So I just bought one of these

So I just bought one of these.

How bad did I fuck up?

Other urls found in this thread:

You fell for the meme. I'm sorry.

Post pic with time stamp


Badly if it's Windows 10. Can't run half of old games. And newer won't run due to processor limit

You didn't. They're awesome.

What the fuck is it?

I do have a Windows 7 key hanging around but I don't know if the system will shit it's pants since it's a newer chip set and all? I dunno.

Really I want it for emulation, older games and indie shits. Stuff like Cave Story, BattleBlock Theater, Binding of Isaac, Crypt of the NecroDancer, Duck Game, Fallout New Vegas (will have to see how performance is on that), Guacamelee, Guilty Gears, Hotline Miami, HuniePop, Ikaruga, Jet Set Radio, etc etc (just throwing out games on my Steam list I haven't gotten to) ... I mean I guess one could argue I could have gotten a hacked hand held or whatever but I like the idea of me being able to put as much effort in to it to make it how I want. I'm picturing it booting straight in to Steam Big Picture mode, having my emulated games set up with ice, all that shit.

It's a GDP Win

Really like the dragonbox pyra, too bad it is underpowered as fuck and costs a fortune.

Smach Z seems to be the closest bet, but I don't trust them to deliver on all their promises.

A hacked nintendo switch once it is cheaper might be the best option if it gets good emulators all the way up to PS2 ported.

Not sure if the switch can handle PS2 emulation, the weaker GPD Win was barely capable of PS2 emulation on a bloaty win10 OS so it might be possible.

Yeah I see your points, and I do agree Windows 10 can be really bloated for this unit. I'm probably going to kill a weekend setting everything up like turning off Cortana, changing advanced settings, all that shit. Hopefully it will be worth it.

what is that, my man?


I want one but it has to be Switch tier specs. Wouldn't mind it costing $600.

>PS2 emulator
>running on a console

has it ever been done before at all? because I highly doubt it'll run on anything that isn't a PC and a code port would just break the whole damn thing, or at least strip away 90% of its improvements that make games playable. I was and still am waiting on a PS1 emulator on the Wii U being ported

PS3 and PS4

Isn't RetroArch on Wii U now? I dunno if any cores for PS1 emulators have been ported or not.

>it's another GPD shill thread
>it's another thread where GPD shills will accuse anyone of being a nintenbro
>it's another thread where GPD shills will try to convince you that buying something that costs twice as much as a PS4 in order to play Skyrim at 10 FPS on the go while slowly but steadily damaging the internal hardware of the ''console'' is a good idea

You should have just bought a Switch.

Sounds nice for weak steam titles, been tempted to get one for EDF4.1, M&B, Teleglitch, legend of heroes, terraria, SoTS the pit, hell probably even distant worlds if they keyboard doesn't give me much shit.

But not happy with the L3/R3 button placement for emulation and 3 hour battery life under heavy load primarily.

I'm in a similar boat man, smach Z seems to be close to switch specs. But I would take anything they say with a grain of salt until their product is released and all issues are reviewed.

PS3/PS4 emulates PS2.

user that's the creatrs of said consoles making emulators on newer consoles. it's a completely different ordeal given they have full understanding of the hardware they're messing with, along with all their documentation. SNES emulation on the 3DS was complete ass until nintendo released SNES virtual console support for the N3DS, at which point I assume people starting basing their homebrews on it but that's just speculation and me talking out my ass

No thanks

that looks comfy

Switch has the best mobile GPU on the market available, the GDP doesn't. It can still run non-heavy indies and tittles like Half Life 2 well and source engine stuff well.


Like I said here
And in some completely insane cases there might be an entire damn console inside another console just for the sake of backwards compatibility. The Wii U has the entirety of the wii inside itself, which is how you can hack the vwii to run GC games natively. Running a GC on a Wii U is running a console within a console within a console

I wanna see more please

You did considerably better than someone who bought Switch.

what?! I want a wii u now

Is it true that the sticks aren´t clickable?

shill pls go

If you look at the OP pic, you will see L3 and R3 relocated at the right column. So the thumbsticks will not click which is a shame.


