Breasts get bigger in the sequel

>breasts get bigger in the sequel

Other urls found in this thread:

>games will never have these kinds of breast physics

>character is drawn with larger breasts in fanart

Good. That's absolutely fucking awful.


>breasts are even larger in promotional material than in-game

>she never got her tits back

>bikini armor actually has less defense value
>use it anyway


Most fighting games do this


Big breast envy is a gift from the heavens

Only thing better is girls that are already busty being jealous of girls even bigger

You get the best of both extremes, and all the feelings of improperness, insecurity and "emasculation"
I wish there was cuck lewds of it

Does fattest tits makes fattest fart sound ?


>breasts get bigger over the course of the game

Name some please

i want to fuck the shit out of that pink girl

Video games

>my fetish gets a thread on Sup Forums

Omega Labyrinth

Oppai Dungeon

Start posting before the janny gets here, negro

i dont remember this

It's an OVA


>tfw no Manyuu game

>tfw no S2

is for Vita, is for PC

>we only got a shitty costume for lollipop chainsaw

That guy on the bottom left looks like the son of Joey Wheeler and Space Dandy

>that one brown skinned dyke from the fishing village
Man if only something happened between her and the MC


I take it this doesn't have any kind of translation.


>series makes sure to have at least one titty monster every game no matter what

>Breasts get bigger in the precuel


I used to always use them but ever since they went full retard about ads I can't even be fucked with them

Search in Sup Forums archives for the filters i would post them but im already in bed.

There was a thread about it recently.

