Post you're favorite Prompto selfies!

Post you're favorite Prompto selfies!

post you are favorite Prompto selfies, yes

You can photograph all the nightmarish scenes you want Prompto, but nothing is more terrifying than your fucking grin.
Seriously, what the hell were they thinking when they modeled that.



please jesus tell me there is a 9/11 prompto

what the FUCK is up with these eyes

>post you are favorite Prompto selfies
what did he mean by this


please bump this thread while i make something

this is my favorite prompto selfie

Got dang it, Prompto


Cute faggot gets fucking shot.jpg


i expect great things

literally the best moment in the game

i did it



I spit my coffee all over my lap but I kinda liked it

This was the last anyone ever saw of Prompto.

he dead as fuck


Who is best bro and why is it Iggy?