>Hideki Kamiya, famed Japanese video game developer, gave an exclusive interview with IGN regarding his popular Viewtiful Joe series (translated from Japanese). In particular, we wanted to know: whatever happened to Viewtiful Joe 3?
>"With any series, be it movies or video games or anything else, the producers and investors have opinions. This isn't a bad thing by itself. The bad part comes in when they try to tell you their opinions. Viewtiful Joe was popular and famous, but it made no money. This was good enough for me, but not for the people who actually pay to make the game."
>"For the third game in the series, they wanted it to sell a lot of copies, so I consented to hear some of their ideas. I don't really remember all of them, but they were so awful that when I refused to even consider them, they told me I wouldn't get funding for another game. I told them 'okay.' This is why Joe never finished his series. You might be disappointed at this, but I promise it was for the best."
>"The first person told me that talking animals test well with the under-14 demographic, and that colorful and stylized games also test well with the under-14 demographic, so he wanted a third playable character, in addition to Joe and Sylvia, to be a talking dog. Since Joe uses his fists and Sylvia guns, he suggested the dog would use a sword in its mouth. I told him I would consider it as a boss at the absolute most. I was lying."
Hideki Kamiya, famed Japanese video game developer...
Other urls found in this thread:
>"The only suggestion I honestly considered was basing a level on the 'Scary Movie' franchise, which even back then in 2007 was very popular, except because that franchise is so stupid and one-dimensional, the level would just be a cheap-looking set with people referencing pop culture, and all of the pop culture would be Capcom games, and there would be no jokes at any point in the level. I thought was actually sort of clever. In retrospect, I think I wouldn't have done it, though, because [Scary Movie] is much less popular in Japan."
>"At one point, someone insisted we base a level on Paranormal Activity, which back then was at the height of its popularity, and the level would be set in a haunted house while the player is implied to be a couple watching Joe and Sylvia via cameras they set up throughout the level. I said this idea was stupid."
>"One person felt acting is an important part of movies, so for a game satirizing movies, it should be an important part of this as well. He told me that our third game should have a famous voice actor play the villain, and market it heavily. He told me some options, but the only one I remember was 'That American with the scratchy voice, the English-language video game crowd loves him.'"
>"After hours of suggestions like these, I told them to let me make the game my way or to pull the plug on the franchise. I don't have to tell you which they chose."
FUCKING rest in peace Joe, I never found out what your shirt (HMD) stands for
At least Joe died with his dignity in-tact. Can't say the same with alot of Capcom franchises.
The worst part is that the second game ended on a cliffhanger.
Why not just make a spiritual success?
He did it with Bayonetta and DMC.
TW101 is kind of a spiritual successor though not in the gameplay department. The prototype design for Viewtiful Joe and a Sylvia-esque character are both Wonderful Ones you can find though. I honestly doubt if gameplay like Viewtiful Joe would even sell today.
At least Kamiya has some fucking dignity.
I cant fault him on that.
I'd rather the series die than flounder in shit.
>Kamiya turned down Sif being a playable character in Viewtiful Joe 3
Why do we like this guy again?
Popular theory is that it stands for His Master's Dance which is a Captain Blue movie.
>side scrolling
>retro kitsch
>beat-n-slash gameplay
It's made for the fucking indie market.
Crazy how a popular and famous game could be unprofitable then. Now it must be an even harder sell. I really don't see what mechanics could be added to keep the series fresh while staying a side-scroller.
I still want 3 though.
Capcom keeps fucking up, they aren't anywhere near how influential they were a decade ago. They will let Kamiya make the game as he wants.
The paranormal activity idea sounds fun as hell honestly
So did the first one. It's in character for the movie thematic.
Probably not, but honestly, VJ is pretty much the only game of its type that I know of, so I ant say for sure. 2D beat-em ups aren't the rarest thing in the world, but 2D beat-em ups given the application of Hideki Kamiya super moves, combo juggling and gameplay grading basically do not exist outside of VJ
>popular and famous
It was a cult classic at best like pretty much all of Kamiya's other stuff.
