It's not coming on time is it bros?

It's not coming on time is it bros?

>complain to amazon
>get extra $20

Pretty much this. If shit is late, Amazon will give you free money.

I worked in an Amazon call center. They will bend over backwards for you on that.

Hell, say it didn't show up when it finally does and they'll send you another copy.

It might be possible. Late last year, I received a package at 9:30 PM from Amazon.

Depends on wher eyou live. I live close enough to a amazon warehouse to get it within 2 hours of shipping.

Really? Last time i ordered something and it came late they didn't do shit when I emailed them so I haven't bothered doing it again

Tough luck bro. My copy arrived two days ago.

Don't let the shills fool you, that is exactly how Amazon reacts.

My Amazon Prime pre-ordered copy of Tales of Berseria arrived a week late. I called like Cheap Ass Gamer and other websites mentioned, and I received the excuse "Sorry about that" and nothing more.

Call them. Complain. Email is offshore support. Call center is better.

This. Amazon gives exactly two shits about your late or missing package.

I live near LA and i know theres at least 2 warehouses nearby so I'm hoping I just get it a little later the day it's released

well shit I forgot I had the regular version pre-ordered a while back and I pre-ordered the steel book edition a few days ago too. Now they have both shipped. I guess it's time to introduce a friend to Persona.

you can just use chat as well. I asked them about why my refund was wrong via chat (one of the two things should have been a full refund, the other only 50%) and they decided to just give my all of my money back, shipping included. Other times they also refunded some damaged items in full and let me keep them as they would actually lose money on shipping it back.

I've never had an amazon shipment be late though, so I don't know if they'd actually give you any credit for that.

Also, depending on where you live, amazon might even same day it even if it wasn't an amazon now order. I use to live i the bay area, and this happened a few times. This mostly likely will just be one day'd tomorrow though.

Always buy digital

I ordered an amiibo once, and it had a "guaranteed" ship date. They tried to deliver it on a Sunday, and all packages in my apartment go to the front office, which opens late on Sundays, so they missed it. All I did was contact customer service to see if it was somewhere I could pick up while I was out, and without me even saying anything about it, they refunded me the entire cost so I got it for free.

But then again, my Switch came days late, and they didn't do shit for me then, but that wasn't a "guaranteed by..." order.

I got a $100 gift card for my switch being 2 days late.

True but I have to work wenesday so if it doesn't come tomorrow I have to take extra time to fetch it from the depo and it wastes the day I actually have off.



I learned my lesson after they delivered my switch a week late. Unless you live near an Amazon Fulfillment Center their shipping is always garbage.

Best Buy is usually reliable, shoulda went through them op

Mine is sent with the normal mail and the store says they sent it on friday.

> muh internet circlejerk

Mine just left Arizona and I live in Nevada will I get it a day early?

Probably not, it usually sits for a day at the post office or whoever is gonna deliver it

mine wasn't going to send it out until like a week later and then I'd get it even later than that. I complained and they expedited it for free so I got it the day after, which was acceptable.