Just came across this, why is this not being discussed?
WTF Sup Forums
we already knew switch was a shoddy piece of shit
been posted already, been discussed already, been shitposted about already. you're late to the party and looking for more reasons to shit on "thing I don't like that company released"
I feel like you are upset Nintendog
What am I looking at here?
You sir are looking at a Nintendo Switch that warped while being in the dock mode from the heat
Its bent downwards
>post yfw you didn't buy a Switch
fake news
It was manufactoring error not from heat. It's been found mostly in people who had fucked up joycons too.
General conclusion is one factory really fucked up when making console.
feels good
why is she so perfect
why am i still salty about the ending
Children's toys tend to break
Raw spice
Why would anyone but Nintendo shareholders be upset over this?
Oh so the swindled consumer base who were sold a defected untested product should be pleased!
You are a genius
Nice optical illusion.
What is?
Flatten it with a 2-3 kg law or medical book and run it laying down for 30 mins without blocking the side vents. This is what I did with a wobbly first gen PS4
>These threads never make it to a 100 replies
Really makes you think