Name a better Viewtiful Joe track, you can't.
Is Clover/Platinum the one dev with consitantly good OSTs?
I would have loved a general horror level. Maybe something with 80's slashers.
For Jap developers what their investors mostly consider is merchandise and franchise strength, not necessarily just raw copies sold.
>Tfw no Jason Vorhees boss
This right here: youtube.com
>tfw trying to play the honking part in real life
>the honk isn't the same
it hurts
It's a good thing that Another Joe's theme is outstanding given that it's the worst fight in the game.
Bosses that you have to constantly find and chase only works for MGS3. It's shit everywhere else
I mean, I'm glad to have some closure, but goddamn. I knew the reason behind the series suddenly dying a quiet death had to have been a decision from higher ups about it not selling enough, though.
At least Kamiya stuck to his guns rather than tarnish his series by his own hands.
>Kamiya says ask Capcom about Viewtiful Joe 3 getting made
>Capcom says ask Kamiya
Was I the only one who didn't like Viewtiful Joe 2 as much as the first game? It just lacked a certain charm.
did you guys check the link
because it's not an actual link
i fear we're being rused
> third partner to be a dog with a sword
> makes a game about a wolf with weapons anyways
Damn it kamiya
Not every series needs to be a fifteen+ game epic. There's only so much you can really do with a series like Viewtiful Joe regardless. It was already starting to feel like it'd run its course by the second game
i dropped it in 2 levels after beating the first one, it's not just you IMO
i couldn't stand it
I'm willing to bet that "unprofitable" means that it just didn't start the billion dollar franchise Capcom wanted. It's pretty stupid too because why would it? You have to be familiar with movies to get any of the jokes. Then they made a cartoon for kids and tried to force it with those dumb DS games. Capcom really is a special kind of stupid.
>Doing smoking sick style moves while in slow-motion zoomed in to your ass with ability to run at normal speed in said slo-mo
Yeah, it totally would not sell.
I agree but keep in mind there was an anime on the foxbox
The mech fight at the end was pretty cool.
It's not like Platinum makes games that sell nowadays. Despite all the Nier memeing, I full expect it to sell less than a 1 million. Hell, we can't even get DMC5
It felt like more of the same to me which was good. Though they didn't really do anything special with Sylvia as a playable character.
Though if there's any difference, the first movie feels more well grounded and the levels are more cohesive with the city levels, the submarine, the underwater city, then building up to going into outer space. With the second one the levels took on more specific themes and were kind of all over the place. I didn't mind that though.
It was a bit rehashy in some aspects, especially the boss gauntlet.
The final boss was GOAT though.
Seconding this, unless my google fu is weak because I can't find a recent article of Kamiya talking Viewtiful Joe.
oh well, at least it was a nice way to start a Viewtiful Joe thread, we don't get many of these ever.
Who cares? Viewtiful Joe thread!
Amaterasu is a decidedly non-talky animal. Its sounds like they wanted something ala-Morgana in terms of 'blatant mascot animal,' assuming what OP posted is true, which it probably isn't.
glub glub glub glub
I hope so because most of the ideas there sound solid
>Is Clover/Platinum the one dev with consitantly good OSTs?
Was there any point to mach speed.
Other than fire gimmicks, not really. Zoom + Red Hot One-Hundred pretty much raped everything in the game. And Dante's zoom Stinger exploit was even more fucking ridiculous.
Made you immune to fire.
kek I thought it was suspicious when I read "an exclusive interview with IGN[...] (translated from Japanese)." This does sound like an authentic board room talk-down though.
crowd control
think this is the first game I learned about juggling and combos.
Fuck it I'm going to explain this shit because I doubt alot of people even know about it. If you picked Dante and did his sword combo that ended with a Stinger, and slow+zoomed right as the Stinger it, it did absolutely ludicrous amounts of damage. I'm talking 4 Health bars of Ultra V Rated Fire Leo in one pop type of damage.
