PS4 vs Pro?

Please no meme answers I'm hoping to get some actual answers besides reading some shit reviewer articles that's just shilling for the pro. Is the pro honestly worth the extra cost? I have no 4k tv but reading up it said that it boosts the processing even on normal 1080p. I'm wondering if I should just stay cheap and get a refurb basic for $270 or pay the extra for a smoother play experience. I already have a few games that I played on my roommate's ps4 when I was staying with him so I don't care about bundles

Thanks in advance anons

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No. I owned both a regular and a ps4 pro, tried it on different TVs. There's no difference between a pro and regular unless you have a 4k tv, the smoother experience is hardly noticeable. If anything you should get a slim

Fuck that, unless you plan to get a good 4k tv soon, use the extra money you save to buy some games.

don't listen to this moron.

a lot of games released after the Pro came out have higher/more stable resolutions and framerates compared to the regular PS4, even on a 1080p tv.

Thanks I guess if I don't find any deals or anything I'll just get the uncharted ps4 slim bundle kudos user

It depends. If it's your first PS4 there's just no reason to get the base version. You save $130 but all future games are forced to have some sort of Pro mode and as seen with Nioh, Kingdom Hearts, The Last Guardian, and Horizon the Pro version is superior to the base versions. Normal games without a Pro patch get better performance (How much depends per game) due to Boost mode. Keep in mind everything I'm talking about here is on the 1080p mode, not the 4k mode.

I bought a Pro and have no regrets, but if the $130 jump is just too much then maybe you should just wait a bit more for a price drop. Buying a regular PS4 as it stands now is a waste of your money when basically for the price of a game or two you get better performance that is guaranteed in the future.

I owned both an original ps4 and a ps4 pro. I don't have 4k or hdr tv, but some games still look better and smoother on ps4 pro.

Games will runs better on the pro and has better graphics. Get a pro if it's your first ps4

I don't think it is
For one most of the games that are 4K have to be updated by those devs, I've heard it overheats like crazy, and if you don't have a 4K tv I wouldn't get it. Unless you're a digital fag the memory spaces comes in handy.

I own a slim, I've probably had 2 issues in my 6 months of owning it, fps rarely drops, if you get a refurb just make sure it's factory issued, otherwise I recommend just getting a bundle they're pretty cheap

If you can afford it, go with a pro. Even on a 1080p tv, you'll get higher resolutions and steadier framerates in a lot of games. Nioh, for instance, runs in 1080p60 on the Pro and 720p60 on the base model.

Ah see that's what I was wondering the guy at gamestop was way too vague when I asked him about the boost mode so it's good to hear it better explained. I was looking at Horizon for the pro version too and I didn't even know about KH so i'm sure that boost mode is a very well needed adjustment, thanks

It's really stupid to buy the obsolete hardware when the Pro is 2.3x more powerful and it's barely more expensive. With Boost mode, it even makes older games that didn't get patched better, like Bloodborne.

How does boost mode work?

you have to turn it on in the system settings.

if the game doesn't have Pro settings enabled, it uses the more powerful hardware to boost the performance of the game. results are not guaranteed though.

You check a box and it allows the CPU to run at a faster clock speed in games that were released before the Pro. At best, it helps games achieve a steady framerate if they struggled to hit their target.

Games that aren't enhanced for Pro get higher framerates. It won't go above the cap still, but it does help stabilize games that had a lot of stuttering. Bloodborne is a great example because all of the slowdown is virtually gone now

Essentially games get a boost in framerate if they don't have a Pro patch made for them. The Evil Within goes from like 16-20 to 30 solid, Assassin's Creed Unity goes from 20ish to solid 30 just off the top of my head. Bloodborne also becomes stable 30 all over no matter what. Sometimes it's pretty insignificant though, Killzone goes from 38ish FPS to 42-44 that shifts and I know one other game that's popular displays the same kind of thing.

