What video game do you associate with the worst part of your life?

Even if you had fun playing it?

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Dark Souls. Worst breakup ever, needed something to take my mind off it. Now I'm a soulsfag. Hard to give a shit about some woman when you're trying to be o&s.

Portal 2, I guess. It came out when I was 15 and during my brief stint as a ponyfag, before I realized how autistic I was being.

>Grandpa dies
>I'm in a different state
>AvP 2010 just came out
>buy it hoping it would be good and distract me for a while
>it almost made everything worse

I'll just post this here before someone else does


Got me through some shit in my teen years.

Can't play it anymore or listen to its soundtrack because it reminds me of all that shit.

I associate Halo 3 with it, so nothing's really lost as I never enjoyed it too much.
I still miss my friends though. I still have dreams where I'm with them and we're all okay. I only played it to hang out with them.
I doubt I'd be able to sit down and stare at that godforsaken menu again.

Mass Effect 3.

My aspirations socially and in my career have been falling apart since March 2012. Not caused by it, I am not that overly-attached (still mad tho) , but so many ideals that I have held close have been stripped since then.

>bought Trials HD
>was having fun with it
>all of a sudden hear my mother screaming in grief
>my grandpa had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital
>dad and mom scramble to go to the hospital while I'm left alone for the night because I had an exam the next day
>grandpa ends up surviving and I've never played Trials HD since then

My gf that I had incredible feelings for just broke up with me. Had been playing Story of Seasons a lot and it was the only game I talked about with her because she thought it was cute. Now everytime I boot it up and hear its cheery music I start fucking crying like a little bitch.

When I played MGS1 for the first time I had some trouble in school and in the family. HIND battle somehow reminds me especially clearly of that

>trying Rift
>girlfriend broke up with me because she got raped by this music producer who went to jail a few months later
>dad was crushed by a steamer at work and became disabled

Rift is that bad.

I played a lot of Morrowind through college when I was dealing with a lot of shit. That was a couple years ago though.

"broke up with you because she got raped"

sounds more like he gave her the bigger D and that's why she left you

The day I bought and played Aliens: Colonial Marines changed my life forever.

Battlefield 4. I played it for hours after the only girl I ever went on a date with said she didn't want to continue dating me.

Mario Party 3

>Spent an entire year in some crumble apartment with only 1 room
>No kids in a 5 block radius, so its basically me as an 8 year old playing in the parking lot with a giant radiator as a best friend
>Constantly watching my abusive father beat the shit out of my mother on a daily basis
>After one family reunion, I was whooped with a belt by said abusive father over some fabricated story about me kicking the back seat of a family friend on the way home
>Thing is, I was whooped on the front, where my dick was
>Dick swelled up like a red balloon for the next 3 days
>After a hospital visit, I find out my dick is lacerated and permanently disfigured
>"But hey, at least I fun with Mario and friends being trapped in a toy box."

Being in a black family sucks sometimes.

She was literally, literally, literally raped. Like, went to the police after and had a rape kit done and he ended up in jail.

It just put her through a lot. I know this is Sup Forums and we love cuck memes here, but Rift really was that bad.

makes no sense to me, if i was raped i wouldn't leave my girlfriend because some milf couldn't get enough of my dick and had to rape me

what the fuck even, but girls are retarded like that, i am not surprised anymore

I wasted best years of my life, most of my Uni days, doing nothing but playing Dota 2 semi-competetively.
Just fucking kill me.

MH3U. I started to realize I didn't want to be where I was in life and didn't want to let down my parents. I also realized that I needed to think stuff through and that I'll probably never be who everyone expected me to be.

Today I'm okay with that. 4U was good but X is SHIT

hah nigger

Pretty much any game I've played for the past 7 years of my life and up to this moment

>tfw no black daddy to beat ur dick to triple size


4 years of studying automotive engineering and computer science all down the drain because of fucking league of dogshit for me

i feel your pain

Final Fantasy IV DS, last December, when I started this job and had to put my cat down. Had him since I was 8. Turned 25 a few days ago. Losing him was like losing a best friend. I had to go to work right after we went to the vet. Never had time to cry. Wouldn't let myself cry. I said I would let myself cry at some point. But the job's been eating me alive, all my past fuck-ups are catching up with me, and my family ia falling apart.

The game was shit too.

Virtue's Last Reward

>year out of college still with no job
>dog's arthritis severe enough that he struggled to support himself and the vet told me to start preparing to put him down
>dad diagnosed with prostate cancer
>brother's marriage was falling apart

I wanted to drop the game just because I couldn't deal with a story about misery anymore but I powered through and was "rewarded" for it with ZTD.

