These are the best games on Steam, according to user reviews (500 reviews or more)

These are the best games on Steam, according to user reviews (500 reviews or more).

This is the very best that PC gaming has to offer.

Do you agree with this?

No, but its not a bad list
>Portal 2
>Cross Code
>Stardew Valley
From personal experience I can say that these games are fantastic.

If I had my way though, games like Nier Automata, Cave Story+, Freedom Planet, and Danganronpa would be at the top.
I miss when Freedom Planet was in the top 10 highest rated games

There are like 5 visual novels on that list which aren't even games. So no i don't agree with it.

>visual novels aren't games


Every time I'm reminded that TY the Tasmanian Tiger is on Steam I break into a small fit of laughter, it's just so utterly unfathomable to me.

Visual nocels are just choose your own adventure books on pc. Planetarian definitly is just a picture book on pc and lol Nekopara being a game is a joke to. Not to mention Nekopara is just terrible all around.

And it was an EARLY ACCESS remaster. We live in a weird timeline.

Modman just is saying they're allowed on Sup Forums, not settling some sematic debate over whether or not they're games

"Its a game"

Lol i actually personally know the guy who made iron snout. we used to post on a failed german comic forum.

Why? A lot of old games that people like never got releases on PC. Since Steam is so big these days, some companies take advantage of it and go grab some older titles, spruce them up, and re-release them on the platform to finally make them available

That's a baseless claim. Nothing's been settled.

Just because a mod says it doesn't mean it's true.

Thats my point Op asked if people agree if that is the best game list on PC some of the things on that list arent games so its not the list of best games its the list of best rated media on steam which is a different thing.

nekopara there is doing great disservice to rabi ribi since people will think it's the same kind of animeme game with tiddies

>top two games on PC are a shovelware platformer from the early 2000s and a literal black and white "Where's Waldo" game

The bottom half of that image is a lot better than the top.

can only talk for Factorio, Caves of QUD, Hotline and Dishonored

I agree with them

(played terraria too but I'm not a fan)

>he has to "play" his books because he can't enjoy the patrician experience of reading without filtering it through anime & video games first
says a lot about your intelligence level

I think some console fag is really upset, there has been tonnes of anti-PC threads spammed lately.
Also OP, you're sources are completely stupid and irrelevant, i could say that Call of Duty and Madden are the very best Console has to offer as well

visual novels often have interactive choices

OP didn't say anything negative. How is this an anti-PC thread?

I think you're projecting a little bit.

what a quick response, maybe you should spend your time doing literally anything else.

& yes, true, but even then it's not a game. It's an interactive ebook with shitty china cartoons to tell you a story.

next you'll be telling me it helps you invest emotionally or something... it's one thing to enjoy videogames, but visual novels...? get a life & go outside more

>portal 2 higher then portal 1
>visual novels
>to the moon
>witcher 3

Does steam have no taste whatsoever?

>games should only be the latest aaa open world game with a cash shop

I really just don't see what your issue with it is

Who are you quoting?

>This is the very best that PC gaming has to offer.
you seem to think that 'PC gaming' is beholden to some megacorp like the consoles and their 3rd parties are
you are mistaken sir

Dying Light is a pretty good game. It's on sale rn wish I could get it but I'm too poor.

M&B alone is better than the entire consolecuck library.

No, I can't deny that there are a couple of good games on there though.

>PC has no exclusiv--

Of all the games I've played thats on that list, I admit I loved each and every one.

Maybe not the "best" Pc games have to offer, but they're pretty good.

It makes sense that niche games get rated higher, as usually only those who are in that niche would buy the game in the first place.

It caters specifically to that niche, meaning less players but a higher overall score

Don't starve is objectively shit.

I want my ten dollars back, but it's already too late.


500 reviews is way too low

here's >5000 reviews

>p-pc m-m-master race..

>wolf among us
worth just for the american butthurt over [glass him]

>american butthurt
Were Americans the ones that had a problem with that? Are you sure?

who cares who else had a problem with it, watching amerifats cough up their big mac after choosing it was worth the entire game

But I'm American and I knew what it meant. And I don't know any Americans who misunderstood it.

Have you tried to git gud?

Really? i watched countless clips of americans misunderstanding it
have you ever lived overseas?

No, I've lived in America my entire life. Using both context clues and basic knowledge of grammar, [Glass him] does not mean "hand him a glass".

yeah those dumb americans don't have a term for smashing a beer glass on someone's head, what a bunch of idiots

it says something about your culture that you need that term to exist lol

Some of those games are good (Factorio, Portals,KSP, Stardew) but it's obvious most of them are just so niche they never got any significant negative reviews.

you're god damm right, and paid some attention in school
im ausfag, and glass him is not a very common expression here, but contextually it will always make sense

Factorio is love, Factorio is life, Factorio will never be on sale.

Get it now

>oneshot and factorio mentioned in the same thread

You are all lovely people and I hope you have a good day

>dvd menus aren't games

I hope that faggot gets payed