Ryse:Son of Rome

So, I know I'm late in the game but this game is dope. Why the hell did people hate this?

I am not sure user, I like the game a lot but never understood the hate, but that's Sup Forums for ya, hating on games that make you make a thread asking why everyone hates it.

Fucking retards locked the hardest difficulty setting. You gotta play on Hard first. Why the fuck would they do that? Fuck that pisses me off. Literally wasted my money. You can't even wipe your character's upgrades for a fresh start once you unlock the hardest setting.

Sup Forums hated it. anything xbox or western related gets anti-shilled here. its bizarre.

one day, there will be peace.

People hate it because it´s garbage.
Laughabe combat and animations, clone armies and shitty story/characters. It´s a crytek game through and through.

Yeah, i kinda liked it too. I understand that those who payed 60 bucks got ripped, i got it from sale and had decent time with it. I guess it was announced when Xbone hate was on the roof, everyone was shitting on Microsoft and their TV-fetish. This and Quantum Break still kinda feels part of that time.

As someone who likes it (especially for its co-op), it really has only one combat style


They had a multitude of weapons back then, and the game chooses to focus on only swords

Im not calling this game of the year or anything but damn its fun.

We will never get a sequel featuring six weapon types. How does that make you feel? Personally, I'm closer to suicide every day.

Somehow it appears to be boring and simplistic, until you actually play through it

It looked good but it was pretty forgettable, not much reason to replay it either.

There was one cool feature if you weren't yet aware that you were being spied out by the gubment through the audio-- you could call in artillery strikes (yes, with you voice) when you were in trouble.

This is advanced shitposting.

because it's shit
but mustards will gobble up any shit that gets released on steam

Cinematic experience with the historical accuracy of a bad TV show.

i thought this game was just a standard crytek 'looks good, gameplay is fundamentally lacking' type affair?
i watched my roomate play it once and it seemed like combat was non stop QTEs?

off topic, but i actually feel really bad for anybody interested in history, or has a degree in teaching some historical period
it would be impossible to suspend your disbelief playing any kind of game set in the past near their era of expertise

That's precisely what it is. Non-stop QTEs. And the multiplayer was shit to boot. Story was mediocre, 2v2 multiplayer was janky as fuck. There's nothing great about the game other than it looking alright.

Because of its fucking awful fantasy setting and some of the worst combat ever


>Why don´t people like a a shit game
Okay, here have this.
>Day one Xbox retard (yes I fucking got the Xbox One day One)
>Starving for games
>Graphics looks nice for Ryse so I get it
>One fucking weapon type, shield and sword
>No new moves
>New animation executions doesn´t count
>Shitty upgrades
>Increase exp gain
>Increase HP
>Increase DMG
>Increase inventory for spear throws
>Shitty story
>Shitty MC
>Story gets better after you become half god
>Gameplay is the same the entire game
>Three sorts of enemies reskinned ad nauseum
>Graphics are nice
>Multiplayer with shitty booster packs purchases
>Only increase stats like HP and DMG
>No new weapon
>Same old shitty sword and shield
>Tiers makes no different except MORE HP AND DMG
>Fucking shit from booster packs not even fun collecting
>Stages are only looking different with different traps, but SAME FUCKING ENEMIES
Graphics are nice
Shit game

Gods descent to Rome to give Marius guide lines.

>Xfags are still trying to shill Ryse three years on

Wew lad