The original Monster Hunter was revolutionary, and the definition of perfection. It did shit that had never been done, and reviewers hated it. It got panned. Once gamers caught on, and Monster Hunter became popular, IGN changed their extremely negative review to a positive one. Today, Monster Hunter games get high scores. Remember that the next time you see a game sitting at 60 on Metacritic.
The original Monster Hunter was revolutionary, and the definition of perfection. It did shit that had never been done...
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Yeah and now Nintendobabbies suck MonHun cock all day when back then they hated it on PSP, fucking fags.
>Nintendobabbies suck MonHun cock all day when back then they hated it on PSP
You're a retard. MonHan wasn't originally on PSP.
I know it wasn't originally on PSP
>tfw I liked monster hunter on both platforms
Grow the fuck up you man child.
First learned about Monster Hunter when MH3 came out for the Wii,I was like shit this thing is cool,I decided to buy a PSP to play Monster Hunter Freedom Unite , go fuck yourself
My hand is still permanently glued into a claw from playing it on PSP
I never understood the plesioth hate
I didn't hate it on PSP but Unite really isn't as good as people say. P3rd was good, but the easiest game in the franchise. MH3U is peak MH.
>being mad that MH got infinitely better when Capcom dropped sony
>all these faggots assuming shit
Nigger I bought a 3DS for Monhun and have 300+hours on MH3U, MH4, and I played the jap version of MHX early, MY PROBLEM is the stupid cucks who just recently hopped on the bandwagon just because it's now on a Nintendo system.
You fucking retarded, assuming cock stains. I hope monster hunter fucking dies with the last game being the easiest, most casual shit ever appealing to retards like yourselves, you guys over here attacking an early, early monhun player. Fuck you and the cocks you rode in on.
4U was peak fuck water, also online lobbies were better in 4U.
>first on PSP
what did he mean by this?
the hip attack hitbox is utterly retarded, it literally never touches you yet it can 2-shot you on average
>says tha bandwaggoning cucks are problematic for the franchise he loves
>Bashes it, hoping the franchise he wanted to defend not minutes ago turns into a pile of shit
Wew lads, the salt is real tonight
>i liek watur
So glad capcom never tried to appel to your shit taste
Youve got sonic bombs nigga, throw them
4U is just as good as 3U but for different reasons. Big 4U fault is it is plagued with god awful Gen 1 garbage.
and deal with the rage mode and the hip spam?!? fuck that hitbox
There are many things to hate about fish asshole
>sonic bombs working in MHFU
boy, plesioth in that game was an unfair lil shit.
Game Informer RIP originally gave Monster Hunter PS2 a 3 or a 5 out of 10. I looked for a long time but I could never find a reprint.
Thats what im saying. Ive actually played MHFU and i honestly never raged at plesioths. I remember being more upset at khezu
Shakira was wrong, fish cunt hips always lie, it never touches me for fuck sake
Too be fair, the game had a ton of bugs and the difficulty curve was a bit absurd for an audience that never experienced gameplay like it before.
I see you invested a lot of slots in Elec resist jewels, it would be a shame if someone spammed a level two roar
I figured my post was so good I'd repost it as an actual thread. You're welcome.
Khezu is a cakewalk to the fucking shitstorm that is rajang...
I played 4000 hours of the original. The only fucking bug is Rathalos flying around like a retard, and that's probably due to the PS2's limitations. It was actually endearing as fuck. It's something everyone could laugh at and complain about.
>I figured my post was so good
>only got two responses
>one is bait
>the other is a bash on ign
>whole thread is split between plesioth hate and hipsters bashing on nintendo players
that's because MH was shit before 3 with the sole exception of FU, and that was good due to it being an expansion of an expansion
Opinions that bad don't exist. Nice try.
I would say it became mainstream up to three, also before 3 every monster was a reskinned tigrex/kutku
I'd rather neck myself than play any pre-FU monster hunter, even then I'd still never play FU over 3U/4U and eventually XX
>sonybros will defend this just because it's on their platform
It wasnt popular in japan until it was on psp.
Again, nice try. I'm not a console war faggot. I don't have any brand specific loyalty whatsoever. Saying that the original games are bad in comparison to the later games is a joke because the series has barely fucking changed. Sober the fuck up and calm your autism.
