How do I git gud at this?
How do I git gud at this?
Spam overwatch.
Just survive until you get mechs then lol your way through the rest of the game in ez mode.
Don't get attached to soldiers.
Make sure by the end of every turn every soldier is in heavy cover and is not flanked.
Take crysallids out first.
Use grenades. Use them a lot. That includes smoke grenades.
Flank, spam overwatch. Never EVER sprint, move up to your move limit then move the rest of the way. Use explosives if it means your dudes stay alive, fuck that german cunt. Get a sniper with squadsight and doubletap ASAP.
>Don't get attached to soldiers.
Move together with your squad, slowly and carefully.
Do not overextend. Try not to sprint, especially if there are undetected enemies nearby.
Choose your upgrades and squad comp carefully.
And is good advice, but only do it if you're not going to advance any further into the fog of war.
Play a better tbs game.
like all PC games
Flank em and flush em
>Don't get attached to soldiers.
I can't stop this feeling...
Play the original where you actually have 3D ballistics instead of only bullshit percentages.
UFO Defense had some bullshit too but it was closer to actual projectiles. Apocalypse I'm pretty sure has actual projectiles and does it better than UFO Defense.
I think that that's just the graphics not properly representing what's actually happening. It's probably gone over his head but the sprites kind of meshed together because it's a buggy game that came out over 20 years ago.
Gollop's new game is probably going to shit on XCOM.
Git Gud Save Scum
Heavy cover is the only cover that matters, remove cover with grenades, BREAK LOS.
Phoenix Point sounds interesting but he's taking too much stuff from the XCOM reboot than he should. Like I can't remember the exact explanation he gave but the time units act more like nu-XCOM than traditional time units.
The geoscape being as in depth as Apocalypse makes me excited though, along with the way that monsters will apparently mutate if you're beating them too easily.
>Named all my first soldiers after my friends
>They all died one by one
>I'm the only left after the campaign
Put helmets on them if you can to cover their faces. Customize with simple colours just to know their class.
My assault is blood-red, my support is blue, heavy weapons is green, sniper is white, psionics are purple.
They are expendable. All of them. They are faceless. They have no names. They are not "John" and "Bob", they are "assault" and "support". Call me a monster, but if I have to sacrifice them to save humanity-I will. A new unit will take their place.
It was hard to force myself to be like this. But it's easier this way.
No soldiers. No lives.
Just units and statistics.
save scum
I am a bit concerned with how reboot-like it looks but an isometric game simply wouldn't sell now and the similarity could win over the same audience. Unfortunately when you work in 3d TBS just can't really do as much.
It's not even about the perspective, it's about the implementation or lack thereof of time units and cover bullshit.
>That first playthrough you got overly attached to your first A squad
>Steam roll every threat that pops up so with ease until the last mission with your top guys
>watch in despair while screaming at your screen as you fucked up
>they start dying 1 by 1 and only your sniper and psionic agent remain in the last cutscene
I failed them.
OP here, fucking game keeps crashing randomly when I execute an action.
Thats the game telling you to save scum every turn.
Can't get good at RNG. If you use sound strategy like flanking your enemies you trigger more enemies and die.
Play Silent Storm or Hard West.
>make 2 MECs
>steamroll everything
They died hero's.
Also I just finished 2 last night for the first time anyone else find it disappointing, I can't put my finger on it but something about it felt off.
Any TBS game that uses action points rather than time units is by default garbage.
All i know is that after finishing 2 is if Xcom3 isnt a TFTD remake im going to be mad. All i want is an updated TFTD is that so much to ask?
Well it heavily hinted at something like that in the final cutscene
Hard West uses the same action point system as XCOM, but with no random dice rolls that can ruin your day. If you play it right and pay attention to the numbers you can predict if the next attack is a hit or a miss. Also no reaciton fire, so movement is encouraged.
Best TB tactics game in years.
Not him but yeah it felt like a massive cliffhanger
Not xcom. but Xcom 2 recently..
