Does Half-Life 3 exist?

Does Half-Life 3 exist?


Who knows. I just want a synergy on source 3.

Yeah, but the jews are holding it back.

what was the fucking problem?

what stopped them from wrapping it up?

I think the simplest explanation is they lost interest.

I think it does. They were probably developing it on Source 1 engine but halfway through they had breakthrough with Source 2 so the scrapped it and started from scratch. They will release HL3, LFD3 and Portal 3 in one big box and people will shit their pants in disbelief.

imagine if george lucas, lost interest on empire strikes back.

they had a hit in their hands, and just trashed it.

If the reports and interviews that have come out over the years are to be believed then the reason is they simply have no desire to finish it. There's no boss giving orders so employees would have to get their own group together to create it and evidently that hasn't happened. Which is pretty sad when your company has lost all passion to continue one of the most beloved and acclaimed franchises and would rather make knife skins and whatever the fuck for DOTA.

Exist in what way? It sures exists as an idea of a game that may or may not ever see the light of day. Whether or not it exists as a game similar to that of Half-Life 2 is known only to the people at Valve.

Also Episode 3 needs to come out before Half-Life 3 comes out.

>They were probably developing it on Source 1 engine but halfway through they had breakthrough with Source 2 so the scrapped it and started from scratch.
Isn't that the kind of shit that fucked Duke Nukem Forever?

They're going to silently release it under a false name on Steam Greenlight.

>Implying George Lucas had anything to do with the success of ESB

Well, he ordered it to get made in the first place.

Gape already said that the next Half-Life game would be numbered 3 and wouldn't be another Episode.

Not that it matters anyway because we're never getting either.

The definitive answer on hl3/ep3 is that it won't happen until and unless Steam fails. So make that happen, encourage a boycott, hell, encourage piracy which is how we used to play PC games before Steam anyway

I don't think I want it to exist anymore.

You essentially have your wish already.

this. if their side hussles werent so damn successfull we'd probably have something.

same thing happened with gta 5 with shark cards.

Because it doesn't need wrapping up. Half Life 2's story was spread thin as it is.

>wrapped up


Yes, Episode 2's ending was definitely a satisfying conclusion.

I can't believe someone is this stupid.

that's probably just a gag than anything else

this feels like every dark souls 3 thread where some assholes say that it wasnt supposed to continue past dark souls 1 (which is stupid).

Does anybody even remember what happened in the episodes?
At least in Half Life 1 Freeman had some agency. In HL2 and the episodes it's just "Freeman do this", "Freeman go there" and "isn't this physics engine awesome?"