You have ten (10) seconds to name a 2017 PC exclusive that's on par with the Nintendo Switch masterpiece "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" or the Sony Playstation 4 masterpiece "Persona 5".
Clock's ticking.
You have ten (10) seconds to name a 2017 PC exclusive that's on par with the Nintendo Switch masterpiece "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" or the Sony Playstation 4 masterpiece "Persona 5".
Clock's ticking.
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who would win, saitama or goku?
consol peasants and mustard race are both faggots
i own both so this shit posting is something i don't get
just finished a game of civ and will be replaying yakuza next
Who would win, Saitama or Amatias, aka One Kick Man?
Go away stupid monkey/leaf
You have ten (10) seconds to name a reason why you made this thread
in b4 "BotW and Persona 5 aren't exclusives"
To see people like you get mad
You could have just admitted that you couldn't you know
>runs at 60 FPS
>no disgusting cutscenes
>no voice acting
>no puke-worthy sex fanservice
>no anime kids
>no degenerate cross dressing
>4 different difficulty modes
>no DLC
>remappable controls
>good gameplay with a twist that doesn't involve gimmicky motion controls
post I wasn't attempting to defend PC at all. I find their piracy and constant boasting about emulating dated hardware amusing, considering they claim said hardware is holding back video games.
This is just sad
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: 60 fps HD remaster
It is sad that a 6 dollar game is objectively better than an 80 dollar retread of Skyrim.
Why is there so many threads like this lately?
This just made me feel bad, there's people in the world that think like this.
I'm genuinely depressed.
Do you hate videogames?
Couldn't get enough bites in the other thread, ACfag? Trying again, huh? Here's another (You) because I feel bad.
PC has so much power but the shittiest games and zero "exclusives" that really compete with the exclusives the consoles get.
So much cookie cutter indie rubbish.
>Tfw ps4 with tales of bersaria, nier automata, and personal 5 coming soon
>Tfw WiiU with Zelda breath of the wild, and all the older exclusives
>Tfw Xbone, which was used for halo, but a Netflix machine now
>Tfw PC relegated to homework, shit post, YouTube, and the occasional round of rocket league
Guess what the biggest waste of money was.
The PC. Literally no games on it. Any cords platform games I'd rather play on console on a big TV. Seriously, just name a good exclusive, please.
You buy a PC for more than just gaming though
League of legends
Whether you like it or not you can't deny most sonybros would pick it over every sony exclusive combined.
Use a trip please so I could filter your biased degeneracy.
What does League of Legends have to do with Sony?
But breath of the wild is not a Switch Exclusive.
Its on the PC too.
And its the best version.
It was the first PC exclusive game I thought of and most sony players would prefer it to all the various shit sonybros list (I also couldn't think of anything to beat BoTW desu)
I dont think exclusives make PC better.... im pretty sure its the objectionable shit like the cheaper price and the better hardware.
Already had two laptops. I fell for the PC gaming meme hard. I got lucky in that I had hookups so I didn't spend much on it. Still more than the 3 consoles combined (ps4 $400, Xbone (used) $220, WiiU $240)
PC was close $1000.
In terms of what? Story? Graphics? Gameplay? Replayability?
>shilling a broken half baked emulator with missing effects, glitches on the plateau, and framerate performance issues worse than the Switch
Call me in a year when it actually works, and when CEMU can actually emulate most of the Wii U library without crippling bugs.
I'm in Canada, so our prices are always shit no matter what.
Also, humble bundle never had anything good it seems.
PC has so much promise, but I can't believe this is what everyone'sbeen raving about
its not december, fag
There's still time and shittons of games coming this year, bannerlord alone will btfo consoles
I use my PC for work, schoolwork, visual entertainment, editing, drawing, and high fidelity gaming. Laptops are not great workstations.
I also use it to store massive amounts of porn.
Battle Brothers
Like wtf is this?!?!
And lol at those "charities". I'm not paying for female codemonkeys, lesbians, and grills making shitty games
Heh. This is the Sup Forums you chose. All those masterrace meme you spouted in the past. This is your come uppance.
Forgot image. Sorry for shitting this shit thread up.
Zelda: Breath of the Wild
I know this is bait but why does PC need 10 and those others have just 1? If we are going by your criteria, PC only needs one, and I predict Undertale 2.
>good to decent games
>held hostage to inferior hardware by sony and nintendo
>no technical reason they can't be ported
>he is surprisingly fine with this
>actually gloats about it
>for free
not who you're replying to, but there isn't any missing effects or glitches, and I get solid 30fps even in cities.
Rising storm 2
Stellaris will have utopia dlc in 3 days
Path of exile will have fall of oriath
Xenonauts 2 may be good, but i'd prefer firaxis release new dlc for xcom 2 or civ
Why would you bother to reply? He will just I said *good game*.
Still more exclusives than this gen consoles have together
>b-but those are old
Why would not they count.
BW remaster.
>Guess what the biggest waste of money was.
your parents would probably say that it's you, seeing as the only device you are productive with is considered to be the one that is the waste of money
Stopped reading there.
Is this copy pasta before Nier was confirmed for PC?
I like videogames, so I want to play their definitive versions, and so PC is the platform of choice for me.
BOTW is on PC though in 4K with higher res shadows & JAPANESE VOICE ACTING, Best version, based CEMU
As for Purse Owner 5, it's actually coming along nicely on the PS3 emulator
>Tfw WiiU with Zelda breath of the wild, and all the older exclusives
>nier automata
*also on PC in 4K
>all *insert common interest here* people are the same meme
Botw is singleplayer goat so i bought a switch, got to admire what they pull on wii u hardware.
For multiplayer fps i just feel sad for peasants since about forever...currently enjoying the not "aim-assisted wheelchair" version of Titanfall 2 @ 120 locked & steobex fps.