>He covers his feet when he sleeps
He covers his feet when he sleeps
Other urls found in this thread:
I can already see how this is gonna play out.
>it's an off-topic phoneposter
>he sleeps alone
Care to explain?
Is this what you wanted, OP?
Having your feet covered protects you from monsters, though.
So does a gun
Some monster nigga tickles my feet in the dead of night he's gettin his shit split
>he's not afraid of spiders and other monster
It makes me feel safe, even if it doesn't make sense
I have them covered for a but because I try to cocoon myself in my blanket but that shit gets uncomfortable real quick
>He makes himself vulnerable to home intruders that want to sever your feet, cryptids that want to disembowel you in your bed and daemons that want to drag you from safety into the pits of hell.
I bet you just sleep with a single sheet over you too don't you? Fucking imbecile
Get a gun
Fun fact: girls who wear socks during sex are more likely to cum because their body isn't focused on their feet feeling cold.
I live in western NY. Fucking cold here. Gotta keep those things comfy.
Something something something. Video games.
I have nightmares of I get cold.
It gets fucking hot, and not in a good way
why wouldnt you cover your feet
but I don't. I sleep with your mother.
Hang all footfags
Cold feet makes it harder to sleep
painfully unfunny jesus
Quit trying to make me go to sleep and sleep with uncovered feet, night terrors. And get off the computer from downstairs, I can hear you shitposting. I'm not going to sleep any time soon so fuck off.
Maybe not, but it's definitely what I wanted.
>he lets bugs bite his feet as he sleeps
well maybe if girls would fucking wear stockings more then they would cum holy shit
why do normie girls not like wearing stockings, its just hookers and porn people and the girls who are acutally brave enough to go into adam and eve and with a boyfriend or camwhores
i had to try the verification ten fucking times just to let you guys know, now im really mad
Sleep is comfy, you should sleep.
I'd go to sleep right now if I didn't have to correct my sleep schedule.
Not OP but its what I wanted.
Pantyhose / stockings feet are best feet.
>he doesn't sleep with a body pillow
My Kass one should arrive any day I'm so happy
What the fuck is up with captcha recently, I had this shit happening for the last couple days
I didn't know you could connect to Sup Forums from under the bed.
You won't get me, creature. My blanket has protected me for years and hasn't faltered yet.
Who "only covers their mid section and sleeps with a fan on" here?
Excellent choice user.
My room is cold as fuck all the goddamn time. I need to cover my feet while I sleep.
Sometimes I even wear socks.
Dude monsters aren't affected by guns, everyone knows that!
What do you're parents think
I would like to believe that whoever bought this thing did so ironically.
They love me very much.
Also that isnt my pic.
You're an idiot.
Girls and their cold fucking feet. What's the deal with that? Every girl I've dated has complained about their feet being cold all the damn time. The last girl, I'd swear she just stuck her feet in the freezer for an hour before bed. Nothing like just starting to doze off when you suddenly get ice blocks in your crotch.
Who the fuck told you guns can handle monsters? /k/? /k/ fucking lied to you. Go to /toy/ and get yourself fucking equipped.
Fucking gas yourself fur/feather/whateverthefuckfag cancer
Thighband Pantyhose master race.
Bonus points: High Heels
Someone post the SCP that does something like flaying your or just fucking dragging you into it's torture dimension for sleeping with your feet uncovered
Stay mad, bitch.
For what it's worth, those pantyhose never look as good on girls IRL as they do in anime.
I want a body pillow of my husbando too.
I wear socks at all times except when showering
How do you stay warm with openings around your feet to leak all the heat away? Ignoring that, wouldn't you then be worried about spiders or scorpions or some shit climbing all up in there with you?
Long legs and a thin waist make pantyhose look good.
>he doesn't
Pretty much THE tell-tale sign of a virgin.
Avians are great though
Actually what I do is get a box then cut a thin line around the front of the box where I then take a thin sheet and slide it into the crevice creating a wind tunnel around my matress while I use a blanket within it.
Besides that, I'm a one foot in, one foot out kind of guy
Risuou needs to do way more bird doujins.
>You will never sleep next to a cute girl while tickling each others feet with your toes under the covers
How does one even continue to live?
what is this
>not cuddling up with your husbando every night and squeezing him until you pass out
What's the point then?
Good point, kill yourself
It is exactly what it looks like.
oh I forgot to mention that within the box, is a fan.
Fuck off and die you ironic suicidefag.
I entered this thread expecting and got
>He sleeps with his socks on
Absolute crazy man
maybe if you didn't fall for the anime meme you wouldn't be such a gigantic fucking loser today
then again I'm sure it was partially genetic because most "well rounded" people immediately realize how fucking trash anime is no matter how early they get exposed to it
This user gets it. Socks, stockings, thigh-highs and pantyhose are all fucking sexy. As soon as the girl takes them off I close the video and look for something else. Dammit it all to hell.
I hate anime and I'm the biggest loser, not well rounded at all. My windows are boarded up and my parents hate me.
I can't find any decent body pillow images of him.
