It's up

It's up.

I'm too stupid for Myst.

100+ threads.

We've had 100+ threads of this cancerous e-celebrity shilling himself and his shitty videos. Why the fuck is this allowed?

>Why the fuck is this allowed?
There's no practical way to make them stop coming. How would you solve this?

Ban e-celebrity threads from Sup Forums and make posting them a bannable offense.

Sup Forums seriously needs shadowbanning, it would solve 90% of the shitposting problem overnight.

You're a whole day late, Matt. I had to convince myself that entire day not to just kill myself and end the pain of not seeing a new video of yours, and it's all your fault.

>reset IP address
>come back to spam more
Now what?

>it actually is

>Place is already going down the shitter
>Want to make it go down even faster by implementing Orwellian style Twitter moderation

The only way to save Sup Forums now is to build a time machine and go back in time before Reddit and Youtube existed, and the only threat to Sup Forums were Gaiafags.

Range ban all americucks
They're all nintoddIer shitposters anyway

Dude, it's a free imageboard. This isn't 2011, there aren't 12 fucking threads of /mlpol/ appearing every half hour. At worst, it's two eceleb threads every 12 hours. Just look for or make a thread you want to converse in, and let these people have their fun.

FFS, e-celebs are video game culture now. Deal with it.

This game is like Myst for stupid people.

>video game culture

90% of the time that has nothing to do with video games, e-celebs included. Thinking that "video game culture" lie is a good excuse for you to post bullshit clickbait about whatever the latest internet drama is shows how much of a dumb nigger you are.

>Gets his fame by making in-depth analysis, especially critiques, of big games, such as MGS, Dark Souls, Bioshock, Zelda, SOTC
>Now he almost never makes analysis of big games anymore
>In a whole year, he released 5 videos, most of them being short, about extremely small and unknown indie games and only one video about a game that's actually big and has much to be talked about.
Way to kill your channel. It doesn't help that he barely releases videos anymore.

>a shadowban, where you can post but literally nobody but your ip can see it
>don't even know you're banned in the first place
Now what?

I'd love to have video game culture separated from video games discussion. What's the problem with making a new board for all that bullshit?

Now I'm not retarded and I would notice I'm shadowbanned.

>switch your IP to check if you can see your own posts and are shadowbanned every so often

Fuck right off. You too op. Gonna go shit up your channel real good.

I don't even think he's ripoff is good as him, but he's doing better for the simple fact that he doesn't take 2000 years to upload.

Not everyone can do that or knows how to. It would make the site better even if some would just go around it.


Sup Forums was created as a board to discuss VIDEO GAMES
This was quickly forgotten and dismissed as it became an e-celeb and twitter board.

I honestly find this guy boring as fuck, his perspectives about games are generally the most generic and obvious one can think of. Sure, he goes in depth, but he only gives extremely obvious commentary.

Sup Forums - Twitter Screecaps & e-Celebs

Fair enough. But banning is still incorrect if the poster genuinely wants to talk about ecelebs. We just need a new board for this.

>Today I'll be reviewing this game none of my regular viewers have ever heard of
>I will be spoiling the whole thing

Why bother. It's a fucking puzzle game. If you go in and have it all spoiled why bother playing it? If you're watching a review for a game you have no intention of playing why watch it? If you're watching a review for a game you've already played, again, why bother?

Who watches this guy?

> If you're watching a review for a game you've already played, again, why bother?
That's honestly the only way I can watch a review. I have no interest in watching reviews about games I know nothing about.

Because he doesn't say anything at all interesting in his, 90% of it is him just reciting what happens in the game or discussing story shit he could come up with in 10 minutes.

I think some people need validation. They like to hear nice things said about a game they like. They want to hear Matthew with suave irish accent say that the various actions the player can perform have depth and that the level design is good.

Matthew's only worthwhile video is that brief appearance in mechagamezilla Christmas special.

>If you're watching a review for a game you have no intention of playing why watch it

Same reason I like to read the news about places that don't affect me and I'll never go to. Knowing what's out there is interesting, especially when being explained by someone who's generally competent. Obviously you don't ever take their word 100%, they have their biases and are leaving a lot out but so long as you don't take any of it as gospel it's interesting for what it is.

For me it's this too I have a full time job, I can barely play 5% of the things I have any interest in and barely even hear of most of what is coming out these days. It's just a nice thing to put on in my spare time to hear about what sort of things exist. So long as you don't take it too seriously it can be good

It's not even a matter of wanting to hear nice or bad things, it's a matter of being interested in seeing things/ideas deconstructed and analyzed in a deep way. I honestly really like to explain in depth why I like or dislike something, just as like to hear/read people doing the same.

I don't know about you, but the reason I go to Sup Forums or any platform of discussion is to actually hear other people's opinions about things that interest me in any level and to also argue with them about it. Obviously, I can't do the arguing part with Matthew or reviewers in general, but they offer me something that's rarely seen outside of their platform, which is really long and in-depth commentary.

I like his videos because they put me straight to sleep. Seriously, I just press play and I'm asleep within minutes.