For KH it's only for 0.2, the Pro version runs at 1080p 60FPS whereas base PS4 was 900p at around 30FPS with drops if I'm remembering correctly, and with that as an example we know 3 is going to work much better on a Pro or at least have the better framerates and visuals. Horizon is basically made to take advantage of the Pro as that was what they were advertising it with all this time.

You go to system settings and turn it on. It just lets games use the same power as if they had a Pro Patch made for them rather than dropping down to PS4 specs, they're just not properly optimized.

Glad to hear actual opinions about the both and that boost mode seems worth the extra investment since i have bloodborne and am planning on getting horizon and kingdom hearts

I know where my tax return is going now thanks anons i'll let this thread die now incase any anons still wanna talk about the pro in here

it boosted cpu and gpu speeds if it doesn't lock in the game.

Just be cautious if you do get the PS4 Pro.

I got mine when it released and didn't have any problems with it until recently. My games started crashing randomly while playing. It would hard lock the console, forcing me to unplug the power supply. Have to send it to Sony for repairs.

If you can, get the warranty for it if they offer it at the store. They'll replace it for you there instead of you having to send it to Sony and wait weeks for it

You get a 1TB HDD instead of 500GB on top of a bit of extra performance.
If you feel like that justifies an extra $100-150, then get the Pro.

>planning on getting horizon and kingdom hearts


So that's how. Now I'm actually interested.

Thanks for the answers.

Was just considering of getting a slim since games are coming out to it now.

Guess I'll just wait a bit more for the Pro price drop. Thanks for the thread OP.

If it makes you feel any better I haven't paid for a KH game since 2 and i just wanna have all of them on one disc finally

Get the Pro version. Also I recommend to change 1Tb drive to 240Gb SSD and put 1Tb drive into external usb3 case.
Transfer between drives is fast, literally 5-6min for 40-50Gb.

The real meme is caring about minor performance upgrades on console in the first place. If you actually care about a marginal performance boost on the same games you'd be playing anyways or own a 4k tv get the pro. Otherwise get a slim bundle.

Boost mode is nice, but people have gone over that pretty well already.

If you have a good, and I stress GOOD 4k screen (no 8-bit, side lit bullshit) that's HDR capable, the pro is really worth it.

Whatever you care about the games themselves, I've played a few now that were made for the pro, and while the 4k difference is nice, it's the HDR that makes shit night and day for me.

For instance, I actually can't stand FFXV as a game. I hate it - but goddamn does HDR make it look pretty as fuck.

And thats like 4 games or did they do their job?

Why do all that when you can just put a 1TB SSD in the system itself?

because the 1TB drive is not an SSD

270 is way too much for a regular PS4.

of course you can put a 4TB SSD just for $1500

You'd be doubling the price investment just for that much SSD storage.

Not everyone's as poor as you. Make better life choices.

Save up for a PC instead, it will be the best decision you'll ever make.

PC only has indie shit and Xbone rejects

Meh, what's on PC? Sup Forums never talking about PC games is a sure sign.

hue monkey detected

Get a job and get all the consoles you want and a pc

Why would anyone buy a pro when it's main advantage is higher resolution multiplats but a similar priced pc performs significantly better and also that the new Xbox will also be much better for around the same price I assume.

Just get a base ps4. The pro is pretty much useless I don't even know why it exists when there are superior options.

>fell for the pc meme in 2013
Yup, playing league and bf 4 was alright i guess

No real reason to get a pro unless you really want that 4k netflix

Because PC can't play some exclusive you retarded cunt, and why the fuck are you even mentioning the scropio when all their games are literally being ported to the PC

Yes, there is a difference.
No, it's not worth the money.
If you really cared that much about graphics you wouldn't be buying a console.

Not true. There are more PC exclusives than all the other platforms combined. While Sony and Microsoft are competing against each other, PC gets the exclusives from both consoles

Mouse/Keyboard opens up so many more genres of games that you can't play with a controller. Playing fps games with a controller is always laughable and crippling for the player.

playing games on PC is for autists. who wants to sit hunched over a tiny screen playing indie shit?

give me a couch, huge TV, and a surround sound system.