Still can't listen to Blue Bird Lamentation without feeling real low.

Metal gear solid V. Picked it up after I had been dumped and was pretending to take it well, but was actually spiraling into deep depression and failing all of my college classes.
Really enjoyed the game, i had been spoilered on the whole story so I knew to expect nothing and just enjoy 100000 ways to skin an outpost.
It was fun enough to distract me from the looming threat of skipping dozens of classes and only going to the gym or going drinking for weeks at a time.
I eventually got my shit together and graduated but that was a rough patch.

RimWorld really took my mind off some really bad shit I'm glad is over

Persona 5 JPN release.

Le super dark suicidal depression.

>libshits will deny black on black violence is a massive problem
denying it just makes it worse for the people who suffer through that shit

FF7, I finally decided to play all the way through it a couple years ago on my vita when I moved out to the country to take care of my grandmother who was going through lower intestinal cancer while my grandfather got put in a nursing home, she died about a month later and then my grandfather died a couple weeks after her

Not really the worst, was pretty neutral due to circumstances, but:

>off work at 8am, I was active duty
>wife and kid out for the day
>just bought Spec Ops: The Line the day before, decide to play before sleeping
>got into it, maybe half way through it
>get a call, it's my mother who says my father died (they've been long divorced)
>call wife, tell her, say I'm fine
>sit back down and finish the campaign

Was a weird time in my life.

i played a lot of ps1 demos when my parents were getting divorced, i guess

i just realized how much more sad it is that i was replaying demos constantly instead of owning and playing actual games

yeah, stupid rape victims, mirite

WoW for obvious reasons

man that would be a really weird time to play Spec Ops: The Line,

i feel like it could have either helped someone in that situation, or completely disabled their ability to cope properly.

Hey, newshit, did you know there's a thing called greentexting?

>People have their family died, their lives destroyed and broken relationships
>LMAO I was a ponyfag, so sad D:

Dark Corners of the Earth

Mum got a divorce and took me and my brother away to live in the neighboring city, a place full of mosquitoes, heat and garbage.

>Implying being a brony isn't worse than all of those

I played Half Life 2 for the first time in college when my depression was at its worst and didn't enjoy it at all but playing it a few years later I loved it. I also associate Bomberman with my ex because I found out she loved it and downloaded it to play right before we broke up

Trust me user a lot of people did that, you know how many times I played these fucking things?

Arma 3. Don't really associate it with he worst part of my life because there's loads of other times I've played it but

>be me
>get expelled from school over a fucking accident and have to go to alternative school
>get depressed
>wanna kms
>don't shower because as soon as I wake up I go to alt school and as soon as I get home from alt school I go to bed
>one day decide to play arma 3 on the weekend
>get into it
>it's fun
>even start playing it on weekdays after alt school
>start showering again lol
>only had to go to alt school for a semester

And all was right with the world again, sort of.

Which copypasta was this related to?

Probably Dota 2, I played that when I lived in literal poverty.

Or before then, Driver and/or Metal Slug.

I used to go to an acrade when I was younger and during that period my alcholic stepfather chased my mom and I through the house and then the streets with a large piece of wood.

In a weird way, I feel it somewhat enhanced my experience. I enjoyed the shit out of it having gone in blind, not knowing what to expect. Up until I got the call I thought I was just enjoying some CoD "war is bad" knockoff, but when everything was revealed and I was being driven off (didn't want to shoot up innocent dudes) I just sat there and tried to process the last 5 hours in my head. To this day it all still feels like a blur, but I fucking love that game.

Minecraft and Oblivion.

>had severe teenage depression from 13 till about 19
>consider that the worst overall experience in my life
>spends years modding Oblivion
>altering every aspect of the game
>making custom versions of some mods
>making my perfect character and followers
>immersed myself in that game

>started playing Minecraft sometime in 2011
>played that alot too
>used to stay up for days playing
>making stupid shit
>even associate some music with playing Minecraft at that time

Final Fantasy XIV. I slit my throat and nearly died, but that game helped me get through it.

People experience different lows or reflect on their pasts differently, faggot.

aw shit man i had that one, and i'm semi-proud to say, as many times as i replayed those demos, i never once touched the barbie one.

>I slit my throat
Damn son

For me it's probably League of Lamers. Starcraft II and Tribes Ascend were probably my happiest times.