>I'm not a console war faggot
neither am I, I've been nintendo/sony/PC since N64/PS1
>Saying that the original games are bad in comparison to the later games is a joke because the series has barely fucking changed
there was a huge mechanics overhaul in 3, and a pretty big on with 4 as well, not to mention a shit ton of conveniences and proper balance added
As someone whos played all of them that have been released you're full of it, first MH was clunky and mediogre as fuck, wasn't until portable 1 and 2 that japan started to care, and 2ndG being a masterpiece is what cemented it, the signifigant overhauls and qol changes that 3rd gen brought also helped get a lot more people into the series in the west in general
it has actually changed a lot, the monster's AI and movesets has advanced a lot compared to the early games, I have been playing ince OG and even bought a 3ds to play on the go and there's so much difference in gameplay, maps and monster interaction to the point that I just cannot enjoy pre 3 titles anymore
Yeah, you didn't play it. Nice try, though.
also, the quality of the monsters between gen 1/2 and gen 3/4 is also super noticeable with the latter being a lot better. The only thing you can ague is the elder dragons being better pre gen 3 compared to gen 3 but that ship sailed a while ago when 3rd/3U came out
The core mechanics are the same. If you played it at the time of release, you wouldn't be talking shit. It was revolutionary at the time.
>The core mechanics are the same. If you played it at the time of release, you wouldn't be talking shit. It was revolutionary at the time.
the same can be said about Devil May Cry 1, despite this 3/4 are far better (what a fucking coincidence, same company same intervals of quality). Saying "it was revolutionary for its time" is a shit argument and just proves that the games are poor if that's your only argument; pokemon Red/Blue were revolutionary but they are also the worst in the series
>That fucking video
One thing that triggers me the most is the Rathalos constantly leaving. what kind of shit is that?
>if you get used to the smell of shit it's not so bad!
how am I talking shit? because Im not praising pre-3 titles? sorry man but if you were looking for a circlejerk maybe lebbit would be more your place
>Still trusting reviewers
No. The games are only poor in hindsight. That's like saying the original Final Fantasy is shit because Final Fantasy VII exists. That's not how it works. Games evolve. Monster Hunter was fucking fantastic on the PS2 and PSP. Absolutely incredible. Some of the most addictive games ever made. People in this thread are saying the PS2 and PSP games are shit, when that's blatantly untrue. Also, your argument about Devil May Cry is retarded because the original is perfect and the rest of the series is flawed as fuck. Also, the original holds up today.
Alternate theory: Monster Hunter games got better, the series actually improved over time.
Just something to think about.
>Games evolve
so you admit gen 3/4 are better than 1/2?
>Monster Hunter was fucking fantastic on the PS2 and PSP. Absolutely incredible. Some of the most addictive games ever made.
I sense nostalgia in this post
>Also, your argument about Devil May Cry is retarded because the original is perfect and the rest of the series is flawed as fuck.
Alright I think I'm done here
MHFU will always be one of my favorite games
MH1 was pretty shit. Let's be honest. Freedom Unite is MH1 and 2 perfected.
People dropped thousands of hours into the original. Yeah, I'm notsalgic. Fucking sue me. I can't admit that future generations are better because I didn't enjoy them as much. I bought a Wii for Tri and I bought a Wii U for 3U. I bought a 3DS as well. I'm not a Sony loyalist. The original is just as good as the latest games, but only in context. If you're playing it today, then it's vastly inferior. You're correct in that sense.
Nice bait OP
ALso guys give me a reason to fire up XX if gens traumatized me because of how disappointing it was
>the only good DMC was the first one
damn son, at first I thought this was an actual discussion thread but now I see its just the random ramblings of a nostalgia biased fag
remember the tri commercials?
the base versions are always "disappointing" because the previous versions are enhanced with more difficulty/content, recall when tri was shat on by FU fags and now when gen is shat on (notice how gen 4 was never shat on since we didn't get 4, only 4U).
Just always go with the ultimate editions now
Devil May Cry has better mechanics than any of the sequels. It's the most refined game in the series. Sorry you can't see that.
xx is a properly developed gen, it covers every fawls gen has, like a proper plot, a better scalation system, we finally get catch missions for the fated four and other classic monsters, there are new monsters, elder dragons and an exclusive g rank neopteron, and we finally get alternate fated four and a G rank
But will it come out in english?
If Gen disappointed you, I'm not sure why you'd like XX. It's the same thing, but with more content added onto it. Although if you didn't like Gen because of too little content I suppose this is right up your alley.
