TFW my backlog keeps growing

>TFW my backlog keeps growing
>I just don't have the desire to sit down and play these games
>Would rather just get on the internet and shitpost on Sup Forums

It's like I want to play these games, but at the same time I don't feel like I have the patience/desire anymore to sit down and actually play them.

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I feel your pain. I just play Games for the main quest but every single time I end up practically hating the game before it's over.

>tfw want to play Overwatch but it takes so much mental effort to get l337 no scopes and I rather use that on productive things

So you're becoming an adult, big fuckin deal

If being an adult means feeling like this, then I don't want to grow up. This feeling isn't a nice feeling user, it just isn't it.

>played 12 games this year so far
>backlog has increased by 5 since year began
I just like games too much. Too much I want.

Overwatch is lame now anyway, you're not missing much.

Probably because you just want to socialise and when you play a video game by yourself you feel like it's time wasted when you could spend it on establishing human contact.

Basically the way to unfuck yourself is to get a fulfilling and meaningful relationship with another human being then you can, from time to time, enjoy video games like you used to.

>was flooded in for the past 4 days
>no internet and no power
>actually spent the time playing through handheld games
I managed to start and beat both Tearaway and Kirby Mass Attack over those 4 days
I'm starting think that maybe I would be a hell of a lot more productive if I cut down my PC time

Is this what it is user? Not OP but I have the same problem and only now has someone put a finger on it. I feel like playing games, but I feel like i'd enjoy it much more if one of my mates were there watching me play.
Select a game
You can only pick one from this list.

>freedom planet
>651 hours
dude what

This. A lot of you guys are miserable because youre internet/Sup Forums addicts.

I feel you, OP.

I haven't bought a PS4, still have a PS3, but with a backlog I haven't touched for years.

Basically, its demotivated me from playing any games.

Does anyone else use Backloggery?

>TFW my backlog keeps growing
>and it just means I have more games to play

I'll definitely die before I finish it, but long as I got a good game to come back to whenever I finish work/going out/whatever, I'm fucking happy.

Played for streams/Speedrunning
Failed miserably. help develop a guide of sorts with community.
Tried glitches and multiple versions of the game. Kept coming back to it whevener I want to complete a game quick.

I do, it's such a nice way to organise things
dunno if it's actually helped me be more productive in beating games, but I really like having a proper list
What are your numbers?

I'm definitely thinking about it properly now, but the problem is there are quite a lot of productive things I can be doing on my PC
If I'm not on my PC, I can't play PC games or draw, but if I am I just get distracted

If steam had a version of mega man x id have 100000 hours into it because of shit like that so i guess i get ya

no you are just a homo

>get the desire to play Overwatch
>quickplay is boring
>try competitive
>teammates instalock Hanzo, Genji, and Orisa
>only healer is Zenyetta
>stop playing

It's not worth the mental strain

Man up and at least play some arcade titles or pinball, tree hugger.

Here they are. if you want people on your multitap.

It seems to work a bit for me, but it's gotten pretty bad.

I've added you
Even if it hasn't helped me with playing games, I really like the now playing list
It helps me keep track of what I'm playing and where I'm at, I find it a bit easier than using a text file

Well, yeah. That's the cue that you need some social interaction in your life, when (you) is more fun than games.

Yeah, me as well. I've gone out of my way to play maybe a few more here or there, though.

figured it was probably speedrunning a few secs after making that post

>friends keep jumping games like animals
>I refuse to buy most games they buy because money and I know I'll only get 2 hours of fun out of it.
>I play the same game alone
>now they're playing blackwake and enjoying themselves. But I know they'll jump to something different next week

I hate the feeling of being a stingy purchaser but I know the consequences....