>have my 6 favorite soldiers
>1 of those is a brave spark named Adolf "1488" Hitler
>Always rushing in and saving his team
>Final mission, surrounded. No way a few or more of my main squad isn't going to die.
>Adolf actives his overdrive and rushes right into the fray and novas.
>Barely alive its now the enemys turn.
>watch in sorrow as Adolf falls. oh the feels
>Next turn, everyone unleashes every special attack they have and wipe out the aliens.
Hitler did nothing wrong..
He truly sounds like the bravest and most honorable of men.
I just know they aregoing to pull the same thing for Xcom 3 that they did for 2 which is the bad end where the player loses is the canon end. So nothing will be resolved. The only upside is that since there are underwater bases no one would know about that sets up 3 for TFTD.
>Don't get attached to soldiers.
It's like you want me to be completely fucked during the later parts of the game
>Play Xcom 2
>Lose my favourite soldier due to some buggy shit like them getting stuck on an extraction mission
This happens way to often
move one guy two spaces forward
if you don't encounter aliens move everyone else two spaces forward and then put everyone on overwatch
never try to get a flank shot unless you're at the end of the map
congratulations now you have gotten gud and can call people casuals
Sad its so riddled with bugs.
Such potential.
The only thing I really hate about the new Xcoms is when new enemy groups appear or walk in they set themselves up with a free turn in middle of yours. Always happens when I'm already done with my turn and always fucks over my placements even with full cover.
Wish it was like old xcoms where they just moved on their own turn and when you saw them that's where they were.
Fucking aliens on harder difficulties already have such a huge upper hand they get all those free turns.
Don't mind the ruler phase shit that's okay for a boss type creature. Kind of cool.
But the free placements of any group is just fucking stupid. Hated it in xcom, hate it even more in xcom2
But then you won't collect that meld! Think of the meld, user!
Yeah it is annoying it's what causes everyone to play the game over cautiously. The time constraints on most of the missions in 2 make it even worse
then you move three spaces forward
if it's xcom2 you move four spaces forward (unless it's an untimed mission, then you move two)
O God every time
>oh that meld only has a turn left
>hmmmm it's really risky sprinting for it
>I'll leave it......
>Actually nah fuck it what's the worst that can happen
>Two turns later half my squad is dead
I don't know what it is it's compulsive or something I have to get the shiny no matter the cost
You can't git gud on a game where you can be right next to an enemy with your gun pointing their fucking face and yet have 65% chance to hit
That only happens if your soldier is stressed, right?
They aren't just nuts and bolts, user. These are still people. You know, those things you claim to be fighting for?
Your not the only one. I also compulsively want to go for what the enemies drop even though most of the time its not worth it.
even when not stressed there's only 90-95% chance, which feels like fucking 20%
>hard west
fuck still need to beat that. got stuck on the level where you rise from the dead
Break los
>color coding classes so your XCOM squad looks like a bunch of clowns
Absolutely degenerate. Colorcode fags should be gassed.
Make sure you're doing the Strategy layer correctly. If you know what to do outside of battles, the inside of battles will not crush you.
So at pretty much the beginning? Just break los and kite the scrubs
I looked at some videos of hard west and it looked shallow as fuck
>strategy layer
Snipers with squadsight.
Overwatching all the time.
Full cover.
More explosives than Michael Bay.
Elbow Rocketing things doesn't hurt.
Also after a while most missions become pretty predictable.
Your base getting invaded is in my opinion the hardest mission.
Its got more depth than Shadowrun games, for whatever thats worth. Its got a lot of good mechanics like the luck and card system. And it has some really nice missions and an excellent soundtrack to boot.
A surprisingly competent 10 dollar game desu senpai
Just watch Beaglerush and do everything he does.
watch Beaglerush. he's our patron saint.
always blue move
spam overwatch
use full cover when ever possible
make liberal use of suppression
don't hesitate to use of grenades, flashbangs, smokes, and rockets
don't be afraid to camp like a bitch
DON'T SAVE SCUM. we often only learn from pain.