>can't have a GDP thread without people accusing of shills
>can't have nice things on Sup Forums
>can't get your dad back

The Wii U can run:

N64 (VC)
GC (native)
Wii (native)
Wii U (hurr)
Virtual Boy (I shit you not. homebrew)
PS1 (homebrew)
DOS (homebrew)
Linux (wii homebrew)
Obscure machines (homebrew via retroarch)

In sum: every single nintendo system ever released sans 3DS plus a few computers and the PS1. Also linux so you can install gentoo while you waggle like a madman

The GPD doesn't even use a mobile GPU because it's an X86 platform, not an ARM platform.

Did you? Why not post a picture of your one instead of a generic picture?

You won't get PS2 on a console. (Except Sony's own systems)
The only PS2 emulator we have isn't even good on a moderate PC.

It's going to show up in a box soon I can post it then.

Lol wut?

Intel HD 405.

It's a mobile GPU you dip. It's integrated onto the SoC die just like the Switches GPU.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure, shill

Another shill thread.

>100 yuan have been deposited to your account.

Why do you have to make the thread so retarded?
Obviously going to be called a shill even if you ain't.

There was a nice thread about it on Sup Forums a while ago, nobody was calling anyone a shill.
Don't know if it's possible on here though.

>Can't run half of old games
What do you mean? Obviously for games as old as DOS games you will need DOSBox.

No Windows 7. Lacking drivers.
Windows 10 is fine and tandy for the use you will be getting out of the device. All those low powered tablets and shits run Windows 10 and most of them have an even shittier SoC.

Another 100 yen for your account. That's 200 yuan now. You can buy 点心 now.

If you're going to make a thread with a generic image and two lines of text? No wonder.
But Sup Forums has too many fanbois anyways, Nintendofags will go defensive becacuse they think the device is meant to challenge the Switch, console fags will bash on it for being a PC, etc.

I'm not OP you dipshit.
Go drown in shit, wouldn't want people like you in a decent community like the Win has anyways yet alone shill it to you.

Just realized you took this picture from a chinese shilling site. And 2016 in file name? How huge of shill are you?
LOL. Go fuck yourself fake niponese.

How do we know you aren't the OP?

Because I am not shilling this piece of crap. You chink fucktard.

Neither am I? It's a useless piece of shit for most with a very small niche market for some.

Yen is Japanese currency you pleb


Fuck off shill. Now that people started calling OP a shill you try to play it off cool.

why didn't you just buy a Gameklip to use a dualshock 3 with your android phone?

I guess some people want a dedicated device for it for convenience.
Also Windows?

Their own business they waste their money on

>He understood
>replied in a few seconds
This thread is really full of chink shills.

Are there any good tiny pcs for non gaming?

Google translate faggot


If you really need a small PC that has to fit in your pocket, than look up the GPD Pocket.
I don't see the appeal in it though, at least the Win is gaming oriented while you can just get a slightly bigger ultrabook if you need a normal small laptop.




SO long as you have reasonable expectations for what an Atom can do, it's fine i guess.

2d indie games and anything older should run fine.

Sup Forumslogic

Call me back when it's hacked and has proper ports of emulators. Heck by the time there will be better alternatives to the Win even.


Then how the fuck is the system supposed to process graphics?

I has GPU hardware but it's an apples and oranges comparison. Switch is a typical handheld that uses ARM architecture (iPhone / Android) and the GPD Win is 64-bit X86 architecture, like a PC or laptop.

That's the joke, hes a dumbass

That's only for the CPU.

Again, apples and oranges comparison. The Tegra's GPU is made for efficient mobile operation so it has a different set of standards. It's like comparing a new iPad to a lower-range laptop computer.

what the fuck? is the wii u actually backwards compatible with GC discs?

Nobody is stopping you from using the same GPU with a x86-64 CPU though or vice versa, many x86 SoCs use the same GPU that's also found in ARM SoCs like the PowerVR.

