Do you reckon Halo being in the hands of 343 Industries is a good thing, or would you prefer it if Bungie still owned Halo.
Bungie vs 343 Industries. Who develops Halo better?
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Old Bungie > 343 Industries
343 Industries > New Bungie
343 never made a good game
bungie made 4 great games
dumb question u stupid faggot
Not only that, I can't even think of a single good ASPECT of a game 343 has made. They're just a shit developer overall that happened to get handed a franchise that's hard to fuck up. And they still fucked it up.
Considering how much fucking garbage destiny was and how surprisingly fun the halo 5 mp was, 343 > bungie.
We can only wait and see if that changes with halo 6 and destiny 2 this year/next year.
I almost refuted that at least 343 kept core balance elements in the game, but I realised giving them points for NOT fucking something up is stupid. I finished Halo 4's campaign on legendary and I don't remember a single thing that happens in the story. just an all around shit show. didnt even bother looking at 5, gave up on the whole franchise now.
Halo 5 MP is literally shit, i had more fucking fun playing IW. Why do you shills keep saying halo 5 is fun?
I remember when it went all cinematic and you had to punch the elite in quick time events on a ladder and then that never happened again. Somebody slaved over programming that shit, think about that. For something so shitty and juxtaposing in the first place.
Not only do I not remember anything that HAPPENED in Halo 4, I don't even remember any of the levels. All I remember is a bunch of blue trenches railroading you from point A to point B and I'm pretty sure that was like 90% of the game? I remember that and the big field after you get off the ship at the beginning, and the only reason I remember that is because I was shocked at how bad the framerate was in that section and how shitty the LOD was. That area is probably the worst graphical quality to framerate ratio I've ever seen in a AAA game.
Bungie, obviously. What's even to be gained by this thread?
Halo 5 has the best MP in the series only behind 2, IMO
4 and 5 are still good games, it's just Halo is normally much better then just "good".
Halo 5 multiplayer is the best halo multiplayer in like 10 years. Just because you're shit at it doesn't mean it's bad.
Haven't played 5 but I definitely wouldn't call 4 anything above mediocre.
>Halo 5 has the best MP in the series only behind 2, IMO
>doesn't have split screen
>fucked up the look sensitivity for MLG shit
>ignored BTB
Nah Halo 5 MP sucked, but it does have the best Forge though.
I don't think >doesn't have split screen is really an issue once you're an adult. Honestly any time I would ever have people over to play video games everyone would just bring their own monitors and consoles, even back in high school.
I think Halo 5 is fucking horrible but seriously people make such a huge deal out of a feature that, if you use, actively makes the game shittier.
It's not the games fault the Xbone is a weak piece of shit, that's Microsoft's fault.
>Lead Writer Halo 4
>Lead Writer Mass Effect Andromeda
>current Lead Writer at Bungie
What does this mean?
>if you like what I don't like, you are a shill!
Current Destiny is much better than current Halo
Reach has the best MP of any Halo
No it's not, Bungie's been on a downward spiral since Halo 3 ODST. Destiny is shit, Destiny 2 will be bigger shit that caters to reddit, and Bungiefags are cucks that like to take it in the ass. Now fuck off, Bungie faggot.
fuck that splitscreen is still important. Multiple times ive had mates come over for beers and splitscreen, only to have us end up playing rocket league because its like the only game thats splitscreen on my ps4
If it wasn't for the maps I'd 100% agree.
>Precision and Automatic weapons were balanced for the first time in the series
>Extremely balaced weapons overall
>Each weapon feels really unique and does something different, no "this is the alien version of X"
>The grenade launcher
>Vehicles felt big and heavy, and were a force to be reckoned with
>Interesting game mode ideas like the Spartans vs Elites mode
>Spawning on teammates in big team modes was the fucking best
>Armor abilities were a little rough but most of them were fun
>Forge was a huge improvement, they clearly learned a lot from Halo 3
The only things I didn't like about Reach MP were
>The darker art style (muh opinions)
>The maps were poorly designed compared to previous games
343 killed the series. While I think it's arguable any continuation after reach was unnecessary and would've killed it Halo 4 didn't capture the spirit if they series at all and overall was shit. Halo 5 looks even worse I'm that regard.
