New Smash 4 tech is still being explored

New Smash 4 tech is still being explored.

The game actually has alot of depth, but it takes time to unravel it

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dead game

>party game

Can't be dead if it was never alive.

>over 50k views on twitch for a smash4 tournament last week

>dead game

Are you fucking kidding me?

So this is what sloths see the wolrd

>tfw all the characters I enjoy suck

Just revert every Dedede change from Brawl Sakurai.

Go back to street fighter, you clearly never gave the game a real chance

It's still boring.

This, it's ALWAYS meant as a party game. This is like trying to make timesplitters into a professional e-sport, It never works no matter how hard you try to turn it into one.

Smash Wii U had balance patches that were specifically aimed on the competitive scene.

You are clueless. Smash has more depth than most traditional fighting games

Why would anyone when Melee is still the main game in the franchise?

Melee has worse balance and worse hitboxes.

Smash4 is the superior game

>timesplitters into a professional e-sport
my dick

The gameplay in melee is still more fun and complex, even if not intended that way.
Death of author. Sakurai does NOT matter.

What happens when Smash 5 comes out

I think Melee lacks the polish that smash4 brings to the table. i think smash4 was just designed more intelligently.

Each to their own though, different games for different people

People still play Melee.

You are aware that the record for the biggest smash tournament of all time is a Smash4 tournament, right?

>tfw your too intelligent to have depth

it's fucking nothing

Not that guy, but it's common knowledge that Smash 4 has more entrants while Melee gets more views. Obviously because the former is a more accessible game for people to get into.

For a tournament that wasn't even CEO, Shine or EVO, it's alot

You're such a fucking shit head. The thread is about new tech being discovered in smash Wii U. My question is what will happen when the next smash comes out. Not whether Melee is the best which it obviously is.

Melee got more views on EVO only because it got a much better time, right before SFV

Smash4 finals was early in the morning at the second day instead the third day, and it still reached an amazing amount of views

For a new brand of monthly standalone tournament (non long running like Genesis Apex) and not co-riding with melee, it means a lot.

The general public will play it for a few weeks than forget it exists like the past two games.

is Ganondorf still shit? all I care about

Ganon is mid-tier at the noob level, and bottom tier at a competitive level.

He is much much stronger than what he was in brawl tho

I doubt it will have half the attendance it does at tournaments now. All those kids will move onto the next smash and smash Wii U will be dropped like the sack of shit that it is.

People will move on to smash 5 and those faggots who don't like change will still be playing on their shitty CRTs for another 5 years

It happened with brawl and it's gonna happen with smash 4 when a new game comes out

Meant to quote

Why is pokken so much more balanced then smash?

>inb4 number of characters

Melee barely has more characters then Pokken does and it has like 3x the amount of tiers as it and the gap between said tiers is much larger

This no one really likes smash 4 theyre just playing it because it's the new thing

I will move to smash5 only if smash5 will actually be a better game.

That makes alot of sense.

If Smash5 will be better, there would be no reason to main melee or smash4 for me

Because Pokken was made in mind to be a fighting game

Melee was made to be a dumb party game

I'm sure pokken will drop down to a select few characters if it lasts long enough. It happens with all fighting games.

>this fucking Pajeet narrarating a Smash video

How fitting

>I will move to smash5 only if smash5 will actually be a better game.
Why did people move on to smash 4 when brawl is deeper than smash 4 though

But all games are professional esports. It's called speedrunning.

Actually, the meta has only gotten more balanced since the game came out.

>Why is pokken so much more balanced then smash?
If you can't figure this out yourself, you're not that bright. There are so fucking many factors they have to consider and test when "balancing" Smash Bros. Pokken is just 1-on-1 fights with assists. Smash players are obsessed with tier lists because their game needs them, as opposed to most traditional fighting games.

because pokken was made by people who actually make fighting games

>all games can be speedrunned

You can't speedrun indie games.
You can't speedrun party games.
You can't speedrun fan games.
You can't speedrun sports games.
You can't speedrun fighting games.
You can't speedrun racing games.
You can't speedrun mobile games.
You can't speedrun turn-based role-playing games.
You can't speedrun sandbox games.
You can't speedrun real-time strategy games.

You can speedrun first-person shooters.
You can speedrun platforming games.
You can speedrun action role-playing games.
You can speedrun action-adventure games.
You can speedrun Christian games

What's the difference between dark mewtwo and mewtwo?

>You can't speedrun turn-based role-playing games.
Yes you can. There are tiers for Fire Emblem and SRW for this kind of thing.

f*cking based

because melee was rushed

>You can't speedrun indie games.
>You can't speedrun party games.
>You can't speedrun fan games.
>You can't speedrun sports games.
>You can't speedrun fighting games.
>You can't speedrun racing games.
>You can't speedrun mobile games.
>You can't speedrun turn-based role-playing games.
>You can't speedrun sandbox games.
>You can't speedrun real-time strategy games.
Literally every single one of these has been speedran at one point or another

And I do mean literally

I'm also curious to hear your reasoning as to why indie games apparently can't be speedran

>as opposed to most traditional fighting games.

