Are you going to buy the dlc?
Are you going to buy the dlc?
SMT if
Arena Ultimax
What's that next to DAN? That's the only one I'd consider.
Call me autistic, but I want to keep the masked thief thing going on, so most of the costumes don't just make sense to me.
Getting the Catherine one just for the battle theme.
When they add a Lavenza/Twins date, sure. Japs are clamoring for it so it's very likely.
Sure, whenever a firmware spoofer allows us access to PSN.
Arena Ultimax
I'm gonna buy the fuck out of that Catherine DLC, that's for sure. Good god Makoto and her fucking hips. Maybe the SMT If uniforms too, I always liked those.
It's kind of overpriced in my honest opinion. Shit even Tales of Berseria has multiple outfits for each character at the same prices.
Swimsuits yes. Others, maybe.
Why are the blond girl's eyes so far apart, holy shit?
swimsuits are free along with the christmas and butler ones
>DLC is ok when it lets lonely weebs play dress up with waifus
Man that just made my day. Thanks, user.
I mainly want the battle themes that you need to wear them to listen to
That casual clothing, DAN, and Arena Ultimax look pretty cool.
The only ones I might buy are the Catherine ones. Otherwise I'll make do with the free ones (casual, swimsuit, butler, Christmas).
I may buy the Thanatos or Messiah personas, not sure.
Why the fuck do they need schedules for skins that are already done?
That's it, I'm getting If as well. That theme's too good.
They're stringing it out to hide the fact that there's a ton of day one DLC on disc. I think the Japanese version did the same thing.
All those outfit packs that only show MC, side kick and blonde slut are also available for the other party members, right?
Are these legit remixes? Cause if they are holy fuck I have to get them then
Yes, everyone gets an oufit. But I don't know if they all get unique ones.
Probably just the P4 one cause I enjoyed that BGM a lot.
Why would I buy DLC for a game Amazon is never gonna fucking ship to me?
>those Catherine costumes
Fuck me that's cool. Might actually buy that one.
Not bad.
Just be aware that the P4 gives you Time to Make History from P4G. The Dancing All Night one gives you some remix of Reach Out to the Truth. Base Reach Out to the Truth doesn't seem to be in the game.
>My TYH edition is being delivered today
>tfw the costumes won't be out for me to get until tomorrow
>Base Reach Out to the Truth doesn't seem to be in the game.
Simply fucking ebin. What the fuck fatlus
I'm more interested in the accessories, does anybody know what comes with what?
Not a fan of the song, but it does feel weird ATLUS isn't including P4's staple battle theme.
Yeah you can see them in some gameplay videos.
Ryuji isn't a slut he actually has a very hard time getting women
Why is her face a squid?
Because my ink leaks from her mouth.
I'll CONSIDER P1, that outfit is the best and if the tracks it comes with are good then I'll get it for sure.
Raidou and Raidou only
It comes with Lone Prayer.
Is there any story DLC for Persona 5?
Best girl gets best Katherine outfit, so just that one.
No. It's just costumes and unique Personas from previous games like Thanatos, Izanagi and so forth.
Probably not
my game unlocks in 7 hours, are the dlc dlc day one?
I want that Katherine set godammnit
Paid DLC is stringed out.
Free DLC is day 1 with the subs. Read
The "personas" in those games looked way cooler than the Personas in the Persona games, funnily enough
you'll probably be on NG+ by the time Catherine comes out. no reason to be spaced this apart.
when it goes on sale