>play splatoon 2 testfire >have tons of fun >realize that I dropped splatoon right around when mario maker came out due to real life issues and didn't have much time for games >moved and didn't pick it up since >want to play again to get that fix in before 2 drops >start a turf war >all japs >all level 50 >fucking running around sanic speed >repeatedly killed in spawn by specials >try another match >literally nothing I can do aside from get one kill before other team gets to our spawn somehow >try again >japs move lightning fast >realize all of their gear is edited or perfectly rolled >impossible to find anyone just playing for fun
if there is anyone who knows how to ruin online play its the japs
Ayden Clark
Japs suck at Splatoon, but no one plays that game so of course they're everywhere
Anthony Morales
git gud
Ryan Gray
Michael Kelly
Holy fuck this looks like the most obnoxiously stupid shooter ever. This is what Nintendo fans are playing?
Elijah Russell
Is it obnoxious because it's not a muddy puddle of brown and grey with "realistic" guns?
John Smith
It's obnoxious because the become invincible button looks like the shitty equivalent of 2 idiots bunny hopping with AWPs who have no fuckin idea how to aim.
Luis King
>become invincible button You're not invincible if you're in ink. Dipshit.
Brayden Scott
Fine, makes your hitbox smaller or whatever. It's clearly a really stupid panic button people are mashing and passing off as "skill"
Jason James
you cant swim in enemy ink. you take damage simply by standing on it. It's hardly a panic button. It's the player being dumb and not cutting off their movement routes.