Sup Forums says she sucks

>Sup Forums says she sucks
>she's actually great
Why is Sup Forums always wrong?

I'm pretty sure everyone thought she'd be OP as fuck when she was released.

the pull ability especially.

>Sup Forums is a hivemind
newfag please go

You need some real luck to get environmental kills with the pull, but it's really useful for pulling people from their hidey holes.

more so to get people grouped up, even momentarilly.

like if they're on the point or something or they're all death balling behind a reinhardt and you throw a tire down.

>>>playing overshit

the ass was fat

because no one on Sup Forums plays games

Do not sexualize the robo-horse.

>want to try her
>too tired of Overwatch to bother starting the game

I like Orisa because she has brought Junkrat into the meta.

This, honestly. She seems fun but I can't be bothered to play Plebwatch anymore. Especially since everyone I know has gotten tired of it.

she will suck once they fix that abuse where you shoot your barrier straight up in the air to shorten the cd to the next one.

wait til they nerf her for X reason

then you will be making >Sup Forums said she was good, >she actually sucks

Just like how they fixed Hanzo doing the same thing?

>tfw to skilled to play competitive

someone tell me when they release new skins so I can come back already

>shoot shield in the air
>fuck around until the shield actually drops
>you could have pushed in while you were waiting, but instead you fucked around so you can stack a 12 sec CD
I don't understand

All the girls are getting bunny girl outfits for easter.

>a fucking robot
robots don't have sexuality stop with this shit

This would be for defending. You shoot it up before the match starts/the enemy team gets to the point so that you have have a full shield down, plus another one ready to go.

>waking under bridge
>hear fat cowboy boots
>Pop grav ball to the side
>Little grav string pops up
>Ended up blind grabbing an ambushing cowboy and shoving a fat barrel down his throat all on my way to the point
OK overwatch has been pretty fucking lame lately due to heads butting in match making, but damn if I got a moment like that at least 3 times a day then I'd be a bit more sweet on this game.

her look sucks and her gameplay is fine

kill yourself blizzdrone


>wanna test her out in qp
>someone always chooses her before I do

She's okay, the pull ability is really the only thing special about her. Everything else about her is done far better by other tanks so she's just kinda edged out of the composition by them. Just like how mcree gets less and less play the higher you go because he's just Soldier without survivability.

Basically her weapon does a lot of damage, but it's inaccurate and inconsistent as fuck for anything but shield busting. Hog outclasses her for busting shields and zarya outclasses her for pouring consistent damage onto enemies.

Her shield is weak, tiny and stationary. Easy to shoot around and if they have splash damage, it's going to be a liability because your whole team might get the idea to group too close behind it. Rein and Winston both majorly outclass her in shielding. Rein with the consistent "You're safe behind me" shield and Winston for the situational "put it where it's needed" shield.

Her fortify is all but useless. It only protects her, meaning her team is fucked anyways and she can't do anything about it because she can't get reliable kills. A few seconds of being extra tough just doesn't matter. Zarya can do more or less the same thing with her bubble but she can protect her team, get stronger and block more damage in certain situations (like dvabomb). Even hog's heal is better than fortify even if you treat it exactly the same. Extra health for a second, but he keeps it after it's done.

On top of that, she has no ability to survive on her own if she's caught out AND the biggest hitbox in the game by a huge margin AND only 400 health. Zarya has shield health and a tiny hitbox and doesn't lock herself into place when she fires. Hog can instakill if he lands hook, dva can fly away or eat shots until backup arrives, etc.

It's not that Orisa is bad, it's just that every job she tries to do is done way better by everyone else. She's sombra all over again. Good concepts, but trying to fill a role that is already done better by the rest.

She's got the range that every other tank lacks.

>it's going to be a liability because your whole team might get the idea to group too close behind it.
That's definitely true.

>Winston for the situational "put it where it's needed" shield.
Winston's shield has a higher cooldown and less health, and Winston isn't able to body tank hits while waiting for his shield to come off cooldown like Orisa is.

She's good but she looks like shit and her story sucks.

This. Xer pronouns are "they / them."

Now that's a complaint I can get behind. At least you can use skins that practically make her a different character, and make sure not to equip any voice lines or sprays that mention the little niglet even if I do think the ice cream sunday spray is cute.

Well, at least they didn't spend half a year building her up in some shitty ARG.

I've always said she was great. Everyone is arguing day 0 "Oh, the pros aren't using her, competitive play has no place for her" but forget how quickly the meta can shuffle. She's a jack of all trades tank, but unlike the usual jack of all trades in these kindsa games, she's pretty dang good at everything she does, not just competent.

Orisa doesn't have range. Her spread is so incredibly huge that her effective range is still comparable to hog and Zarya. It's not that tank's job to be doing long range damage, it's the tank's job to keep the enemy away from your long range damage.

And her shield is just really weak compared to everyone else. The cool down is only slightly shorter than winston and it is a fraction the size. The only thing you can really do with her shield is make one stationary target a little bit harder to kill, but because they're stationary, they're WAY easier to kill. Seriously the shield is so small that you can't even risk juking left and right to avoid shots or you'll just be exposed, while all the enemy has to do is get something like a 20 or 30 degree angle on it before it stops providing cover. Winston's bubble covers everything for a short time, Rein can move his shield as needed. Orisa's shield honestly has less utility than Symetra's shield.

And no she can't bodyblock. She's the squishiest tank by far even when she's fortifying because it is nearly impossible to miss her. I play pharah and it's painfully easy to solo kill her even when she's using every single skill to stay alive. God fucking forbid she have to fight a character that can get headshot damage.

Because think about it. Headshots do double damage, fortify halves damage, her head is fucking huge, it's the biggest hitbox in the game and her gun slows her to a crawl. And fortify only lasts 4 seconds.

Winston is actually much better at "body tanking" though that's the absolute worst option when it comes to tanking, but sometimes it's the only option. He's better at it for 3 reasons. Winston should be in your face and hurting you, making it harder to aim at him while he doesn't have to aim. When he's low he has a chance of escaping with jump, and his cheap and frequent ult makes him hyper mobile, hyper tanky and hyper disruptive.

I don't hate Orisa, she just can't fill any useful roles yet.