I would love a Bayonetta 3 , but it'll probably be a remaster/port.
I would love a Bayonetta 3 , but it'll probably be a remaster/port.
>Bayonetta 3 PC exclusive
that would make Sup Forums fun
Nice Granny glasses.
>PC Exclusive
Yeah, if they're looking to kill off the franchise entirely.
I'd love a Bayo 2 pc port , but nintendo likely has exclusive rights to it.
Its just going to be an announcement of a Switch "remaster" of Bayo 2 with some BotW costumes thrown in.
The wiiu exclusive deal already did that job
what we know:
bayonetta ip is owned by sega
bayonetta 2 is owned by nintendo but thats probably just a timed deal
promotion for this stuff doesnt show any bayonetta 2 assets
that could mean that its either
>bayo 1 port and thats all
>bayo 1 port and bayo 2 port when exclusivity deal ends
>bayo anime coming to steam
bayo 2 port is the least probable scenario because simply none of the stuff related to bayo 2 can be seen anywhere in this announcement
Nintendo published Bayo 2 though. Sega might announce a remaster though
>Bayonetta 2
>timed deal
Not when Nintendo funded the entire game. You will NEVER see Bayonetta 2 on a non-Nintendo platform unless Nintendo gives permission. Kamiya him-fucking-self said asking for a Bayonetta 2 port is like asking for Zelda on PS3. It's in all likely-hood a port of Bayonetta 1 if it is actually anything at all. Which I would not mind and I'd buy in a heart-beat.
Little Cereza >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Loki
Please fucking stop with the child characters already Platinum for fuck's sake.
Does Bayo2 work on the Wii U emulator?
The franchise was mostly dead anyway before Nintendo funded the sequel.
Its a port of 1, No matter what the contract for Bayo 2 is Sega isn't a company who's willing to try and fight it due to that being suicide and they don't have the cash to buy it back.
The past few threads have been terrible.
>trolling with a countdown
use your fucking brain
I bet the teaser site is for byonetta Panchinko.
little yugi was pretty shit
child characters ruin everything
holy fuck I just now realised how Bayonetta on PC will easily be the definitive version: a mod that removes (automates) the QTEs.
>The past few threads have been terrible.
This, Goddamn. It's like I'm in late 2014 all over again or early 2015 when DaS bandwagoners were desperately trying to justify to themselves that Sony funding and co-developing Bloodborne was all just for timed exclusivity.
The only way Bayo2 is getting ported is if Nintendo sells the rights for it back to Sega/Whoever the fuck.
I think people are looking too much into it, it's probably just a Bayonetta 1 PC port and I'm completely fine with that.
How come nobody is Sigma'ing shit? I thought ever since the NG Sigma games companies would be doing that shit, but it seems like Sigma is one of very few.
What do you mean by that? I'm pretty sure the name "Sigma" is trademarked by Tecmo.
Because Nintendo's hands are extremely deep in Bayonetta, and they're a company who would fight back right away.
The only way Sega could get away with it is if they remade every asset from scratch preventing Nintendo from having anything on them.
What I mean is Tecmo created the Sigma to con MS out of Ninja Gaiden's exclusivity to the Xbox console, that's why the ports were called Sigma.
Most companies don't think it's worth pulling a Sigma and potentially upsetting their benefactors.
Remember how Itagaki fought desperately to get Sigma shot down and badmouthed it (As well as Hayashi) constantly post-release? It was because he didn't want M$ getting pissy with him and have Sigma jeopardising their support of him. But of course he sperged out and left before NG2 was even finished, so it didn't really come to anything in the end.
Sup Forums is full of morons who think a publisher teases a port of a Wii U game to Switch by putting the only teaser on the Steam store
bravo, you fucking retard
Bayonetta steam release would be great. Get Sega some shekels and get some hype generated for Bayo 3 if that happens.
What if nintendo's deal was for the WiiU and since they've officially canceled the WiiU nintendo is up for letting sega release bayonetta 2 on PC for just a huge cut of the profits
Posts like these are the worst.
This is the oddest thing I've ever seen
How can 3 companies own a copyright?
That's nothing, at one point the Duke Nukem franchise was owned by about 5 different companies.
Basically Sega didn't want to pay for anything involving Bayo and Nintendo was almost the same way.
The guy who is responsible for Sin and Punishment thought the project had a lot of potential and convinced Nintendo to pay for the entire project and not just some of it.
This us what's going to happen, Sega release Bayo 1 on pc, They port Bayo 2 to the switch and anyone that wants to play the sequel will have to buy switch for the definitive edition or buy a wii u. Benefiting both Sega and Nintendo
then bayo 3
Might also be the rumoured jaenne spin off game for steam.
>yfw its vanquish PC but with this logo slapped on
After the amiibo most likely.
I thought it was rumored for 3DS.
Sup Forums is going to fucking explode if bayo 2 comes out on PC
Sadly not because they will be glad to play the game, but because of le ebin btfos
>all these people even suggesting Bayo 2 will ever appear anywhere else but a Wii U
They would have to make the game literally from scratch again, Nintendo owns all the assets for 2. You're sooner going to see CEMU run it than an official release on PC.
bayo 2 wsn't that great. I'd love a 3 where it was actually improved on the original.
>of this software
segas ip so they own it. nintendo payed for it so they owned it. pg made it so they own it