>343 killed the series
Yeah, and personally I think they helped crippled the Xbone too.
>Halo is Xbox's most popular exclusive
>"Okay guys a new team is making Halo now"
>Halo 4 is a dog turd
>"Okay guys now come buy our new console, look we remastered the old games!"
>MCC is a dog turd
>"O-okay guys please buy our console, we have Halo 5 now..."
>Nobody buys it
That, combined with the used games debacle, basically lost them the gen.
As for Halo though, I'm pretty sure most of the Halo fans migrated to PC. Its why our Halo threads are full of "HALO 3 PC WHEN", but nobody talks about Halo 5.
>Halo 3: finish the fight
>Halo 4: oh wow look an ancient evil awakens but alos we have the Battlestar Galactic- i mean Infinity.
Well it think a lot of the reason the halo fan base left is because of the bone and halos existing path to decline. Halo 4 even on 360 was shit and then the bone had the bad launch and mcc and 5 failed to draw attention to make it seem worth it for old fans.
Microsoft had a lot of neat ips but they just insist on killing them or making them invaluable.
to be fair bungie fucked it up first, halo reach was a disaster
What's he been up to lately?
It wasn't on par with the previous titles but it by no means was as detrimental as 4.comlain about armor abilities and maps all you want, but it atleast still felt like a halo game and had an interesting story.
Surprised this hasn't come up yet
I feel like with the exception of 1 or 2 UNSC guns every aesthetic choice 343 has made has been awful
See that's what I don't get about Halo 4. Humanity just lost like 3/4 of their dominion, including a big piece of Earth. And then, not even a decade later, they're the dominant power in space because they built a big ship.
Not only is it stupid lore-wise, it's so much wasted potential. 343 could have thrust humanity into an era of reclamation, trying to reclaim their lost planets while also trying to learn more about the forerunners. They could have captured the atmosphere of the first game where the player is a roughneck explorer of mysterious alien constructs. Instead we get a generic "chosen one vs ancient evil" space opera.
And let's not even get into how the Covenant went from the space Catholic Church to space ISIS.
It would've been nice seeing more of the arbiter and friends once the space Jews got kicked out. Maybe even fight some non covenant enemies that weren't just reskins.
Tbh I think more prequel or spin off games like reach or odst. The entire lore of the game has so much room for games but they decided to role with this tacked on meme shit.
See, I thought the story was the weakest part of Reach. Every single person in that squad was a massive fucking cunt for no reason, yet you were expected to like them and mourn their deaths (except Jorge, he was cool). Echo 419 got more of an emotional response from me than anyone in Noble.
Bungie excels at atmosphere and environments, not character storytelling. It's been that way since the first game. Reach and ODST were the same in that regard: great atmosphere, terrible "squadmates".
>h5 multiplayer good
>Aiming is fucked
>Radar in every gametype
>Autos op
>Sprint + Spartan abilities
343 are trash
Ok m8s
The story wasn't about the individual characters it was about the events and the sacrifice involved.
From what little I saw of Halo 5 on PC, the evade actually seemed like a pretty cool addition, but the rest were unnecessary (Floating in midair to aim? Ground pounds? Really?)
Curious, how is aiming fucked?
Also it was way either than 4 even with its flaws.
It has the zoom shit
It can feel like it is being dragged through mud randomly, and the way they set up the aim accel and sens just feels off compared to any other halo game
He fell for the indie, playstation, and crowdfunding meme. Being Marty is suffering after Xbox
The aiming is determined by your connection to the server. Different servers make your reticle feel different, so it changes on a per-game basis.
New bungie has barely any of the developers from when they first started out. Last big one to go was Marty O Donnel, one of the greatest game composers in western vidya.