All joking and memes aside how the fuck is something like this allowed? 33k a month for a goddamn emulator and it's all over one game. Don't get me wrong, I will gladly emulate BOTW when it's ready but how is this shit even okay?
All joking and memes aside how the fuck is something like this allowed...
Other urls found in this thread:
>how is this shit even okay?
People want to support the developers of a program that they highly anticipate.
People can spend their money however it pleases them.
paid emulators like this have existed since the ps1 user. It was okay then and still is okay
Why pay $300 for a poorly build piece of plastic when I can emulate on my PC?
people work by doing things on impulse
no one looks at a patreon page and thinks "wow, they're already earning over 300K a year, I should save my money for someone/something that needs it", they just go "lol, zelda. I want to be a part of something, here's money"
How is this legal?
how is this illegal?
>pay for progress
>not even pay for an emulator, just for a "thanks for your money"
THAT's what I don't get. If you're really dying to emulate WiiU early, why don't you just donate when satisfactory progress is made instead of every month?
If you have enough money for 1) a high-end PC that can emulate newer consoles, and 2) a pinkie promise from team CEMU that they're using YOUR donation to work extra hard, why not just buy a fucking WiiU?
The cash will drop down again after zelda is complete. Unless they immediately start developing a switch emulator.
All they have to do to keep cash flowing is promise Bayo 2 improvements.
You think they don't already have a perfect build waiting with zelda fully playable? They know this patreon shit is a cash cow and they're probably gonna milk it as long as they can.
That reminds me, why haven't you donated to
What? this is totally fine, you fucking kike.
But it's only a matter of time before nintendo brings down the hammer, as usual
Imagine if each donation was used to pay for a Nintendo Switch.
if nintendo released a system weaker than their last system that didn't have alot of games in the 1st place and charge full price for movie games where you jerk off a cow with "HD RUMBLE" bullshit.
to add more they release a fucking zelda game *a good one* running at 20FPS in 2017.
Nintendo can suck a dick if they think it's alright to do that shit to their fans.
......and releasing the new mario game at the end of the year at 60fps which will change to
The Sony 1 emulators in the 90s with actual companies behind them legally distributing their product through normal sales made far more money.
I don't care whether or not people emulate it, but why isn't/why can't Nintendo take action?
I mean, this isn't using Nintendo's code but it's enabling piracy isn't it? R4 didn't use Nintendo's code but they sued them.
And the amount of money they're making is ridiculous. They're potentially making money from Nintendo losing it.
Just wondering why.
$4 for an emulator actually
A fool and his money are easily parted. Just look at all the failed kickstarter games.
Patreon for OG Xbox emulator fucking when?
You pay to support people, not for the emulator.
They're doing it for free, you can give them few bucks so they can eat caviar and wagyu beef and stay strong while coding.
Keyword - you can
But you don't have to.
People appreciate their work, so they donate them some cash, in return they will be able to use emulator week earlier than rest of the world.
we got halo 1 on PC tho
Well I think your first part's easy to answer: they only have incentive to work if they're getting paid, and you only have incentive to pay if they haven't finished it yet. Or just wait... and let other people support the developers. Regardless, surely you must realize that a month-old game being playable on PC isn't easy. Why spend all that time and effort without getting anything in return? Not saying they'd never do it if you didn't pay, but it definitely wouldn't be this fast. It'd be like other emulator projects, that take years to get things working at a basic level.
As for the second part, shouldn't the question be "why not buy a Switch"?
name a game that you want to play that we cant on another platform
If you really want to challenge the freedom to separate idiots from their money then our society will collapse.
There is no potential loss here, your way of thinking is skewed and childish
Because they are a meme.
Meh, it's just like how all these Twitch/Youtubers are making bank. There are tons of ways to make money, you just have to go for it.
I should take my own advice.
Oh look it's this thread again, again.
You going to keep doing this everyday Team Cemu?
Jesus Christ you people are retarded.
Power stone 2, Def Jam fight for NY
Metal Wolf Chaos
Kingdom Under Fire - The Crusaders
Ninja Gaiden Black
Crimson Skies
Jet Set Radio
Jade Empire
Fatal Frame II - Director's Cut
Def Jam - Fight for NY
>There is no potential loss here
>Hm, I'm thinking of buying BoTW
>Don't worry bro, your PC is good right? You can just emulate it!
>Oh cool, no need to buy it!
Buying BOTW brand new, is the same price as being a $5 patreon to CEMU for one year. That includes getting new versions earlier than the public.
It's no wonder people would rather support CEMU than buy the game.
Yea, that much is obviois without watching a 30 minute video.
>1) a high-end PC that can emulate newer consoles, and 2) a pinkie promise from team CEMU that they're using YOUR donation to work extra hard, why not just buy a fucking WiiU?
muh 4K graphix, it seems like
half of those are on pc
Sony tried this and failed. Their making a software which is completely legal. What people do with that software can't come back to them.
Much like how kickass founders got arrested but utorrent developers are sitting in their mansion. You can't blame a gun maker for the killings.
emulation =/= piracy
Nobody was talking about pirating the game
>since the ps1 user
There were just the normal and slim versions.
