Rate my PS4 game collection, Sup Forums. What games should I add to it?

Rate my PS4 game collection, Sup Forums. What games should I add to it?

>on console

>at all

Calm down

Why don't you post that to reddit where you will get thousands of updoots, since this hilarious post is the most reddit thing I've seen on here today

>implying Bethesda games aren't reddit as fuck

Try and return Fallout 4 if you just bought it. I'm only going to suggest exclusives here

Dragon Quest Builders
World of Final Fantasy
Odin Sphere
Infamous Second Son
Yakuza 0

Avoid Uncharted like the plague

Persona 5.

>10/10 edgy

All the essentials

i hate when games plaster that 10/10 shit on their covers. hideous.

Remove the entire right half of the collection (or kill yourself) and add Yakuza 0.

Don't listen to anyone recommending Nier Automata unless you're 15/younger or have an IQ below 100.

Your collection is that small and you're buying multiplats for it? Have you skipped out on 8th gen untill recently or something?

Nioh's mediocre flavor of the month junk. Nier Automata, FFXV, World of FF, and Horizon are shit. Don't waste your money.

Disgaea 5 if you want some tactical RPG with light story and shitloads of gameplay mechanics to explore.
Gravity Rush Remasterd and Gravity Rush 2 for unique gameplay/combat, great characters and semi-decent story
Gundam Breaker 3 if you're into big fighting robots with lots of customization options and don't care about graphics.
inFamous games if you can find them cheap and want a "superhero" open world game (seriously tho, find them cheap, for me it was $10 for SS and $5 for FL and at that price they are great value).
NieR Automata for 2B(utt). And story and gameplay, but those are secondary.
NiOh if you enjoyed Bloodborne and are looking for more of the same but a bit different.
Ratchet & Clank if you miss some old school cartoony platformers. Now this is not one of them, but it's doing decent job at filling that void.
Uncharted if you want movieshit mixed with mediocre gunplay which results in really enjoyable experience (at least for me it did).
Yakuza 0 if you don't want to have gameplay with your movieshit, but instead want the drama gauge turned up to 11 and also want to watch this tough manly men ending up in really wacky, weird situations.
Witch And Hundred Knight Revival if you want your MC to be a fucking edgelord. Also enjoyable gameplay.

Hey now. Why doesn't North America land of the Free get a Bloodborne Game of the Year Edition?

>I hate fun

When a game with something as iconic as BATMAN does it, it's hideous. When a game that'd be ignored by 95% of the retarded masses otherwise does it, it's ignore worthy.

Considering you're buying bethesda trash on a fucking console, it's safe to say you don't have a good pc. In this case,

Nier Automata
Nioh if you can find it cheap (really repetitive and dull but good gameplay, I regret paying full price for it)
Horizon Zero Dawn (outstanding game, don't listen to Sup Forums mad as fuck pcbros spilling their jelly)

>nier automata is shit

I'm an idort who thinks Horizon is very pretty but a shallow game and absolutely not worth 60 bucks.

>muh spammy combat
>muh chink author

I've sunk 150 hours into BotW and am still having fun. Nier's story is retarded (filled with adolescent existentialist ideas that have been explored in more artistically interesting ways that actually elaborate on them in the past 5 years than can be counted) and its gameplay is dull and repetitive. Nioh is a poor man's Dark Souls that's only hard for the first hour and has no story at all. FFXV is incomplete garbage. Horizon is The Witcher 3 with less of a pornographic and retarded story and just as much mindless side quests devoid of ideas and intelligence.


nice try bud, N:A is one of the best games of the decade and no amount of shitposting can take away from that

Nier is shit. Only weebs, autistic manchildren who haven't read a book since high school and horny teenages would think it's anything special

t. Nintendo shill

>Horizon Zero Dawn
Get some taste

This is a very stupid opinion.

I'm mad Samurai Jack was pushed to next weekend to make room for Rick and Morty.

>nioh's mediocre flavor of the month junk

Lol wat

I bought the Wii U used to play it with every intent to return it within 30 days for a full refund. I've been playing the game for two weeks. It's the best game to come out since Bloodborne.

The shit is that? Don't you have any good games?

>good gameplay
>repetitive and dull
A game cannot be both of these unless you are a faggot who values useless shit over gameplay. Guess what you are?

>Been out for 4 years
>Only have 4 games for it
So this..
Is the power...
Of consoles..

>muh existentialism isn't deep!
If you seriously think that's the only thing the game offers in both a thematic and narrative sense, im sorry you dove 3 ft deep into a 10ft deep pool

Whatever you decide to pick up, do not purchase Natural Doctrine

please elaborate on what this anime trash does that MGS2 didn't do better when it comes to what isn't a copy paste of Descartes, Nietzsche, and Sarte's ideas.

i have that legend of dragoon game for my ps1 but i never played it. is it any good?

It iseems great. Highly recommended and is one of the better JRPGs on the PS1

Oneechanbara Kagura ZII Chaos is fun and should still be on sale on PSN

Digimon World: Next Order

i loved ps1 jrpgs. may have to give it a shot after i get through persona 5


Yakuza and Digimon. You obviously aren't allergic to playing multiplats on console, so you might as well pick up Doom 2016 while you're at it.

How is Anima? I was about to buy it earlier.

>any opinion i disagree with is reddit
idk what's funnier, your fragility and insecurity about your opinion or the fact you actually defend bethesda

>I haven't played any of the games I'm talking about