Do you really think those jews won't make a worldwide release? They know monhan fans will buy every edition
I wish he came back for the newer games.
rajang is just a skill check thatalot of people cant get over because if you and your party just spam traps on him and bring atleast one hammer he gets rekt
Only capcom knows, but seeing how the previous did overseas it would be a mistake to leave it as a japan exclusive
Same thing happened with God Hand. Didn't quite happen with Dragon's Dogma, but close enough.
What's with Capcom releasing games that review poorly but are actually fucking amazing? Do they have bad relations with the journalism circuit or something?
sorry to pop your bubble but the game is already out in japan, still they may release it for Murica too
I'm retired due to fatigue. Played thousands and thousands of hours. I'm waiting for a console Monster Hunter. If I can't attack with the right analog stick, I'm not playing. Hoping for a PS4 release. Brand new engine. If you're a console war faggot triggered by what I just said, fuck off. I got nothing against Nintendo. It's Sony's fault for hurting CAPCOM's feelings.
I don't understand why people think that using traps is "cheesing", it's in the fucking game and using them to avoid rage modes is a viable strategy. The monster won't give you any mercy, and as a hunter you're supposed to use all the tools available to you.
people are fucking stupid
wait what? there are people who dont use traps? how are you supposed to farm G rank then?
have you played 3u or 4u? pub rooms dont do shit.
Traps are invaluable to breaking specific and annoying parts to break.
Monster Hunter has always been bad for elitism. You can thank GameFAQs. Just ignore it and play how you wanna play. Not using traps will make you a better player, but there's nothing wrong with utilizing the tools you're given.
I only use traps for rajang horns most of the time. Everything else is fairly easy to break in the game.
thats mostly true for high rank but in G rank my party always run traps, guess im lucky then
Honestly I just think that lore wise Im this human trying to fight this big ass dragons using only my brain to compensate the size difference, how are bombs different to traps in that sense?
>XX released
>The urgent to get into g-rank is hunting a hr diablos
>There were people who actually bitched about how bullshit diablos was
>Laugh as I bully it to death with sonic bombs and traps
>tfw the last time sleepbombing was viable was tri with alatreon/jho
farming =/= not being able to beat a boss
MonHun 3 and 3U are literally one of my most played games on console.
Probably have 800+ hours on both.
Fuuuuck, I wish I could play MonHun on console again.
I just want a standard god damn Monster Hunter on a home console again
No fucking styles
No water
No mount spamming
Just good ol' thwacking big monsties with my comically large weapons along with my friends
3U is as pure as I am every going to get and I hate it
Why do you hate it?
If you guys want MH on a console so bad, you can always play Frontier.
I worded that poorly, I mean that I hate that it will never be like 3U again
There's literally nothing wrong with using traps and bombs. Every single weapon is fair game. Every single item is fair game. The less items you use, the more skilled you'll become. That doesn't matter, though. Ignore all the faggy elitists who wanna tell you how to play. Video games are toys, and the only thing that matters is whether or not you're having fun.
How the fuck is 3U pure? I hated 3U. Multiplayer was garbage because every single monster died in two minutes. It wasn't like that in older games. They dumbed it down, and I have no clue why.
>the best Monster Hunter is the best I'm going to get
sounds like the same shit that happened to Nier although if anything it was sitting at 60 for good reasons
reviewers only scored Automata favorably because it was part of a niche series that suddenly got a ton of publicity because of SE and Platinum shilling it like crazy and they thought it would make them look like they have credibility and "cultivated" tastes if they said they liked it
game itself is fucking dogshit like the rest of the series
>The original Monster Hunter was revolutionary, and the definition of perfection.
It was nearly unplayable because it was the most awkward garbage ever
what the fuck is this ridiculous revisionism
It's pure because it has no bullshit tacked on aside from the shit water fights. And no other non-moonrune, online MH is on the home console, so it's as good as I'm going to get. I hate playing MH alone, it's boring
>every monster dies in 2 minutes
what, did you not fight late game monsters like abyssal lagi or lucent nargacuga? also all monsters die in 2 minutes if you get them in a trap/stun loop
I hyped the game and bought it at launch. It was fucking incredible. Sucks that you were eight years old when it came out.
>Im this human
Hunters are demi gods, nothing kills them, the NPCs you see in the village are humans, wyverians or troverians.
Funny you say that because only a kid could have found that garbage enjoyable. Series didn't become decent until later.
I'm retired. Someone red pill me on styles. The fuck are you guys talking about?
Hunters have elder dragon blood or something like that.
They are not humans.
How the fuck did you kill a golden beard ceadeus in under 2 minutes?