That is only 6600 people giving $5. not much really
You posted some multiplats and forgot the best exclusive.
I could name a few.
Phantom Dust (though looks like a remaster might be in the works for Xbone/PC)
Metal Wolf Chaos
Mech Assault 1 and 2
SMT Nine
Dino Crisis 3
So you can either buy a console and a game and play them now with future games coming out for that console, or you can give money to some random people in hopes that someday they will make the new zelda playable and then probably fuck off leaving you with your 360 dollar zelda game that is still buggy.
>We're Team Cemu, AMA
So speaking of emulators, citra work yet?
Emulators by themselves are totally okay.
Roms on the other hand
dunno but they are gona milk that shit
I've heard obscure chinese versions are not that bad.
>actually other people who arent poor are paying $34000 so you can have this for "free" and your $1000+ PC
wow PCbros sure showed us with their 8k/3fps
>So you can either buy a console and a game
New console + game is $300+. Fuck that, when I can just emulate.
>future games coming out for that console
Oh boy, more Nintendo games coming out for $40 - $60! I can't wait!
>or you can give money to some random people in hopes that someday they will make the new zelda playable
You mean give $5 a month to someone who's already made an insane amount of progress in developing the emulator, coming down to $60 for a year. Someone who's made multiple Wii U games run extremely well on PC, including Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros U, and Super Mario 3D Land.
I don't own a Wii U or Switch, and I never will because I don't care about supporting Nintendo anymore. Yet I can easily play multiple Wii U games on my PC already thanks to CEMU, and I don't even /have/ to pay. I just choose to because he's made very good progress, I like supporting what he's doing, and getting releases sooner is nicer.
It's five dollars. That's fucking nothing.
That's roughly $4 per person. That shit isn't much.
>sueing people on suspicion
underage leave
Imagine if each donation was used to pay for a
>Some Obscure arcade machine
W-Why can't I hold all this plastic?
Might not be worth the hassle now, but eventually all that hardware will become hard to obtain and maintain, think of it as archiving.
>and it's all over one game
You can already play Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2, and Smash flawlessly.
>Writing software is illegal
Enough to fully supply every backer with a switch and breath of the wild after 7 years.
I want the non shitty Mercenaries:playground of destruction version
Can't wait to emulate Morrowind on it.
Shenmue 2
Why is this so controversial? Many emulator teams had a donation page and this is nothing else than donations.
In fact, it's far less scummy than emu devs selling their shit on android.
when you will put the same work and knowledge into something like this then you will have the authority to complain but not until then.which we all know you will never do because you are a dumb retailcuck or just living with mommy.
dreamcast version exists
>I don't care about supporting Nintendo anymore
And yet you seem to want to play all their games.
Come on, user. I like this game and even finished it, but it is a severely flawed game.
No just breath of the wild...oh wait, that's what you meant isn't it?
Which is weird, because there is not a single game that actually works better on CEMU.
>paying to pirate games
We have this thread every single fucking day. Who the fuck cares how fucking much they are making? If you're paying them, good for you. If you're not paying them, good for you. Money's money in the end and what you do with it is your business.
Yeah, I like the games they make, but I don't like the direction they're going with the Switch console. The specs of the console are atrocious, and I would've paid $500-$600 for a good console, but they just had to release this piece of trash. It would be fine if it weren't 2017. Those specs for releasing in 2017 is just fucking stupid.
I think Breath of the Wild looks extremely mediocre, and playing BOTW is not why I'm supporting CEMU. It's so we can get more progress in emulating all Wii U games. The last thing I'll do is support Nintendo after the direction they've gone in.
You must be 18+ to post here.
You can just emulate the PS2 version of Def Jam though.
>I will gladly emulate BOTW when it's ready
>I think Breath of the Wild looks extremely mediocre
Top kek.
wait i thought bayonetta 2s sound was still fucked. Can you actually play it all the way through now? even on Mid tier rigs?
Not like it matters since i can get it anytime i want but still
A thing's true value isn't what it is worth, but what someone will pay for it.
Yeah I agree I think it's pretty funny how people think that blurry, fuzzy garbage looks good.
Why is THIS allowed?
why not?
>rural hillbillies still don't get the value of edumacation
shame Sup Forums
Technically they are not doing anything wrong in the eyes of the law.
he's a fucking nazi, dude.
Oops wrong thread
nice bait
Silly comments like that only give away that you're an uncultured, uneducated child.
>It'\s different this time because Nintendo!
Exactly my amigo.
Why is no one concerned about the speed of the development of this emulator? These guys must be doing something shady like illegally using insider code/libraries to achieve what they are doing.
>nintendo gets a free pass on looking like shit because it's nintendo
why do you care
do you actually believe the meme about it harming the emulation "community"?
Or maybe they can work on it as their primary full time job and that's what lets them advance so fast?
"My gut tells them they're doing illegal stuffs" is not courtroom material.
I never slated TLOU. TLOU is one of the best games of the last gen. What's your point?
How in the world would it be illegal?
There's nothing illegal about it. It's literally just code to emulate a console system. Even though we all KNOW people are going to use it to play WiiU games for free it's completely okay to code something like this. It's as legal as aerosol spray paint to an artist, even though vandalism isn't.