why does your picture have a yellow tint

Why do you have a DE:HR filter on your phone?

Not op, but I have the same thing on my phone. It's a light adjustment thing that turns on at night so it's easier on the eyes

Twilight. It reduces the blue light from the screen at night. It's pretty nice, makes it much more comfy using my phone in the dark. I actually never realized if affected screenshots, that's interesting.

piss screen like vita

For what it's worth, here's the same screen with Twilight turned off.

I know it's bad for my eyes, but I usually use my phone to help me sleep when I can't. I already wear glasses and my prescription hasn't changed for the last couple years.


>not just walking into Walmart tomorrow night at midnight and grabbing a copy

Seriously. Why do you fools agonize over waiting for shipping? Aside from the Prime discount, I don't understand why you would put yourself through the uncertainty.

Mine says the same thing. Do I kill myself now??

It's not so much that it's bad for your eyes, it's that blue light actually keeps you awake. So using your phone at night when you can't sleep could actually be contributing to your sleep problems. Try a filter of some sort, after a few nights it might make a difference. I believe f.lux is available for iOS, and I already mentioned that I use Twilight for my phone. They're both customizable, you can set how warm the color temp is, what time you want the transition to start, if you want it instant or a gradual shift, etc. A warm light is much more pleasant to look at at night than a bright white light.

Prime Discount is precisely why.

The Prime discount. If I wasn't getting that, I'd just buy it digitally.

>tfw I may actually get it on Tuesday
I had a feeling it was gonna ship in the middle of the day tomorrow. Huge weight off my back

the iPhone has it baked into the default iOS now.

Forgot pic.

Oh really? That's pretty nice.

request cancellation

It's nice to get a package in the mail once in a while

I might actually try this. I've been going to sleep at like 3- 4 AM when I have an 8 or 10 AM class

>Aside from the Prime discount

Nope, you nailed it.

The Prime discount. If I preorder at Gamestop or Walmart I would be paying for the TYH edition when I'm getting the Steelcase.

>prime discount
you ever heard of Best buy gamers club? if you're in the USA you can get a membership for thirty dollars. last two years, gets you twenty percent off brand new Vidya and discounts on other shit like used games too. works both online and in store. better deal if you're just in it for the games imo

That Prime discount is the only reason I'm still buying physical games. I was all set to go 100% digital this gen, and then they rolled out that 20% discount, and now it just seems stupid to buy games anywhere else.

He pissed on his screen.

>tfw its coming a day early

If all you ever buy is games, then sure, the gamers club is a better deal. But I buy like 80% of everything I purchase from Amazon, and I like their video service, so Prime is a no-brainer for me.

Doesn't Best Buy have a bad rap of damaging or not taking care of pre-orders

Do i need root for it?


Then why the appstore only says root only preview?

Should I just kill myself now, Sup Forums?

That's fair.
they brought me breath of the wild to my home early as hell even though they told me it was delayed.

Couldn't tell you. But my phone isn't rooted and I'm using Twilight. If you're using an iPhone maybe it's different, but like someone already pointed out, iOS has a filter built in now, so you don't even need a third party app.

ive had Shipping soons come in the day they say it will all the time

l m a o
Digital master race reporting in. Will enjoy my game in 21 hours. I just hope I'm off on tuesday.

>21 hours
You're late

>dual audio out in EU
>americucks still don't have it

enjoying that god awful dub?

What did he mean by this

no, i believe in u

You probably won't be
>Have work on Monday, don't go back until Friday
>Spring Break is next week

But we're getting dual audio, that's why the game was delayed to April

won't be out in NA PSN till Tuesday but its available in europe

>preordered Take your Heart edition on June 7th, the day it was announced
>my fucking order has still not shipped


>that's why the game was delayed to April


>don't go back until Friday
FUCK I'm actually jelly.

That's nothing, my sleep schedule has been rotating for about 2 years now.
Every night I fall asleep 1 hour later than the previous day, so theres times when i'm awake from 10pm to 12am.

My ass is still hurting from finishing Nier Automata, and I cant stop thinking about it.
I will wait until we hit a draught in the summer.

>all of these physicalfags that are at the whim of shipping companies

And to think I used to be one of y'all. Until I was freed from the physical desire when someone stole a large portion of my collection. Digital only is truly freeing.

Best HD to recommend ??

You mean HDD?

HGST, then WD.
Avoid seagate.