>Maddox uses clever satire to say why Ocarina of Time is a shit game
Is he /ourguy/?
Maddox uses clever satire to say why Ocarina of Time is a shit game
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no because Ocarina of time is an excellent game, especially when compared to its peers, and it perfected the idea of 3D lock-on which is still used to this day.
>e-celeb who didn't play OOT on release makes a youtube shitting on it for clicks
you wont get any of my clicks, ive seen this too many times.
Has Maddox been at all relevant since circa 2006?
hi George. You're still a cuck.
was he ever not our guy?
maddox is still alive?
DICK MASTERSON is the real shit, FUCK this KEK.
Hes a kek
Isn't he the guy that defended cuckolding?
>knowing about eceleb drama
go away maddox :)
There is literally nothing wrong with being a cuck.
Quite literally, yes.
Why does Sup Forums suck every e-celeb's dick that hates popular games?
I don't think OoT was the best Zelda (MM is btw) but that doesn't mean it's a terrible game
Woh woh woh, hold up there Pony Boy.
Maddox isn't just any eceleb.
He was the FIRST eceleb!
user the world you're looking for is "bald"
I'm legitimately surprised Maddox hasn't killed himself yet.
> clever satire
How long until Madolf disavows this video?
How long until Madcucks makes a superior critique?
I see he's desperately trying to crawl out of obscurity after becoming a ultra-liberal SJW that disavows his own book, can't set aside his political views to keep a good show and source of income going, and becoming a general embarrassment to everyone involved with him.
Can we stop ironically talking about Maddox and make it a Dick thread already?
>mfw Maddox thinks he can shill on Sup Forums and get a warm welcome
it wasn't funny or even logical when Arin did it, why does this "lol im so manly" arab think he can do better?
sounds like a fag if he needs to hang onto maddox to be relevant
Im embarrrassed
Dick's astonishing runaway success says otherwise
remember when maddox was funny
no hes a fucking clickbait retard.
Nice try jesse. Go back to fucking maddoxes girl while he watches
is this what you kids watch these days? i wouldn't last a minute around that guy
dick is fucking based \m/
Well that was boring, and unless you are using a d-pad or keyboard you *smacks lips* HOLD up.
>Sup Forums - Twitter Screencaps & e-Celebrities
Please make it stop.
>There is nothing wrong with being a cuckold!
You know he has a point
There's too much walking simulator
Madcucks really accomplished to trigger Dick in the bonus episode. Was like Nam flashbacks.
>and it perfected the idea of 3D lock-on
Tomb Raider had 3D lock-on in 1996.
>Walking instead of rolling or side hopping
Agreed, (though he well overstates point), but then what game has made a believable world without introducing walking? How could you have a Zelda with a believable world without walking? I don't see how you could have so many puzzles within several hundred feet of each other, or have so many waveponts without making the world feel so contrived.
>Spent 30 thousand dollars to design a website
>To design a website
Why would he be /ourguy/ when he defended cucks?
>he literally defends cuckoldry
>Defending cuckolding
And this is supposed to be a manly man?
>His new gf tricked him into a polyamorous relationship.
>He's gonna end up like Anthony Burch
ALttP had the perfect mix. It had a small map, but still managed to be believable. You also didn't have to walk hours to reach interesting shit.
>There's nothing wrong with being a cuck
this has to be a joke video. Was it April Fool's or something?
no, he was triggered by trumptards on twitter and made a video defending cuckolds because people were calling him one.
fucking career suicide
holy fuck.. IT'S REAL
No it wasn't, he later defended his video on the show, much to the disbelief of Dick Masterson and Sean.
He genuinely thought he was clever, patted himself on the back, and immediately started selling t-shirts referencing the video. No one bought those shirts, then he became a huge SJW shit and ended his show.
>makes his name acting like a 'bad ass pirate'
>web 2.0 comes around
>he's revealed to be a incredibly lanky and small Armenian with a high-pitched voice
I almost feel sorry for him
Should've be defended cuckquean instead.
he hasn't been relevant since 04
1st for Peen Weenerstein
I think you mean Shizauwghn
Since 98 you mean
Where in the fuck did he get that shirt I want that fucking shirt
Excuse me, that's Chauwn.
I think its spelled shawn or saen
>people with shitty opinions always have balding heads and/or fat asses
What did they mean by this?
>career suicide
Fucking this. Maddox was slowly going off the rails through the second half of his podcast, but this was the moment where nobody could deny what he was anymore.
All the Goss post BPITU were just nails in his coffins.
>he got so triggered over people spamming "cuck" on his shitty stream that he made this video
What a cuck
I don't think you realize how common balding is.
george please leave
How does that change what I said?
Say that again when we're both over thirty faget.