>so he wanted a third playable character, in addition to Joe and Sylvia, to be a talking dog. Since Joe uses his fists and Sylvia guns, he suggested the dog would use a sword in its mouth.
>tfw you refused to play Joe in MvC3 because he didn't have his original VA.
Also didn't help that he was pretty mediocre and Capcom left out a punch of potential moves.
>nobody actually checked the link to make sure it's legit
Actually, this just reinforces the fact that OP might be fake and gay.
If this was in 2016 Kamiya would have mentioned Ammy, at least in hindsight, as a potential slot for that character if he ever wanted to go back and bow to their demands.
However, all signs point to OP being a massive faggot.
Think Poochy from the simpsons with a sword
At least he got a Viewtiful Joe thread going.
Yeah, I guess his sins are forgiven just for that.
Good fucking game, and it surprises me so many people haven't played it. Especially since Wiis are effortless to hack and Dolphin is one of the most well made emulators ever.
its a 404.
its kinda obvious
I was thinking more of the dog from jet set radio
I'm glad he decided not to get cucked out of his creation.
It happens way to often.Some guy out there rips your rights out of your Mona Lisa and sprinkles it to your displeasing because he has a superior right over your and bam,you get something forced and repulsive like Metal Gear Survive.
People mock indieshit sure,and they have a lot of faults without a doubt,but I'm starting to think they might be where good games will bloom more.It's like Guns and Roses:way better when it didn't have too many people.
I wish we had more one man gems like Cave Story.
I accidentally found out about that and absolutely raped Gran Bruce. My jaw fucking dropped.
Ammy isn't a dog! She's clearly a wolf!
and she doesn't talk.
to be fair, while the sword was the hardest hitting, it was ridiculous to use and the shield and bead combo was much more fun. opinions and all that
WMD was being talked about a lot at that time as a reason to go to war with Iraq. IRAQ HAS WMDS!
So I always thought it meant Human of Mass Destruction.
Why doesn't someone just ask kamiya what HMD means.
>The first person told me that talking animals test well with the under-14 demographic, and that colorful and stylized games also test well with the under-14 demographic, so he wanted a third playable character, in addition to Joe and Sylvia, to be a talking dog.
Holy shit it's L I T E R A L L Y Poochie!
Issun does the talking for her
I swear to fucking god, Huey
This isn't even your fucking series.
>Not takin money and ruining your shit
This is how you do it america
Haskyour Mom, Dlocked.
>Is Clover/Platinum the one dev with consitantly good OSTs?
With trash like MGR on their record? No sir.
Yeah that rap hiphop soundtrack for Mad World sure was great /sarcasm
>but 2D beat-em ups given the application of Hideki Kamiya super moves, combo juggling and gameplay grading basically do not exist outside of VJ
because it's cliche as fuck and stupid as fuck.
Took fucking years before anyone bothered to upload this.
man that game totally sucked!! how did they botch it so hard?
It's a video game tie-in to an anime based on a video game, it was doomed from the start. I'm sure a Mario game based on The Super Mario Bros. Super Show would have been terrible as well.
something about this just looks really boring.
like they go through all this effort for the animations, the particles, the hit stuns the COMBOOOOOO all that.
but it just doesn't look that intersting.
Like it's void of anything resembling an idea.
Like the creator was so unsure that they just said "yeah aztecs, no one did that, that'll carry my game"
Do these games emulate well? I never got around to playing them back in the day.
Heck yeah they look beautiful too
Nice, I'll give them a go as soon as my terrible internet connection has finished downloading them.
I always hated the way the game looked because it came off as so fuckin blurry for how detailed it was at that resolution. Woulda killed for HD Viewtiful Joe so long ago.
> third playable character, in addition to Joe and Sylvia, to be a talking dog. Since Joe uses his fists and Sylvia guns, he suggested the dog would use a sword in its mouth.
Sometimes execs do come up with good ideas
Does the GameCube version of VJ2 have inferior graphics to VJ1? Because it was developed for PS2 mainly?