how much gil have you made in preparation for Stormblood? since I'm a gathering main and not a crafting meme sperg i'm rolling in millions

I wanted to grind all my crafters from 1 to 60 fast so about 200 leves and 20ish millions later I'm poor but hey, at least they're leveled now

shouldn't have fallen for the crafting meme

nice get
I'm completionist so there's that too. Next up would be desynth leveling but first I need to make the dosh to provide that.

Guess I could aim for the demimateria I's and II's for sum easy buck

>20ish millions later

it probably would have cost you less if you didn't just buy all your leve turn ins for speed. Once you had the essential HQ cross skills it only takes a few steps to make them for other classes. Should be the same when heading into Stormblood if you plan to take them all to lvl 70.

I tried to make a HQ macro couple of times but they just didn't work out with the little CP I had available at the time and doing it all manually would have taken far too long for me.

Then again there was no need to rush since we're stuck in this lull for 3 more months but what's done is done

What good thing you can sell as a gatherer right now?
I have all of them 60 and geared as fuck, but I don't know what to work on.

Clusters are good

those crafting cucks can't live without them

>3 lines in wt
>don't pick ultrameldable ironworks stuff
I feel so stupid right now

Glamour mats

HQ macros aren't good for leveling imho. There's only so much control and CP you can get from gear that it's good to know when to make adjustments when a craft is going to shit on the HQ meter.

At least you got your leveling out of the way. If you're broke I would just desynth a lot of Fieldcraft I-III stuff (NPC wedding gear in Ul'dah) and use up whatever seals you have to convert it over to MB money.

I have 2 mil, I don't care about housing, I don't have any DoH/L.

I am pure combat.

will hit 80 mil soon

Clusters and check your MB for mats that are in high demand. For my server it seems like Botanist trumps Miner right now for some of the Culinary foods ingredients that consistently sell while glamour mats have slowed down and started to go down due to lack of demand.

What are you gonna spend those money on, glamor?

how'd you manage that?

Just from doing tails for a couple months, I've got 4.5 million
I pity the autists who legitimately level crafting/gathering.


Hovering around 12 million. I can't wait until the new maps come out, I have fond memories of 300k+ per day because the crafting billionaires will pay anything to stay ahead of the curve

So glamor

I only have 4 mil but that's because I'm it autistic enough to craft and gather all day

The only thing you can spend gil on that isn't glamor would be ilvl250 catch-up gear.

>have a few maps in storage
>rich enough to where i can just keep buying more if i run out
>been asking fc for weeks if anyone wants to do the aquapolis and how i have maps to give them
>they're all too busy erping with each other

I don't understand

it's practically free money if we get to the lower floors

I'm considering about transferring to a less populated server just to for the weeb house

I should really find something better to do with my life

selling materia IV from dailies when 3.4 hit (demand was very high due to the new raid tier/craft gear and i had about 1500 pieces), selling every piece of tier V materia i've ever earned, hawking random items that piled up in my retainers, converting lore tomes into crafting materials and selling them, repairing orchestrion rolls for cheap and selling them for like 5-10x the price

not enough gil sinks

money is worthless except for getting more money or buying housing plots which are so limited that it can't really be considered a true gil sink

>want the midan healer boots
>need the savage version because the off-white is fucking disgusting
>lol A6S

Can you burn them down fast or is it a shitshow

if in doubt, always a shitshow

Midas is still difficult if you don't know the mechanics.

Meme crafter here, sitting on around 500 mil.

>Don't craft or gather either
>Just sell retainer items, and do Aquapolis once a day
>Sell the maps on the days I don't go
>Have 12 million gil, even after buying a Medium House
Get on my level, scrub.

This is supposed to be 50mil.

>having money
>not just begging for food to raid

I made 7m yesterday. Made only 80 last month, spent 20 of it on prep materia.

>ariyala is down

Where is this from?

gils are cheap as fuck now

No shit gils are fucking worthless in this game.

And housing is the biggest fucking joke.
>paying money for useless gil sink
>paying money to give SE hostage to keep you subbed

uh we're talking about hard earned gil

not your rmt filth

pvp gear is cheaper and easier to get

People like you are the reason why lately shoutbots have started pushing out lines every 3 seconds

I'm level 45 in Summoner and just grinded to have Scholar as well. What can I do to have it still work even though I've been going all in on Intelligence for the bonus?

you're losing on 30 points, that's about it. You can gear both up just as well, and if it really matters just buy the thing for spare change in GC seals that resets the bonus points.

Your grand company sells point reset items for like 200 seals

Thank you both. Seems I still have a ton to learn, this game has a crazy amount of stuff and I love it. My unobservant ass has only now found Ixal Crafting and I've been playing for two months.

>returnee tank
>i240 weapon
>i230/240 armor
How should I catch up since I'm probably undergeared for most relevant gear giving content and a shitter?

24 man
alex normal

Do you still need 7 weekly locked gears?

For the 270 weapon yeah. You can just shire what little gear you can afford, dun scaith once a week and grind last set of alex until you feel confident enough for zurvan.

Grind Sophia Ex for 10 runs and you get a 255 wep

Sitting at 45mil and dont want a time restricted house. Should suffice for anything because if you are first on the market in SB, you'll just make more.

>ariyala still down
Let me make my build already

Thanks user.

Why the fuck is all that shit still under weekly lockout? Do they need to keep people playing that badly?