The one I'm playing right now and there's still no escape on sight

World of Warcraft
>friendless introvert in high school
>find WoW due to its BC ads
>become friend with some girl from America

At least I assume it was a girl. I never saw pics. But even if he was a fat 40 year old pedo he was still a nice fat 40 year old pedo who helped me get through shit.

dark souls 3
came out right when I got heart broken baaaaaaaaaaad from someone very close to me. Ruined the second half of my playthrough and I never really went back to the game

user walked in on his mom blowing his dad while holding his gameboy.

>abused by his alcoholic stepfather

that explains a lot

StarCraft II was my best times too. My friends from church introduced me to it, and I used to play online with them all the time with my youth pastor.

Pokemon LeafGreen in my childhood. Too many assholes trying to tell me what to do and be my dad (father died when I was really young, my mom dated a lot). My mom got me a GBA SP and LeafGreen one Christmas. Just absorbed myself in the game to forget about feeling so damn helpless against everyone else.
Through my adolescence, I played a lot of Pokemon Pearl, Left 4 Dead, and Resident Evil 4. High school was fucking horseshit and those games always made me feel better.
Now that I think back on it, those games probably saved me from doing some stupid shit and ruining my life.

>tfw living the worst part of my life right now

dota2, played it after a failed job interview for 13h a day.

I'm sorry but he being a fan of a cartoon for little girls is stupid. If he said "I was depressed had no friends and started watching the show" then I'd get it, but just saying "I was autistic and I liked this show a lot", well guess what, we were all autistic when we were teenagers.

GTA IV brings out severe nostalgia for me. First girlfriend, first set of real friends, basically this, but in real life for me;


I used Minecraft to escape from reality at one point. Then beta 1.7.3 became the last good version to ever exist. I got better.

Yep. I'm pretty sure 90% of humanity regrets the living fuck outta their teenage years.

I played WoW a lot when I was repressing stuff

what games are you playin right now?

>First playthough of Bayonetta 1
>My dad gets sick
>have to be operated of emergency
>lives out

>some years after that
>tried to 100% Bayonetta
>My dad gets sick once again
>this time is a undetected appendicitis, he expended one week on the hospital
>once again gets operated of emergency.
>live out once again.

Im afraid to touch that game ever again

I have the required authority to post frogs

Same thing with me and Animal Crossing: New Leaf. It gets better, user.

Literally none. My most severe bouts of depression leave me unable to do anything but look at my steam library and not want to play anything in it, so I never end up doing any gaming.

The Sims 3 on PS3. I was in my final year of university and I was cracking under the stress. I wanted to kill myself just so I could die a disappointment rather than live as a disappointment for the rest of my life, working in McDonald's, living with my parents. Bought Sims 3 on a whim one day. It made me feel like I was in control of something at least. My computer at the time wasn't good enough to run it. Played it on PS3 and enjoyed it, was comfy and ran well. Graduated that year with a save file with hundreds of hours.

I want to play Sims 3 on my new computer but it just keeps crashing, and all that DLC is ridiculous.

>Halo 3
everything I wanted to say is right here. I feel you, user.

Pokemon Gold when I had cancer as a kid. Discovering shit that only happened on certain days was amazing. Traded with friends and relatives to get 251 Pokemon before treatment was done.

Didn't know if I would survive so I wanted to be a Pokemon master before I died.

i havent had a "worst part of my life" because im not a pussy

let your greatest enemy borrow it. That game is clearly cursed

>Dick swelled up like a red balloon for the next 3 days
is this the secret behind the BBC?

I started to get into it around the time when my grandmother's health got really bad. I remember playing it when I got home after visiting her in the hospital and when my mother called and told me that she died.

This. it just drains all motivation for me to do anything if im in a bad place mentally. i just aimlessly browse the internet until it passes

Oh, also I have a psychotic girlfriend who kicks me out of the house whenever she's pissed about anything. We have a kid together, and no matter what's happened, I always get the blame for it. Spent time at my Dad's playing Fallout 4 (when it just came out) and Hitman: Blood Money while wishing I could just be with my newborn son if not for my cunt gf.

I don't wanna sound like /r9k/ but mine has to do with a woman.

Essentially, I met this chick at college and really hit it off. She was wearing a Star Wars dress and so the conversation steered to there at one point. Found out she was into games and suggest KOTOR; turns out, she's never played it. Fast forward a bit and I'm letting her play it at my place over the course of us hanging out and dating. Her reaction to the twist near the end of the game was priceless.

Eventually, I get some text from her late one night. She's dropped me for some other guy she met at a party. I guess I hadn't spent that long with her, but I really felt like I was in love. She legitimately made me happy. Never felt that way about anyone else in my entire life, and I practically got cucked. I still love the game, but I can't help but be reminded of a time when I could wake up and not want to kill myself, and how that was pissed away.

