I'm hungry!

I'm hungry!
Post some tasty video-game food.

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Nep's Pudding.

Why is vidya food so uncreative?
It's never cool fantasy plants, always
>generic fantasy monster steak
>pig analogue monster pork
>generic fantasy monster egg
But of course they never have the balls to go for consistency and allow cooking humans too.


Everything in Dragon's Crown
It's too much for me to post it

I don't know why this made me laugh.


That red guy makes some valid points.
We should rape females.

I can't being to imagine the amount of rice it took for all this.

>hey Kachochisumi, how about we make some creative food?
>I dunno senpai, what about tying body parts of random animars to brocks of rice?

So how big is that plate exactly? If those are full size tails then that's a gargantuan amount of rice too.


not food but wash down your meal with this

how fucking dumb can you be

Dala's tail being there should be obvious that all logic is long gone

>No suikoden 2 cooking mini-game
>The best cooking mini-game


I can't think of many games that let you cook human flesh off the top of my head, but I can think of more than a handful that let you be a cannibal.

Anyone got a picture of Orochi's meal in Okami?
even though the whole point of it was to be full of disgusting ingredients i always thought it looked delicious




Why is cooking always so comfy in vidya?

>Let's just take a bug and place it on a pile of rice, bon appétit.

Your mother must be really proud of you right now, you should tell her that

It's a rewarding task that results in something that looks good, but then take away the cost/mess associated with cooking.

Cooking is fun and comfy in real life as well, but having to clean up everything or feel like you wasted your money because you fucked up a recipe can make it a little less relaxing. Video games do away with that issue and give you idealized results.

>a woman gave birth to you so you must respect women

I wanna feast on Hide-chan's thick, juicy noodles and rich, tangy broth~!

just the one who's allowing you to eat all her food, dirty her home, and sleep in the bed and clothing she provided for you

if im wrong about any of it you better be living on your own

Name me a more useful meal.

You probably can't.

Elsweyr fondue for mages.
I'd argue that Vegetable soup is better than Beef stew since it regenerates both health and stamina.

>wild animals will defend their babies to the death
You can't use wild animals as a moral guide.

If your baby is in danger let it die. Fuck babies.

>murderers breathe
>therefore breathing is immoral
This is your logic right now


I'm stupid because I point out that you use retarded logic in an attempt to disprove point that uses the opposite logic?

You americans/leafs should learn some basic logic.
For example

A implies B
not A does not imply not B

This is utterly basic, high school shit. You're pretty retarded not to understand that.


the point you stupid fuck is that it's oversimplified to the point of even bringing it up is fucking retarded.

The point is you're fucking autistic and don't understand what the point ever was.

"But animals kill animals" is an incredibly common anti-vegan argument. It's not a strawman, it's not oversimplified - the comic depicts it exactly like it is.
The same retards who use this shitty argument also argue that you shouldn't do other things like rape or murder because humans aren't just animals.

>crab shells with rice
wow how delicious. Mhhmmm cant wait for that crunchy sensation and my gums bleeding

Bloody hell, what did you do to the Risotto

>When people are more self-righteous over their fucking diet than most people are about their religion or political stand

What a world we live in

Silly Vegans, we don't care if you don't eat meat. We just want you to stop trying to force us to.

man all the food in BoTW looks good

>silly non-murderers, we don't care if you don't murder. we just want you to stop trying to force us to

>I don't know what murder is
Nice American education.

See this is why no one likes you, because who the fuck are you to judge me

Seriously. Worst thing about the cook-off is that it's finite because there's a story related to it. It doesn't go on forever like other mini-games do and that's goddamn shame. And it was also the only game to feature it.

>Took 18 months to actually get all the meat
>Some of it is so off its nearly an unstable environment by itself
>You'd need teeth of at least purple sharpness to fucking eat it.


Should have get her tubes tied. Sorry.

Does this count?

not exactly sure what point that comic is trying to make

>mom, I said something mean about women on the internet
>ok user

Was this the reaction you were hoping for?


>autistic faggot defending vegans

Is this really neo-Sup Forums?

It's up to your own interpretation, but mostly: Pic related.

Truth offends women not because it belittles them, but because it doesn't shower them with undeserved praise.

>feel like you wasted your money because you fucked up a recipe
Avoid this by reading through the entire recipe before beginning. Follow the recipe exactly the first time you make something, you can screw around once you've got the original version down.

You fucking retard with no reading comprehension, the autistic retard is ATTACKING vegans.


And it's a bad thing?

He's comparing non-murders to Vegans and murderers to those that eat meat.

that women are still whores no matter how much they make a moral stand to object about shit belittling them. they still want the D at the of the day.

Here you user have a big bite of some tasty black blood sausage

You're talking about the sane guy.
The autistic retard is strawmanning a genuine argument into a strawman.


>White collar not 100%

Just to note, blood sausage is tasty as fuck, but potato sausage is better.

I hated that shit every time they served it back in elementary school home in Sweden. It's got such a potent smell to it too.

At least they always had hash browns and lingon berries along with it.

>Not liking blodpudding

Vad fan är det för fel på dig?

Mycket formodligen. Ater ingen havsmat heller.

>Swede complaining about taking the black sausage

>blood sausage is an actual thing

I take the white sausage from my bf instead. wew

Du är bergis en riktig fet fan

58 kilos, 179cm.

Yeah, det var väll bara dom två alternativen som fanns, spink eller val

I fucking loved this minigame in DC

All the overexposure to Vanillaware foodporn eventually inspired me to give a shit and git gud at cooking irl

>americans are actually this insular

Inte direkt av eget val iallafall. Tog mig ett par manader att ga upp till ca 64 kilo, sen forlorade allt nar jag blev sjuk.


That's a lot of cum

Misinterpreting someone's sexual desires as anything other than that. A lot of times people cope with what they fear or hate by fettishizing it, thus there are Jews that want to get fucked by someone in a Nazi uniform or women with rape fantasies very similar to trauma in the past or even racists actually into cuck pornography though they'd never actually want to engage in it.

Oh my lord.

How retarded can that person be?


Muh calcium...



I am surrounded by liars

Missing the point

The myth that drinking milk will improve bone strength is unproven. It makes as much sense as the idea that eating lots of carrots will give you cat's night vision.

Drinking milk may prevent calcium deficiency, but only that. It will not make healthy person's bones stronger.

And even then, milk isn't really a good source of calcium. Vegetable broth results in higher blood calcium increase than milk.

which for the ignorant mind means making your bones stronger.

It's okay Mr Skeletal, it only applies to inefficient meatsack biology, when you're all bones it works fine

how does that change that fact that milk, a source of calcium, can provide the benefits that calcium provides.

do you really think that 'myth' even existed, compared to the other four panels, mind telling me how 'milk of another animal' relates in the similar vein to 'bones' that 'brain' links to 'intelligence' 'penis' links to 'virility' and 'human' to 'the skills and abilities of said human'

even by the warped logic this little comic is providing, their examples are hardly relatable, if it was something like fucking 'ground up bone dust' or 'bone marrow', you might have something, but Milk can't be connected to bones in the same simplistic line of thought.

Milk has more callories than broths, wich was important waay back when most people couldnt afford a diverse diet.

That is why beer was so important to the common peasantry, its literally bread in a mug for them.

Talk about yourself faggot

In rimworld I always punish looters/maniacs/drug addicts/invaders by slicing their flesh and cooking them.





Is this food porn

No but this is

>stuff on sticks
that's not tasty looking at all, that looks generic as shit.