official Sup Forumserdict is out. The final nail on ass effects coffin
Official Sup Forumserdict is out. The final nail on ass effects coffin
What's his name again?
Timothy Dalton
Russled Roberto
That's Angry Joe.
Joe Vargas aka the angry joe
Some internet video "celebrity"
wow epic thread
i love gossiping about fat youtubers
This thread is about Mass Effect.
Jose Anguerro
>those cheesy as fuck costumes and acting he always does on all his reviews
Rustled Joseph
Daily reminder.
>chad warden
why dose joe still hang around a known pedo?
>Final nail
Mass Effect's coffin was sealed long ago. Perturbed Pedro's opinion has never been valid
You're what killing Sup Forums
that neckbeard. his also a known furry.
But will he play Persona 5?
Pedro Tips Sombrero.
>ass effect
Ass Effect still has positive connotation because of Miranda Lawson's glorious rear.
We should start calling it Mess Effect because it's a fucking mess.
There a crack out for andromeda yet?
I agree with the verdict. I mean, it's technically a game that you can enjoy for a couple hours but it seems to lose it's magic pretty quick. If anyone here is anyone interested in playing a mass effect game and you haven't done so already play the previous games. This game is a cash grab and shouldn't have the mass effect name tied to it.
Miranda is not even that hot and her British accent dosent help.