones
>implying that isn't accurate for cod and battlefield
When Yahtzee got BTFO to oblivion. #NeverForget
Don't forget your bottled water, goy
Yahtzee was RIGHT naming Bioshock Infinite his best game of 2013. Other than a few issues with his taste Yahtzee he is undeniably the best and most respectable game ceitic on Earth.
Meanwhile Matthewmathosis is a tasteless self-aggradizing retard who fails to grasp everything from subtleties to simple concepts but brainless, bigoted imbeciles like you look up to him like some guru because he makes long videos.
lol what a failure irl
Most of his viewers are American. Americans are impressed by accents.
I couldn't stand Fromsoft games until I played Bloodborne.
>its always nazis, russians or middle eastern people
>its either tired or raciss
>theres that one time a game made north koreans the enemy
>still racist
seriously, which country would it be okay to make a war game against AMURRICA (or the other allied nations) in which no one would complain?
You just described what a revire is. AN OPINION.
Actually, there's a lot of FPS games he likes, and it's specifically the Modern Military shooters he doesn't like. I think 4:30 of his Warfighter review sums it up pretty neatly.
never trust someone who calls themselves a "souls veteran"
case in point, Pat "literally wrong at everything" Boivin
That's the sensible opinion, yes.
To be honest, I only like him because he tends to share the same opinions as myself on most games, other than his dislike of Strategy Games or "Dad Games" as he calls them.
I also relate to his morbid sense of humor and angst, I find it funny.
>video games
>High brow
I'm done I fucking quit this is getting way out of hand there is not and never will be a "high brow" video game they are toys at worst and a passtime at best stop with this pretentious bullshit
but isnt that the point of modern military shooters, even earlier war era games
its for people to basically cosplay as soldiers and shoot the faces off of some other guy with a different flag, theres nothing political about it.
unless of course the player intentionally does read more into it
>using America at all
>not creating your own alternate reality for cool wars to take place in ala Ace Combat
CoD Ghosts fits that bill perfectly. It's literally about South America invading the U.S. with superior firepower. You can't gdt dumber than that.
>i bet this scrub levels dex
lmaoing at ur life senpai
>hated BioShock 2
Somewhat sensible
>loves Inifnite
America, Britain, Germany or any white country
(Russia is not white)
Did Matthewmathosis ever call out the Borderlands games for being based on inherently bad game design?
What's that? Oh, he never did? Then Yahtzee is better; I rest my case.
okay im getting tired of this meme
whats wrong with BS2
I bet you think video games are some great artform cause your life is in shambles
I've noticed his reviews getting less funny now as well. Slowly but surely, they're just not as entertaining anymore. Same for his Judging by the Cover series - there were a few episodes of that that had me genuinely laughing but now it's just sort of eh.
So which one are you? Racist or just retarded?
muh narrative
>lmao guys dont take video games seriously ur all like, losers and butt faces
>takes video games discussions seriously