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Moron face, party mask, etc.

Build a wall and make the Jiang shang di pay for it!

>been listening to a bunch of alan watts lectures recently
>gain newfound appreciation for E.Y.E

>tfw no morpheus stripper gf


haha wut

>oh shit

The ghost in the shell movie was shit.

It was cliched and boring, and fucked up the characterization of Major in a major way.
For fuck's sake, she got taken down by goons with tazers twice, and the backstory the movie had for her was SHIT.

Copy pasting a summary of the movie so you don't have to see it:

It's Robocop.
It's Robocop with a cyberpunk re-skin and some homages to famous GitS scenes.

(Spoilers hidden out of courtesy)
The major was a teenage runaway who wrote luddite manifestos.
She and her friends got kidnapped en mass by Hanka.
They killed 96 of them in experiments to perfect the major.
They wiped her memory; tell her she and her parents were refugees on a boat that got attacked by terrorists.
She meets Kuze, who was one of the failed experiments, and talks like a retard as a result.
He tells her everything; she confronts her doctor about it; get's captured.
Said doctor is ordered by Hanka president or whatever to kill the major and make another, but she betrays Hanka at the last second to help the major escape; dies.
Major learns stuff about her past; teams up with Kuze in final confrontation with spider tank; wins.
Kuze gets sniped from a Hanka helicoptor, but the major survives after Saito shoots it down.
Aramaki confronts Hanka president, asks the major if he should kill him; major says yes, he does.

If you really want to see this film, I implore you to do so illegally.


that sounds like a collosal waste of time

this. If you like the tone and themes of the source material at all you're not gonna like the movie very much. it's such a downgrade in those aspects that the visuals don't even make up for it imo

>normalfags hate it because of scarjo
>fans of gits hate it because it shits all over the themes and visual tone of the original

does anyone like this movie?

fucking source engine

this version gets stuck in my head more often than the original

>normalfags hate it because of scarjo
why's that?

Because she's not Asian.

they fell for the culture war spook

>Can't find the last research item to unlock the last level of Cyber Legs

they called it "cultural appropriation", apparently forgetting that a country taking a film from another country and making their own version of it is something that happens all the time

cm_farm_alpha23 was made for a reason

Its not even a race thing its just kind of stupid to go full neotokyo and have a white emotionless robot play the role of a japanese cyborg having issues with her existence.

>a country taking a film from another country and making their own version of it is something that happens all the time

except they already made Matrix sweetie.
besides the fact original GitS took a lot from Blade Runner.

the fact remains people are expecting to see asians in movie with it's origins rooted in asia, not niggers and midget jews with more CGI than actual body

>that video where they show Scarjo to a bunch of actual Japs, and they all say they prefer a white actress because anime women are more white than they are Japanese
>also most of them think a white actress is better because they think she's more attractive then Japanese actresses
I wish I could source it, all I saw of it was a webm on /wsg/.

Matrix was derived from Grant Morrisson's The Invisibles, an american comic by a british writer

they just replaced the drugs and spiritualism with technology because the wachowski's are scared of truly subversive media

did they do the same with L being a nigger?

More likely they replaced the drugs and spiritualism with tech because that's more current?
They aren't that afraid of being subversive, the character Switch was supposed to be a transexual, mirroring their real-life gender dysphoria. The line "not like this" was meant to be poignant as the character was dying in the body they felt uncomfortable in. Production company talked them out of it in the end.

It had good sets and visuals though, the city felt pretty cool. I liked the contrast between huge intrusive ad holograms at night and massive gray buildings at day.

It's funny because Major's shell doesn't use Asian in the anime either.

>original GitS took a lot from Blade Runner
An AI becomes self-aware and uses hacked human proxies to help it reach the next step in its "evolution".

Did I just describe GitS or Neuromancer?

i sincerely doubt normies care about that shit

normies are the only ones who care about it
degenerates have more provocative things to activate their almonds

Man I really don't like that change. It just doesn't suit L at all and "black super genius" is so overdone it hurts.

I can't think of a single relevent black super genius since nutty professor

Luscious Fox in Batman movies. Sort of.

Overmeme's new character was created by a black super genius female child. That example is from like a month ago.

>Watching new Jack
>Suddenly this hits

I said relevant


Why do the Culter and Jian hate each other anyway?

Because Jian are fucking Jian, you double Jian

What am I missing here?

Her punishment involved getting chained to a tree
If I recall correctly.

its like if the CIA and FBI were in a secret war with each other while still both serving the USA

They kind of are.

It is more like Navy Seals and Delta being at each others throats.

ok... ghost in the shell had a cool aesthetic and an interesting story, but it was never a SUPER DEEP movie.... like, there was some interesting dialogue and that made it good, but why the fuck did they have to dumb it down?! it was already in a 2hr format!!! can western audiences not understand the moral problems that ai pose??? like, it's not a super complicated issue, i just wish they kept it as is..

>being Jian scum

The only good part of the movie was where hanka tried to fuck up Section 9 and all died but thats just because of takeshi kitano

>listening to American Gundam: Revengeance OST
>deja vu

Deja vu
This thread again

good video
good end

>no Nemesis between Orus and Federation

I am very confused.


irwin from billy and mandy

>It's at this moment that the Federation decided to make the following information public: in 2312 they had created, hand in hand with their former enemies the Nemesis (Orusfags), 13 fighting legions.
It later refers to said legions as Nemesis, which might be French translation fuckery, seeing as how that could also mean the monks at the top of Orus hierarchy.




Wasn't the original all about wether robots have souls or something like that?



part deux


Does it have the king of my castle song? If not, fuck this shit.

server when


when we get /vint/ back




I can feel my legs becoming okay already.

Okay, I finished my dump for newfriends to E.Y.E

> "What exactly is the definition of 'human' in a society where a mind can be copied and the body replaced with a synthetic form?", "What exactly is the 'ghost'—the human soul—in the cybernetic body, or 'shell'?", and "Where is the boundary between human and machine when the differences between the two become more philosophical than physical?"

not so fast

So, I can play coop in eye? Is it fun?


You can and yes it is. I'll play later if anyone wants? Steam: Williz


>Eyein' up, down that sappy nun
hol shiy

That whole scene was basically taken from Stand Alone Complex anyways.
Except in Stand Alone complex, it was way better.

British one? It had been years since I added someone.

Yes, I'll be on at about 1830 GMT.

>Max out PSI
>Mental stability at an all time low
>Summon an army of clones with assault rifles and automatic shotguns
>The clones already kill half the map while I'm just dicking around with the hacking

Pretty goddamn fun but fuck I wish the hacking minigame wasn't so tedious to do. Even going full on hacker character still makes it a chore to do sometimes.

the solution is to play the other hacking minigame

I've never played E.Y.E, should I play it? Is it better with friends?

Holy shit, my sides.

Wasn't L Quiky in nature? I think they might make him the Wisecracking Blackguy except introverted

we major?

Yes, Yes, Yes.



rare /cyg/ comic
do not save or repost on any medium lest I and my 1,099 fellow E.Y.E members come after you and save a cement mixer OS over your central cybernervous system


What happened to the Ancient One and what was his deal? I swear he's not there when I go to the secret hole he used to be in.


he was shinji all along

Fugg, now I gotta reinstall

My legs will be ok