That's horseshit you've pulled out of your ass though. There's been an instance of every one of those types of games at AGDQ/SGDQ.

Good luck with that. Nintendo is just going to milk Sm4sh more and re-release it on the Switch.

>indie and fangames are genres

Post discarded.

>Ryu that high

I knew he had tech, but what?

Combos and True Shoryuken.

too slow and tripping. that's why I left brawl.

They are completely different characters, basically. Their grabs, field phase homing attack, and duel phase light attack are the same but every other way they are completely seperate characters

Ryu has an amazing combo game and he kills very early with true shoryuken.

focus attack also helps him alot

I just wish Smash4 had less third party characters. It's basically a polished MUGEN at this point.

Add the fact that the top tier characters are so busted they don't require half as much tech as Fox does in Melee. It's fucking cheese city now.

I have no doubt that the players who stick to Smash 4 will continue to discover new tech for the game for years to come.

But I seriously doubt any new tech will be game-changing enough to breathe new life into the competitive community like wavedashing did for Melee.

People wanted them to make all the third party characters and they gave in.

All the tech in that video was discovered over a year ago.

>Fucking implying

Bayonetta and Sheik are incredibly technical characters which can take years to truly master

Too bad the game will be dead before anyone masters them.

are you saying that this game stopped developing already?

Even Brawl's meta developed longer than this


Smash4 will die only if Smash5 will be a similar game and a better game.

Also, please remember that the biggest smash tournament ever was a smash4 tournament, not a melee tournament

Need that easy entree level scrub money.

And being a more polished game than melee without BS hitboxes

>the biggest smash tournament ever was a smash4 tournament, not a melee tournament
This kills the meleefag

>cloud's up-air.jpg

Because MetaKnight invalidated said tech
man did you know if you SDI down ZSS down smash you can like tech it everytime and she wont get a kill in brawl?
and then Salem wins a Apex because none of the fucks knew that

Just sounds like you're bad at technical games m8

smash 4 is great but no one wants to play it anymore
i think at this point the series peaked at melee and sequels will never relive that

also bayo and cloud were bad additions

People who actually make fighting games also made 3rd Strike, CvS2, BBCT, etc. Pokken has had the benefit of location testing and balance patches, neither of which were a thing in Melee's time.

This gif explains what is wrong with melee

They're unused for a reason, Sm4sh players play Sm4sh to avoid complicated and precise button pushing.

how can we make Pac-Man great again?

Melee is not only worse than Smash4, it's also less popular than smash4.

Smash4 is the peak of the smash series by most standards, what the fuck are you even talking about?

Also i love bayo and cloud, you probably dislike them just because they are S tier

god damn, those S and A tiers and literal pottery, I like

>can literally see marths hand hitting yoshis nose as he grabs hit
Yoshis grab is completely fucked though yeah

His grab is the same as his sword. What's so hard to understand?

Yes, it turned out alot characters that are the main character of their series ended up in S and A tiers, including some of the most iconic characters like Mario, Fox and Sonic

while smash 4 is better than melee, melee plays better
both games are dead

>Also i love bayo and cloud, you probably dislike them just because they are S tier
its more because they're intentionally good and it hurt the game a bit honestly

>Also i love bayo and cloud, you probably dislike them just because they are S tier
I dislike them because they don't look like they belong. At least Sonic, Mega Man, and Pacman have a Nintendo feel to them.

Melee is better than smash4 because the gameplay isn't trash

You know what? ill show you another reason smash4 is better.

Do dash attack with DK in melee. now go and do it in smash4.

Do the same with Peach upair.

See how much more fluid and nice those moves are in smash4? the movesets got revamped in smash4 for the better

Ehhh Bayo just has a good punish game and people are mistaking that as a neutral

Bayo ruins the game

Not fun to play against at all. basically a selectable boss character.

Who cares what shit tier characters do?

not a pajeet, a austrain dude

You are mistaken between the current Bayonetta and pre-patch bayo.

Pre patch bayo was actually overpowered. the current bayonetta is only ever so slightly better than Diddy and Shiek

How is Cloud any different than any other swordfag? How is ZSS fine but not Bayo?

>but muh content
>this signifies the sm4sh player's lack of understanding

>shit tier
>Melee peach

What are you doing? Melee isn't just fox ditto simulator

Okay now run and jump in Melee. Now go do it in Sm4sh.

See how much more fluid and nice the movement is in Melee? The movement got gimped into the fucking basement in Sm4sh for shit.

They're from Nintendo games.

>while smash 4 is better than melee, melee plays better

Literally what did you mean by this, make up your goddamn mind

Smash became a fighter by community austism, creators didn't care about balance, and frankly still don't even in 4.

Not that Pokken is balanced (its not), but compared to melee brawl or even smash 4 pretty much every fighter looks so much healthier.