The SoC in the Win also has a GPU, it's called the HD405, a mobile GPU specially made for mobile use, in benchmarks it scores half of what the Tegra does, but it also uses only 6-7W of power on full load while the Tegra uses 15W.

The only apples and oranges here are the architectures of the CPUs, one's ARM and RISC the others x86-64 and CISC.

No, you can only run GameCube games off the SD card or the official VC games.

>Obscure machines
>But Virtual Boy gets listed

No one bats an eye with neo nintendo marketing threads

one gpd win thread

gpd win is better because i can play all steam games
I dont give a fuck about the frame rate
I can emulate gamecube ps2 games on the bitch play pso bb portably

i can play gta v or skyrim if i really want to
it plays games that came out this year

Neo nintendos bitch has botw

Come back in a few years, you seem a little young to post.

I didn't even know this existed. Let that give you a hint.

My first game was ghost and goblins

Binding of isaac has been a better zelda game then everything up to botw not to sure bout that game cuz i havent played it yet

1/4th hearts though is really depressing

if you liked any nintendo games past 2003
then you are a neo nintendoer and i have no respect for you

I didn't disagree with you. Just don't make your posts so crazy.

It's a niche product for a niche market from a small company that does not even advertise it.
Nothing wrong with people not knowing it.

If I remember right they basically dropped emulation support from PS3, in the really early models they PS2 hardware in there to play it naively and all games worked, then they changed it up and did it through software hardware mix and some games worked, but then in the newest models they changed it again and kind of just halfassed it with game specific emulation for only really popular games that kind of worked like the 360/xbox garbage.

AT least that's what I remember, I was really bummed when I got my PS3 because I got one of the versions where they had just taken away native playing and I ended using my PS2 for a lot of my older games.

PS4 might actually truely emulate but I don't know, quit the console game after the shitty seventh generation.

Who is more likely to put bot posts to sell their product

Nintendo a triple aaa company who has so much money they do not know what to do with it

Or a small chinese company

there is nothing wrong with my posts
if anything it shows more trooth in them then most


Consumerism exists everywhere on the planet
and trump is one of the only people who wants to fix the infostructure of the state

I am anti consumerism slavery and improving the state is more of a better goal

You are correct.

Obviously. But you can't change Sup Forums, if a minitory likes something here and the rest are fanbois of something else or just don't like it (and usually everything here that is not liked is mindlessly hated) you will get called a shill for talking about it. The best thing is to ignore it.

>a product that's not shoved down your throat in media
>you have to go back
what the fuck

When the switch was first announced
I saw a thread of someone running a gpdwin and there were 400 replies no one talked about being a shill but what were the benchmarks

I think a gpdwin is more useful to me then a switch

Quite right, it's personal preference and only idiots and fanboys shitpost mindlessly.

Not too much, build quality wise it isn't quite on par with a Vita or 3DS but the games are where it's at, have a look at older titles, should run most PC titles released before 2012 at the display's native res quite nicely, settings become less of an issue when your screen is that small.

Emulators too of course, runs GC games on Dolphin rather well.

My job involves stock-taking and stock-ordering using a myriad of different excel spreadsheets. I use spreadsheets for logging my sales and creating rotas.

Is the GDP Win a good alternative to a $1000+ Win10 notebook for basic spreadsheets?

I used to be the biggest nintendo fucker on the planet

But I want a reformation of the company completely to focus on difficulty and fun and secrets and rewarding games to be their thing.

People loved it back then and i think they need a kick in their ass to remind them what made them a video game company back in the day.

Just like WWE needs a kick in its ass because modern wrestling is like 1990-1994 wrestling with it being cheesy

When I think about this I think about modern nintendo

What the hell is that?

if you want to look at tiny ass screen yes they are making a work version with a bigger screen

>Something with a Tegra X1.
>Running PS2 ports.

The build quality isn't even any way bad, it's mostly just visually, having it in your hands it feels still a solid unit.
The quality control is where it sucks, but that depends on the unit.

One of my colleagues uses a cheap-ass Amazon tablet with an 8-inch screen, but they use it in portrait mode so the screen width is only like 3.5 inches or something and it's legible enough.