Tell me more aboot garm

Baddies don't deserve nice things.
Most shire aren't better than sophie anyway.

You've probably build it over a dozen times already.

I kinda like the lockout. 10 eurobucks a month isn't worth a crap for me and it stops me from burning myself out and doing all the content in a week or two

But yeah. It's only there to keep people playing

Ihave like 289k right now.

Isn't i240 enough to do final MSQ dungeon?

Crafting is only a meme now because it doesn't produce anything of (relevant) value, it's fucking nuts during a major content patch.

Recently I've been making more money off sales.

>people still acting like Alex gear still being on lockout is such a big fucking deal when you can just tickle Zurvan and he shits i265 at you, most of them also better than Shire's even

top 10 saddest anime deaths of all time

>implying you can learn to do Zurvan now
See all horror stories regularly posted here you dumbass.
I ain't gonna bother with that crap, especially when I'm only i235.

I....at least i have more MGP than you...by about 10k.

I pretty much have everything besides the cloud card anyway and I don't even like TT so I'm not in any rush.

Then Baelsar's Wall ilvl requirement is 230. No need to trouble yourself with Shire weapon lockout

I got lucky with the diadem 2.0 since it pretty much threw me a whole aiming set so I got my bard from 215 to around 265 in a day

Buy a 250 weapon from the market board like a shitter then.

isn't 250 wep worse than 235 from POTD? at least it thought so, glancing at stats of both. It certainly has less damage...

You must be blind then.

I think you're confused between i235 and i255 PotD weapons.

HQ you dingus

there is a diffirence? I think i looked at my 235 pugilist fist and 250 weapon from market, i didn't even know there was 255 potd weapon...and how do i get it?

maybe Odin market is dead, but is it work spending million+ gil on it? (not like i have one)

It can be...i started noticing that i often read somethign that doesn't exist\not true. Like i remember looking some info and clearly seeing number 22 but after being pointed out that it's false i look at it again and see that it's actually 150...and it's not just numbers.

upgrade your 235 wep

Get your aetherpool to 60/60.

>Have 150+ mil from selling carries
>No interest in leveling crafters, buying a house, or investing in any other money sink
>Still login to participate in sales and get even more gil

Even when Stormblood hits, I'll be able to get pretty much everything I could possibly want and still have enough gil to live quite comfortably.

I don't even know why I login and continue to rack up more gil.

Can you give me couple of mil so i can buy gear for GC turn ins so i can level my crafters?

Maybe. What server are you on?

All the anima Lux weapons are better than Alex weapons, right?

Depending on substats. MCH Alex gun is pretty much the same.

I thought weapon damage > all when it weapons?

Relics have higher substat totals than alex weapons, though it's still competitive.

>4.5 million from a couple of months of WT
I just lazily do my moogle dailies, make loads of gil off crafting rings. Not even trying.

I blow it all on some whore to play my waifu for me. I have a problem.

That sounds pretty sad.

>I blow it all on some whore to play my waifu for me.
Gonna need to hear more about this.

Incredibly. I'm actually kinda miserable.

What do you want to know, user?

I was just memeing, im on Odin tho Evelora Vette, but don't send me gil, better send me FC invite that isnt dead...mine died a week after i joined, which is sad cos people were friendly and talkative.

>Paying for ERP
Christ, user, there's plenty of lonely subs that would be more than willing to be your pet for free.

>no idea how to make money
>every market I attempt to enter crashes
what curse is this

Just do maps. It shits money, literally.


>had about 10 million gil when i quit more than a year ago

>kinda wanna try stormblood

is that still decent gil or is that chump change and inflation happened?

Hardly any that'd be my waifu, let alone play her as well as this particular whore does.

We don't even ERP 90% of the time, it's usually little adventures and sweet romantic garbage.

Had around 8 mil around new year, got 3 no now. Bought some expensive glams when drunk, and turning in stuff I buy from vendor and mb to the gc person to level my crafters the most stupid and least effective way. Got my weaver and carpenter up to 60 now thanks to moogle and that North gridanian beast tribe. My other crafters are around l. 35-42

>What do you want to know, user?
What waifu and what does this person do that warrents you blowing all your money on them?

weapon damage does have the most weight yeah, which is why the Diadem weapons are a fucking shitshow, because their stats are almost as if they're 285, not 280.

Man, if you were only interested in erp you'd have it easier.

Or not, it's usually a fucking mess even if you make it clear you're only in it for roleplay. Pic related.

A cute girl with anger management issues. That's the only hint I'm giving.

They do a very convincing job of playing her, it always feels like I'm actually interacting with her. I'm also pretty good friends with the whore in question, so I don't really mind forking over so much of my gil at them. Not like I'll ever get any housing on this god forsaken server.


Fair enough! As long as you're enjoying yourself, you do you, man

Is this character based on a XIV character, or someone from something else?


Afraid random erp just isn't to my tastes, unless I'm feeling particularly lonely. ERP always makes me nervous, anyways. I always feel like I'm shit at it. I mean, I'm better than your average shitter, but I'm pretty weak by literate standards. I'm kinda awful at prose. Even worse with ERP, as I start forgetting words. It's frustrating.

I appreciate the permissiveness, and yes, I do quite enjoy our sessions together.

She's a character from another game franchise entirely.

Rainbow cotton boll

Looking for someone to RP as an identical twin of mine.