Thing is, it still worked when we all thought the way he acted in his videos and on podcasts was a self-aware ironic persona he adopted for the purposes of entertainment.
Now thanks to his falling out with Dick everyone can see clearly that he's not being ironic, he actually thinks that highly of himself despite his many shortcomings.
Still, I credit him for reintroducing me to the comedy stylings of Dick Masterson, as well as Boisterous Coconuts.
>ALttP had the perfect mix.
Probably too small for modern games.
No and it's just sad that he tries to change that with farfetched controversy.
Correlation does not imply causation.
Tomb Raider had awful movement and the lockon only applied to aiming, not the camera
Having it is not the same as perfecting it
i ate a pepperoni pizza for dinner in honor of him
looks like newfaggot OP shitlord discovers maddox for the first time
welcome to 4shit thanks for coming i'm sure you'll fit right in
No, the actual career suicide was killing the most successful thing he ever did because his co-host hooked up with his ex, and then doing everything in his power to make himself look like a repulsive idiotic lunatic.
His biggest sponsor turned out be a total scam and he scared away all the legit sponsors BPITU had with his autism. He's down to Amazon affiliate links and his bonus episodes.
Also fucking Madbux. Holy shit what is he thinking
"Nothing inherently wrong with being a cuckold."
Consider my almonds activated.
I didn't say that people who are balding/fat have bad opinions, I said those with bad opinions are often balding/fat.
Sorry to have triggered you, Humpty.
Yea, he ruined a great podcast. It was hilarious to hear them argue. Even if they couldn't work together any more I wouldn't mind listening to his own podcast if he hadn't pulled those bitch moves on dick and coconuts.
>maddox is only getting $400 on his patreoni
Mind you, the only reason Maddox got so upset over Dick hooking up with his ex is because Maddox is a weird fucking guy who is trying to set up a harem involving him, his current girlfriend and his exes.
>"Are often"
>>people with shitty opinions ALWAYS have balding heads and/or fat asses
You don't get to backpedal today, faggot.
I was not aware of this specific hot goss. Are you serious? Is he really that fucking weird?
Christ, this is painful. I used to love this guy. I bought his book. I bought his first goddamn book years ago when it first came out and now I'm so disgusted with him that when I was cleaning out my room recently that was one of the many things I tossed in the trash.
I hate this shit so fucking much. It takes like... at most a minute to cross the fucking entire world.
I was let down by the scale of OoT. I wanted MORE walking god damnit. When miyamofo was interviewed at one e3 before it's release he said that it would take an entire DAY to cross the world in OoT.
What he didn't mention was that it was an IN GAME day, not a real world day. In game day is like... 40 seconds fucking long.
the buildup to leaving your home village was huge in the game. When you're about to leave, you get this dramatic as fuck sequence saying good bye to an old friend. You feel like... "Holy shit, I'm never going to see these people again, well, at least not for a long time." Then you step out into the world and you think "Wow this is where my epic journey begins!" but then 20 seconds later you're like "Oh... there's Hyrule castle... umm... huh..."
Kinda kills the fucking adventuring aspect of it when the fucking towns are just down the street from one another.
I expected OoT to be what BotW is. Just a fuck huge world where you go on a real fucking epic journey. I wanted to feel like Frodo leaving the Shire, a "I might never make it back to this place..."
Yeah, in Maddox' own words he was "creating a friendship" between the ex and his current girlfriend.
He's still doing this?
Jesus Christ man. Turn 6. Already.
>No, the actual career suicide was killing the most successful thing he ever did because his co-host hooked up with his ex, and then doing everything in his power to make himself look like a repulsive idiotic lunatic.
Literally my life.
Wow. I need to think about this...
The City of Failure warped him something awful. Goddamn. I can't believe this is the same guy whose website I used to read in high school.
Which reminds me, I think the thing about him that is the most tragic is how thin-skinned he's become. He used to post hate mail on his website and make fun of the people who sent it. Now he blocks anyone who so much as criticizes him on any channel.
Yeah, it's very saddening.
At least we'll always have Dick.
>He's down to Amazon affiliate links and his bonus episodes.
He breeched the ToS of the affiliate so he no longer has it
>Maddox defends cuckolding
>Immediately afterwards his ex-GF he still has feelings for gets DICK'd
>Falls apart and cancels the show
Is this another Burch situation?
If maddox is so great why is he bald?
Maddox literally got cucked by Dick Masterson and then made a video explaining why cuckery wasn't bad.
Worse than Burch
Or better, depending on how you look at things
OoT has been shit on for over a decade, shit is old.
He got mad at Dick for flirting with females on the podcast (Dick only did this during the podcast as a bit/fun) but Maddox would try to get them to go have coffee with him.
Maddox was never good.