Except I literally just said the pros targeted advantage is higher resolution multiplats. Only some colossal retard with more money than brains would buy a pro for the, what, 5 pro enhanced exclusives? 90% of all the rest of the exclusives already out especially the Japanese weeb ones aren't getting pro patches. The base ps4 is much better value.

And I mentioned Scorpio because OP is clearly after a console and the upcoming Xbox is going to be a much better ps4 pro in the sense it's targeted at running multiplats at higher resolutions and fps, unless you're going to show yourself to be a deluded fanboy and say it's not. Everyone knows the scorpio will run games better it's a fact that not even me as a ps4 owner can deny.


This. The best games on pc are indies or old games, there's no point of buyIng a Hugh end gaming PC unless you really love triple a games.

That's a common opinion for someone who has never played on PC or has no knowledge of the games being played.


Ever since I built by pc in 2014 it's only ever been connected to my 32 inch Samsung tv. In getting a 55 inch Samsung 4k quantum dot tv later this year. And I'll buy which ever console runs red dead redemption 2 at the highest resolution and fps since it looks to be a console exclusive.

>5 pro enhanced exclusives?
All future games will be pro patched you massive retard, and also games runs more stable on the pro. TLG dips alot on the OG ps4 while the pro gets a stable 30 most of the time

looks autistic as fuck

>pay $400 to get 30 fps in games that already look last-generation

aye yaye yaye

But i do? The only games i ever played on PC was LoL, bf4, CS:GO, and overwatch. PC gaming is a fucking joke friend, im sorry that you and me fell for the PC meme.

>who has never played on PC
>literally no one
everyone has a pc dude, everyone is playing on a pc,

Why are you so asshurt? You still haven't been able to show a single reason to pay more for a ps4 pro over the reasons I said you shouldn't.

You didn't fall for the ps4 pro meme yourself hopefully because if you did we're witnessing a serious case of buyers remorse.

Lol you may as well as well slap together a budget Pentium pc at that rate and instead of going from 23->30 you'll be going from 23->60 lmao

Why are you so asshurt? If you don't like ps4 just fuck off.

>The only games i ever played
Found your problem. Try expand your horizons and try out new things.

I'm not going to write you a long list of why PC is better, because i'm not in the mood to get into a platform war. But let me ask you this question: Would you play CS:GO competitively with a controller over mouse/keyboard?

Are you retarded or just trolling? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and let you read through my post again

>Not everyone's as poor as you. Make better life choices.

>spending thousands to upgrade a console
>"Make better life choices"

>Have a PS4 already
Don't bother upgrading

>Don't have a PS4 and will be using for gaming
PS4 Pro

>Not using it for gaming

It's not that hard anons...

>let you read through my post again
If you don't like ps4 just fuck off.

i'm already set on buying a ps4 but the thing is, i don't have a TV. will my monitor suffice?

>don't have a ps4 and will use it for gaming but not at anything higher than in a 1080p tv


I'm not going to write you a long list of why PC is meh, because i'm not in the mood to get into a platform war.

>will my monitor suffice?
if it supports hmdi/hdcp

>dodging a yes/no question

If you have the dosh, why not just get the better tech?

I own a ps4.

Phantom Pain
Nier Automata
Dark Souls 1 2 and 3
Rainbow Six Siege
Pretty much every multiplat game

I don't have 4k or hdr tv, still prefer to play on my ps4pro over ps4 original.

I own a gaming pc

>Phantom Pain
also on PS4
>Nier Automata
also on PS4
>Dark Souls 1 2 and 3
also on PS3/PS4
>Rainbow Six Siege
also on PS4

Because there's literally no benefit of paying an extra ~$150 for the pro when the visual differences will be practically unidentifiable on a regular 1080p tv. If OP has a 4k tv then obvs he'll be able to notice the extra clarity at the higher resolution on his 4k tv but because he doesn't he can spend that extra money on like 3 games and a ps+ subscription which is way better value.