Not in Long War. Do the opposite of what he does there.
>Don't get attached to soldiers.
You can easily beat the game with same 6 starting soldiers, implying you're not shit at the game.
Long War how ever, that's a different story.
Yeah you can go through a game without losing a solider easy enough especially on the lower difficulties but then again if the RNG gods decide its time no amount of full cover is going to save that soldier from the crit shot from across the map
You tell me, I lost one soldier on my latest Ironman Impossible run.
He died on Zhang retrieval mission from thinmen.
It was critical ;_;
I/I is impossible, don't even try it. Full cover does absolutely nothing, if a Sectoid fires someone dies 100% guaranteed every time.
So it's basically just a game of running around in the open, flanking everyone and when you miss it's Game Over.
t. casual
>mfw they just drop those Thin Man aliens on top of you out of nowhere
Cheap bullshit. Like Reinforcements in Fire Emblem or ANOTHER WAVE in DA2.
Hardcore but unlucky
>End of the wind chapter on Lunatic
>On the narrow bridge before the boss 6 fliers spawn right behind you
Oh the bullshit
I don't know. For Long War?
Never double move unless all enemies have been covered by a number of overwatches appropriate enough to unsure that after their movement or action will reduce them via red fog (you are playing with red fog, faggot) to unusable levels or outright kill them, then make sure you have enough overwatches to cover an additional +2 enemies that exist you have not yet engaged, because they'll show up.
At the end of every single unit's turn, that unit MUST be prepared to engage without dying from at least two cardinal directions. This means as much high cover as possible.
Grenade every single opportunity you can damage more than one foe, but do not actively move units into grenade range to do this unless you're guaranteed to reduce enemies to unusable via red fog or kill them. Grenades are defensive.
Do not get attached to soldiers or attempt to make them unique. Cover all new units with helmets or uniforms.
If a unit is impaired with red fog too much, keep it in high cover and as defended as possible without taking resources away from other units. Do not be afraid to abandon multiple impaired units if you have to.
Any time you move to flank, assume you are going to immediately be counterflanked. Every single position or subsquad should be considered constantly surrounded.
Is Long War any good? It looks sort of tedious and bloat-y, but I've been playing Vox Populi for Civ 5 and loving it.
you done screwed up there. he will die. and if you reload he will die again.
If you like 20+ heavy floater pods each having 13 hp+ on large landed go for it.
To this day I don't know how I managed to kill that pod without loses
Is it a big deal if you fail a few missions and lose a few guys in the beginning? I tried on Ironman Classic and got fucked up trying to rescue some dude and then got fucked up trying to escort another NPC. Hate that shit. Got frustrated and deleted my save. My drop down to Normal since this is my first X-Com game.
Yes, early on it's basically game over to fail due to panic levels, while losing men doesn't matter because they all suck. Once you have satellites and super soldiers it's the other way around, somewhat, failing is still a hefty loss.
Its one of those games where the beginning is stacked against you and a large part of your success in the campaign comes from whether or not you can get ahead of the curve in the first few months. Failing a couple missions isn't always the end of the world, but early squad losses can be devestating when tougher aliens start showing up and you're trying to train replacement rookies against them with shit stats.
You have 2 months before mutons arrive, rookies can handle floaters and snakemen decently well.
Or, well, there's a chance you won't die. I swear to god the final boss should've just been a snakeman in full cover at the end of a long corridor.
People that want something massive and challenging like it, but yes, about 90% of the changes make it more tedious.
It didn't get the reputation it has by being bad, but yeah the late game is tedious. If you're the kind of person that would post on Sup Forums you'll be fine.
>not wanting aliens to be being wiped out by a bunch of clowns.
It's fucking hillarious, do you hate fun?
A campaign will take you a year in real-time to do, but it's incredibly rewarding.