Who's your husbando?
i'm not taking any risks
>My Kass one should arrive any day I'm so happy
> Anonymous 04/02/17(Sun)23:28:57 No.372674456▶
>What the fuck is up with captcha recently, I had this shit happening for the last couple days
> Anonymous 04/02/17(Sun)23:31:13 No.372674571▶
> (OP)
>I didn't know you could connect to Sup Forums from under the bed.
>You won't get me, creature. My blanket has protected me for years and hasn't faltered yet.
> Anonymous 04/02/17(Sun)23:31:31 No.372674590▶
>Who "only covers their mid section and sleeps with a fan on" here?
> Anonymous 04/02/17(Sun)23:32:33 No.372674648▶
>File: Spoiler Image (410 KB, 1536x2048)
>Excellent choice user.
> Anonymous 04/02/17(Sun)23:33:49 No.372674708▶
> (OP)
>My room is cold as fuck all the goddamn time. I need to cover my feet while I sleep.
>Sometimes I even wear socks.
> Anonymous 04/02/17(Sun)23:33:55 No.372674715▶
>File: Spoiler Image (484 KB, 1334x750)
> Anonymous 04/02/17(Sun)23:34:34 No.372674753▶
>Dude monsters aren't affected by guns, everyone knows that!
> Anonymous 04/02/17(Sun)23:34:59 No.372674776▶
>What do you're parents think
> Anonymous 04/02/17(Sun)23:35:23 No.372674805▶
>I would like to believe that whoever bought this thing did so ironically.
> Anonymous 04/02/17(Sun)23:36:21 No.372674856▶
>File: 1491147198511.png (1.5 MB, 1516x1408)
>They love me very much.
not an argument.
Wolf O'Donnell
>Not Peppy
Oh well, could be worse.
Is-is this true? If so, I'm forcing my GF to wear socks tonight...
Peppy is also really great, but I just prefer Wolf.
>I read it on Sup Forums so it must be true!
>he covers his head while he sleeps
> Anonymous 04/02/17(Sun)23:56:03 No.372675982 ▶
>File: check em.gif (1.74 MB, 480x270)
> Anonymous 04/02/17(Sun)23:56:19 No.372675998 ▶
>Peppy is also really great, but I just prefer Wolf.
> Anonymous 04/02/17(Sun)23:57:00 No.372676030 ▶
>>I read it on Sup Forums so it must be true!
> Anonymous 04/02/17(Sun)23:57:22 No.372676052 ▶
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I understand.
>not wearing socks all times
I can't stand getting my feet dirty.
what did i mean by this?
>disregarding empiricism because my own faults cause me to question sources
Maybe you should just suicide yourself with two expertly placed bullets to back of your head.
I dont really care for any of the SF characters but Wolf is one of the least bad choices.
JAV is cancer.
Cull yourself
I sleep with my sister, she's been my cuddle-buddy since we were kids.
Pretty comfy.
>2 bullets
How would that work if you die after only the first? Who would put the second bullet in me? Help me out user, I mean, I am reading this on Sup Forums so it must be possible!
Say your fucking prayers
>Anonymous 04/02/17(Sun)23:59:43 No.372676191 ▶
>File: jav.jpg (2.55 MB, 2694x3345)
>what did i mean by this?
> Anonymous 04/02/17(Sun)23:59:55 No.372676198 ▶
>File: d566716eb8af0e7e9c7af07fb(...).jpg (72 KB, 628x628)
> Anonymous 04/03/17(Mon)00:00:06 No.372676215 ▶
>>disregarding empiricism because my own faults cause me to question sources
>Maybe you should just suicide yourself with two expertly placed bullets to back of your head.
> Anonymous 04/03/17(Mon)00:01:09 No.372676290 ▶
> (You)
> Anonymous 04/03/17(Mon)00:01:26 No.372676305 ▶
>File: cropped wolf.png (676 KB, 642x637)
>I dont really care for any of the SF characters but Wolf is one of the least bad choices.
> Anonymous 04/03/17(Mon)00:01:49 No.372676332 ▶
> (You)
>JAV is cancer.
>Cull yourself
> Anonymous 04/03/17(Mon)00:01:50 No.372676335 ▶
>I sleep with my sister, she's been my cuddle-buddy since we were kids.
>Pretty comfy.
> Anonymous 04/03/17(Mon)00:02:16 No.372676358 ▶
>How would that work if you die after only the first? Who would put the second bullet in me? Help me out user, I mean, I am reading this on Sup Forums so it must be possible!
> Anonymous 04/03/17(Mon)00:04:13 No.372676478 ▶
>File: policeman-mask-camouflage(...).jpg (139 KB, 955x1300)
>Say your fucking prayers
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>shoot self
>doesn't work
>shoot again
>one user has a complete and utter meltdown over feet
He's making a joke about you being assassinated, due to people that threatened Hillary Clinton turning up dead with two bullets in the back of their head. The cause of death is ruled as suicide.
>wouldn't you then be worried about scorpions climbing all up in there with you?
>implying that's not what I want
Oh so it was Sup Forums related. Now I regret giving him attention.
Give me Yuria Satomi or give me death.