I got WAY too fucking into it and procrastinated basically 3 years of my life away. It wasn't even fun for the most part I just did it out of some stupid obligation I felt towards my guild, most of the members in retrospect I hated.

Left 4 Dead, me and my wife used to play before she passed.

They could still consider it a serious low point for them, being anti-social ponyfag loser. I mean, I've suffered real loss in my life, but I rarely look back at them in such a depressing way. I never spent a lot of time mourning the dead and instead tried to celebrate their memory. It's all perspective.

tfw playing mega drive games while drunken father is smashing stuff in the kitchen

me and brother start arguing about accidentally hitting each other in streets of rage

father barges into the room and smashes the console on the wall

>Cheated on several years into a relationship
>Beat World at War on veteran while replaying the incident in my head
The only thing I hate more than women is broken grenade spam.

>online relationship with girl a couple of states over
>if not talking to her online, I'm playing PSO
>go a couple of days not hearing from her
>work up the nerve to call her
>her brother picks up, introduce myself and ask if she's there
>he starts apologizing and swearing "Oh fuck man, I heard about you, shit man I'm sorry."
>ask the question I didn't want to "Is she alright?"
>get replied with "No man, I'm so sorry, her and our father died in a car wreck."
>fucking shattered, think I muttered "what?"
>her brother goes on to explain that her father is a drunk and drove them off the road

None. I have a couple music bands associated with some people I would like to forget though.

>father and sister just died
>apologizing to some random guy from the internet

oblivion, loved the game though
I used to sit around for hours at a time ingame at the bravil skooma den, pretending I actually lived in that world, I would never leave my room soiling myself, only leaving briefly to piss and fill ziplock bags with ramen and cold water when everybody went to sleep

Warframe, played it for 3 years.

I was abused physically, sexually and emotionally by my parents. I was put in foster care, had relatives abandon my sister and I while my parents self destructed both going in and out of prison. This all started from the age of 3. They started giving me Zoloft at the age of 6 for depression, which in retrospect is completely irresponsible on the part of the doctors and care givers. Spent way too much time doing things related to my parents or the "case" of my abuse, state social workers always taking me away from school or visiting me when I was out of school. My parents regained custody of my sister and I several times when the state would deem them fit to have us returned to them. They would force me to go to counseling after school which left no time for homework, something that would be a problem for a long time. The social worker also contributed to this. So when I would finally get home at 8 pm from driving all over I did not want to do my hw and it caused me more problems with my parents, foster parents, aunt, etc.

Kudos. Of all the CoD games, that one actually requires some real determination to beat on Veteran.

Things stabilized at the start of high school and I had everything I needed to move forward but I still had issues. I started dating a girl who is now a some what famous singer the 2nd semester of my Jr year. She cheated on me with her old bf and it sent me in a downward spiral. At the start of the 2nd semester of my senior year I was really far behind on school work due to my lack of effort but also going inpatient to a youth mental ward. When I got out they gave me drugs that helped but I was already so far behind. I dropped out of school with 1 quarter left and over the course of 5 years I would lock myself in my room and never leave. Never had a job, never got a license. I would butcher my arm with knives, had a run in with my mom at one point, ended back in a mental ward. I put on over 100lbs. I attempted suicide 3 times. Drinking bleach, hydrogen peroxide and injecting air into my veins. I started to turn things around and found out I had bipolar disorder. I lost 160 lbs and have been unfortunately coasting for 2 years.

So I spent those 5 now 7 years sitting on my ass playing games but Warframe was at the lowest point when I realized how fucked everything was.

On the bright side, I can finish every mission in Blood Money with my eyes closed.

Were you in warbros?

Am I posting on Sup Forums?


I got really into competitive during season 3 and went kind of crazy.

I was just finishing my masters degree and really worrying about what kind of a job I'd be able to get and I just kind of put all of that stress into the game. To the point where I convinced myself--subconsciously--that if I got enough SR, I'd be okay.

Well, I still haven't figured anything out but at least I don't play that stupid fucking game anymore.

Tribes Ascend and Planetside 2 when my dad starting massive arguments with me. Those 2 games have been ruined for me.

>In hospital for extended stays due to cancer treatment when I was in my early teens.
>Spent most of my time play Dark Cloud

Stills holds a place near to my heart.

I can count on one hand the number of people active in the clan for that amount of time, and most of them I was a bit of a dick to. Sorry if I made anything worse bro, we've all got our shit