Other urls found in this thread:

>Pre-ordered the game in July 2016
>Forgot about it and pre-ordered the steel book version in March
>They both shipped

>PS3 version is 59.99 USD
>PS4 version is 79.99 USD


Still do not own a ps4.
Did not see a reason to.
I want to play p5 though ;_;

I hope they shipped that shit on lazership and you get the good ol delivery attempt but no one was home.

Just got it, not sure if I want to play it now or wait for the japanese audio

It's physically being released for PS3 as well.

You're going to buy my game, right user?

Who's legs are those?

>mine still hasn't shipped

Do I have to play the previous ones to get into this one?

How cringy is the series overall?

>People who got the game early can't even play it because Japanese audio doesn't officially release until launch day.

It's like a big fuck you to the western audience, I just find it funny.

>all this Atlus domination

Goro traitor
Fake Igor

>Do I have to play the previous ones to get into this one?
>How cringy is the series overall?
Define cringy.

So desperate, I read "Persona 5 is coming to PC" somehow

>dual audio is out for EU
>americucks still forced to use ameridumb dub

oi i am laffin

Luckyyyyy. Got my copy two weeks ago and playing with the dub has just been the worst thing ever. Only good voice is Haru because she's a qt3.14. Dual audio when

>shipping soon

Mine just updated to arriving tomorrow and I got all excited thinking it would arrive early until I realized that tomorrow is Tuesday now.

>my persona 5 has shipped
>my ps4 hasnt

>this fucking image
Okay, I'm stumped.

Who here is playing on Hard first play through?

Post more Anne.

How big is the dual audio DLC ?

>Define cringy.
Retarded teenage angst mostly. I'm okay with teenage angst, just not the one with retarded reasons or no satisfying conclusion.

I'm playing on easy :^)


It is? Where can you download it?

Kid is leaning back. See where the grey meets white near the kids waist.

It's good. Atlus writes believable characters that aren't just driven by angst, even if sometimes what the main party is doing is taken a back seat to what's really going on.

still dont know what to name the MC. what will you pick?

but I'm waifu-ing the sensei first.

This has to be a shop. There's no way that kid in the back can contort his body like that


Larry Bird Jr.

Canon name, retard

>ordered it on 6/7
>still hasn't fucking shipped

Turd Ferguson, like all my Atlas games

Not him but if thats your definition of cringy, it isn't at all, almost no angst and the little that exists has a good reason and a good conclusion.

Potter-kun is obligatory at this point


He'll probably have a second name as well. P4 and P3 protags have two names.

damn that fucking second dungeon sucks dick

>tfw mine still hasn't shipped

Wait until Haru's dungeon, those space shenanigans can eat a dick

Is this a Joe reference?

when can we pre-load?

Naofumi for first name. Kurusu or Tachibana for family name.

This game doesn't fall for the procedural generation meme, how are the dungeons bad?

will this game allow me to experience the high school romance that i missed out on?


What a fucking shitty character.

Single-handedly ruined the game.

Seriously, up until then, all the party members were solid and believable.

And then they drop this piece of shit.

Fuck this.

The first one was pretty good, the second one can suck my ass. They also feel pretty long for some reason, even though they only consist of a few major rooms and puzzles. I've spend at least 3 days per dungeon though which was like 2-3 hours I think.

They're not bad at all, but god damn if I wasn't getting frustrated because of the space puzzles. Brainlets have it rough.

In a very detached way, but yes.

Nah, it is a Steve reference.

What difficulty are you guys doing? 4 was toddler tier on Normal but if SMT is anything to go by Hard is just artificial difficulty.


You might be more of a brainlet than me. Neither of us brought up combat.

He's asking because you two seem to already own the game.

Am I not allowed to ask about difficulty all of a sudden?

>best boy Yusuke says he's going to live with me
>aw hell yeah time to bro out all game
>he leaves the next day
What a meme game ;__;

persona 4 golden started on very hard, was my first persona game ever. Even the damn grinding took careful planning, item usage, conctretation. Thought that 8 bit fuck had a scripted death in it, turns out he just haves a recoverable shell with crazy amount of hp and you do shit damage no matter how much you level up.

I don't see how this'll happen since it hasn't even shipped yet but goddamn my hopes are up.

It's not even that the puzzles are hard. That one with the big room full of lasers and 50 fucking enemies in it was just fucking garbage. I kept running into them and they spottet me all the time since there's no cover.

he got one yet?

offensive consumables do fixed amount of damage regardless of defense. I've found that's the most efficient way to deal with him

>his cook is bigger than that cuck royjis

Akira Kurusu

My copy will be here within 40 minutes...

Longest 40 minutes ever.

this will be my first persona game

what should i expect

Actually it's Frizzy Hair.

It's Daddy Warbucks.

Acksyually it's Harry Potter

no idea beacuse every persona game is different from the last.

>tfw turned on the TV and they mentioned naoto shirogane, the detective prince
>they also said she was replaced by another detective prince already

She wasn't even the best detective of her generation to begin with.

Yes I even pre-ordered the Take Your Heart edition.

Time for GOTY

Did she, 'Take Your Heart'?

If she did you should be ashamed cuz pic related is best girl.

Is this OST of the year?

I'm just glad we finally get a main battle theme that isn't terrible.

ooga booga

>tfw shipping soon
>"Arriving: Tuesday at 8PM."
>I start my work week on Wednesday

That or Nier.

she got old and busted and stopped looking like a boy.

That's Makoto right?
Then yeah it's her.
I don't know why but I really like her

I'm going with Anne because Makoto looks way to similar to my exboyfriend

>game is 100 dollarydoos here in australia

kill me, why are games so fucking expensive?

Well, at least it's got more value for your money than most games.

t. Atlus

>JP audio is only 3GB
How? Even DoD3's Jap voices needed 10GB.

I got the PS3 version for $50.

>game shipped on thursday
>no tracking updates since then
>estimated delivery date is next week
What the fuck?

Still hasn't shipped, I guess if it does end up late it won't be a big deal. I won't be able to dig into the game deep until the weekend and the coming week anyways.

because you're australian

Hard for first playthrough
Hard for the many other playthroughs too because fuck Challenge.All it does is severely decrease your EXP and Money gain, while crits and AoAs do 3x damage, making it literally just more grindy.

>all these people waiting for shipping

why not just go down to your local GameStop™

Making upside down games for you fucks is hard.

exactly what im doing on tuesday

>not webhallen

>shipped last thursday
>arrived the following day
Being a scandinavian cuck has its merits sometimes