Patch when?

patch when?

I hope we get cybernetic replacements in the next patch. My left arm is fucked

my right shoulder's healing from a dislocation, but that's nowhere near permanent.

What are the end game dungeons and who is the ultimate final boss?

Rothschilds in Siege of the Federal Reserve

The story seems to go nowhere, the in-game currency is far too hard to acquire, builds and professions aren't balanced, prices are too high, the community is fucking toxic and filled with normies, and the dev support is nonexistant. Also, the minigames the community puts out is getting worse and worse. 6/10

> no save points
> one life
> no powers or invincibility
> supposedly massive world but feel obliged to go to "work" everyday, grinding for cash is a bore
> relatively limited inventory
> increasing strength is difficult

I want a refund.

you can contact dev support by praying, but they may or may not answer. praying is boosted at places called "churches"

Has anybody been able to romance with other characters? I've been playing for years, and literally nothing I do works. You can do it with NPCs, but it's not the same.

It's been literally thousands of years since the last patch, and that was just granting powers to the producer's son and respawnning him. I think the support is dead.

I've heard acquiring large amounts of in game gold helps a lot.

any dev notes about what they plan to do with pic related? I know the andromeda crash event is happening millions of years in the future but I'm still worried.

pls upload gf dlc

>fan made patch fixes multiple game crashing viruses
>widely successful, viruses effects fade from memory
>new crop of retarded women claim fan patch gives their shitty alts a disadvantage(doesnt even crash the game)
>they dont even check the patch themselves, and refuse to apply it
>fucking game crashing viruses start returning
why do i even bother playing this

>even buggier than Mass Effect Andromeda

Why do people praise this game?

Acquiring skills requires far too much grinding.

30% of players will lose their jobs to bots soon anyway.

What do you guys put all your stat points into?

>random nose bleeds
>immune system skill randomly attacks you
>leveling past a certain point has serious stat decline
>emotional system overrides logical thought progression
>this leads to only 3rd parties having objective decision making ability on your progression
>if you try to uninstall you get captured by other players and access to the menu is disabled
good graphics arent worth this bullshit

How do you get rid of the friendzone debuff?

earning enough gold can do it
alternatively, since its a channeled debuff, you can kill the target casting it

Raise your charisma stats