I have both and a Vita
PS4 is only good for weeb titles, a blu ray player, and the occasional exculvsive

PC gaming is far better for multiplayer, while the PS4 is better for local coop / some single player games like KH/Nostalgia remakes

I got the pro because of frame rate, and the idea of playing shit tier versions of sony exclusives triggers my autism.

The last guardian struggles to keep 30fps on the pro and the controls in that game are already unresponsive as fuck, I can't imagine what playing it at 15-24 fps on the stock ps4 would be like

I don't get what your point is. What's that got to do with me owning a ps4 and thinking the pro is not a worthwhile upgrade?

If you want to talk about your pc then go back to r/pcmr.

>fps on controller

What about overheating? I heard PS4 had a lot of these problems, so what's with Pro?

As much as it's ironic to say in terms of consoles, if you have the spare cash why would you not "future proof" yourself and just get the stronger tech?
PS+ is really not even worth it, even assuming there's a title once a month that you even care about

I'd pick up a Pro if i didn't have my 1TB Slim, but in the long term we have to see if devs actually use "the power" of the Pro

>Literally no benefit

improved graphical settings and frame rate and slightly faster loading times ( I play bf1 with friends and always load into matches faster than them, although others have reported its actually slower so idk)

because you aren't owning a ps4pro dude
also fuck off

Pro is quieter and colder than original

How do you set games to higher framerates?

>phanton pain
I have that on my pc but wish i owned it on my ps4 for the trophies
>nier automata
Beat it already for my ps4
>das 1-2-3
played 1 on the 360 and already have 2-3 for my ps4
I could play it on my ps4 also.
Played for 30 hours and got bored

Only if a game has this in options. Check this

The only reason I want a PS4 is to play P5 and to play Overwatch with my niece.

I don't believe in future proofing and probably never will because every new product that comes out can be considered future proof as it is the newer product. I personally care more about value and how much that affects my experience. The ps5 is rumored to be coming out 2018 so all these people who are "futureproofing" will have to buy the ps5 on top of the pro so they're future proofed again.

I enjoy my pc games too but when I see retards who spend $700 on a gpu to be future proofed only for that graphics card to become obsolete in the space of 5 years it really makes me think. Instead of buying a $700 gpu each gen they could have bought a $200 gpu for the same 1080p60 performance and saved like over 1k in cash over those 2 gens. Same goes for people who spend a grand on the newest mobile phones every year for apparent future proofing.

Yes, i tried out new things like stardew valley and Undertale but I could've gotten stardew valley on my ps4 and undertale isn't worth a high end gaming PC, same goes with cs:go.

>Would you play CS:GO competitively with a controller over mouse/keyboard?
Never said I would.

why would you list a bunch of multiplats instead of pc exclusives?

This is like trying to sell the wiiU by listing that it has call of duty, deus ex and arkham city on it

>Fallout 4 still sub-30fps
Fuck you Bethesda

Because i don't own the $400 ripoff version of the ps4 it means I can't have an opinion on it ?

>ps5 is coming out 2018

Sony is killing it right now, would they really drop the generation that fast? I only see this happening if the scorpio scares them


Fuck off

Well there is a massive discrepancy between pro and Scorpio and if Spencer isn't lying then they'll also have some line-up of exclusives which will make the Xbox more attractive than it is now and also will put more pressure on sony because the pro is weaker. Historically the more powerful console hasn't done the best but I think we're seeing a change now due to this newfound 4k hype in the general public. The Scorpio may very well have the upper hand because of this but we'll have to wait and see.

Except Xbox has no exclusives anymore. Anything that will be on the Scorpio will be on windows as well.

So anybody who cares about power will be playing on PC, and anybody who cares about exclusive games not on PC will be on PS4.

Scorpio is literally their last gasp, so that they can say they went out with MUH STRONGEST CONSOLE EVAR