ITT: Subtle vidya clothing

ITT: Subtle vidya clothing

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this meme needs to end


Go to bed, Nappy

I wear an Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom jacket, but since it's been warm lately and Summer is coming I won't get many chances to wear it. Guess I should have bought a t-shirt instead, speaking of which I should buy some anime t-shirts. I only have like one of them, but some of them are expensive.

>Posting your underage sister on a site full of pedophiles and perverted/sexually depraved men.

get the fuck out chris hansen

I'd wear that in a heartbeat.


none of vidya clothing is subtle

they are all autistic

They sell stuff like this at designer stores in the mall, buying it must be really affordable and cool even. I don't think it's as bad as you guys make it out to be, being a normie is totally safe today.


Look just because you play video games 24/7 doesn't mean everyone does. To real gamers, this is pretty good and subtle.

>hey this is Rich from ReviewtechUSA, signing out



sooooooooooo epic


looks like an antifa fag that would mace an old lady in the face and run away

Looks like the pimply kids who post pictures of themself on /k/

>I wear an Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom jacket,
Where'd you get it?

Does it come in Garrison?

>yeah my ma got me these for christmas lawl eksdee

>2 Faces

Got it off Amazon, it's pretty nice quality and looks pretty cool. It's not really overstimulating, looks pretty subtle unless you know what Attack on Titan is. Most normalfags will just think it's some weird logo. As for if it comes in Garrison I'm not sure, I know Wings of Freedom is the most popular.

Just search for Attack on Titan jackets on Amazon, that's where I bought mine. Honestly like I said I want some anime t-shirts for the summer but I feel like it might be juvenile to wear them, like I'm 24 and I'm not sure if I should really wear stuff like that in public anymore. Also usually wearing graphic t-shirts is frowned upon apparently, that's why I stick to wearing solid colored t-shirts with nothing on them.

>double blowjob

Graphic tees are usually fine if it's not a professional thing, or an outrageous shirt. Tons of people still wear them, but that could just be my town up north in Canada.

Although I don't wear my weeb shirts outside unless they're subtle. So I keep my Idolm@ster shirts on indoors only.

I'll look on Amazon, thanks.
25 here


>double dicks

Does it come in a xxxl jersey?

Nobody actually buys and wears shit like this, right?

If you build it they will come

>its real


What is considered a "subtle" anime t-shirt? Most of them seem pretty overstimulating unless you just get like a shirt representing a logo from an anime, and doesn't have a bunch of colors and designs on it.

>Don't piss me off or else I'll get violent
When will vidya be banned?


Generally if it doesn't have an actual anime characters face on it it's subtle enough.


this is the only thing i would wear itt because i like monster hunter so much and i always wear sweaters.

>What is considered a "subtle" anime t-shirt?

Would be decent cosplay if not for the shirt

>wearing a dragon shirt unironically
>listening to metal

I wear my VIDEO GAMES(tm) cap every day and already got a few compliments.

>some fag in my HS used to wear only DBZ shirts that had HYPER COLORED moon runes and WHOA LOOK AT ALL THE POWER effects and shit all over them
>he now works at a dairy queen 2 blocks away from my house wearing the same shit

>Not wearing jeans
>Not wearing a gray jacket under the trenchcoat
>Jacket isn't even the right color

It's a shitty cosplay unless you try to make it look like the actual character, just put on blue jeans and find a gray zipper jacket of some kind.

Lmao fucking nerd watch this ™

They actually have a couple of really well designed shit.

The only SSB shirt I ever bought was this though.

You can actually wear this if you're going for a hipster/vaporwave outfit and look confident enough.

Get me a Brachy or Rajang shirt and I would unironically wear that shit. Fucking come at me.

I wanted to make a "haha i love starfox too xD" post, then I realized it is actually Starfox too I cringed a little

It's not really based on Star Fox but I get your point.




I want this

see you on NBC you fucker

your sister looks really similar to my sister.

i want the user who took pics wearing the other shirt

u're r sister a shit

That isn't fucking vidya, that is a literally just a fragment of the 11th satanic rule of earth

>11-When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.

your sister is slow.


...I have a friend with this shirt. He is exactly as autistic as you would expect about KH

You could get away with just the face on a jumper imo, that's a little more subtle.

let's start the (You) train


all sisters look the same

I can't imagine anyone not looking like a faggot in that but not many people would know what it's from.

are a faggot


What vidya is this even. Is she suppose to be a peashooter

>graphic tees

I fucking love bloodborne

reminds me of that columbine shirt covered in blood that stirred some shit a while back

this one looks fine without the words


I like this one because it shows that I like two popular things at once.

>mfw I always dress like a fucking virgin
>whole black or deep color clothing

I just wear comfortable and practical clothes, somehow it makes me look like autistic virgin

thats a resident evil 7 shirt you stupid twat

I used to be like that but then I found that grey was slightly cheaper and now my friends call me eminem.

>now my friends call me eminem

I choose to believe this.


All i'm missing is the cap, really.

It looks really familiar to me, but I can't place it. Where is it from?

>See a shirt online I really like
>"I should buy it"
>Realize that every shirt I've bought in the past 5 years has been 100% pointless because I never go out or have any friends
>buy it anyway
>I have like 10 shirts I've never worn

I just don't understand it, man.

When I was a kid I use to have a shirt like this but with yugioh characters on it, shit was comfy

Chao Garden, nigga.

maybe I don't care enough to change my clothing pattern, last time I changed it for getting a chick, it worked

but it was uncomfortable and doesn't feel right, so I went back being autistic after breaking up

Oh shit, I know this one.
Assassin's Creed, right?



It's not the one from DX, is it?


i dont have this one saved

thanks cutie

Adventure 2, sorry, I fucked up.

no problem

Every Monday I volunteer at the library. Sometimes I put books away and sometimes I man the front desk, depending on how many people we get that day. Well, this week I was at the front desk wearing my Yukari Yakumo shirt. It's a shirt I made that has a picture of Yukari peeking through a boundary. It's one of those iron-on things. Anyways, at about three in the afternoon, a balding, hefty man who looked to be in his late 30s comes up to check out a biography of Immanuel Kant. He hands me his library card and I do the whole process. As I put the due-date slip in the pocket on the inside cover, he indicated my shirt and said, "Ooooh, you like Miss Yakumo too, eh?" I stared at him for a minute but decided to bluff it and said it was a present from my young cousin, Jenny (I don't like to talk about anything Sup Forums-related in public). Apparently it worked because he got a look on his face like he had just accidentally told the Soviets about a huge new secret American weapon, and left in quite a hurry. He even forgot his book.

I'm sure when you do eventually get out of your house, you'll be the coolest kid on the block, user.

I have a Kirby shirt (he has the sword/cap) with some moon runes

My friends father (artist) did a pikachu airbrush/team mystic airbrush and gave it to me for free.
Usually wear em around the house/going to the store

just got this custom ordered on a shirt, I'm pretty excited

I used to have a lot when I was younger, but not as much anymore. I have a few promotional ones from Dark Souls and Bloodborne and what not, rarely wear t-shirts anymore though.

The nerdiest shit I do wear regularly is a Kamen Rider hoodie I have. It just has the designs of one of the character's clothing and its really comfy. Not a single person has ever recognized it which kinda sucks, but I also kinda don't care.

it helps if it's not too overstated and if the picture itself doesn't scream "ANIME SHIRT"

Here are a couple I want to get sometime

People should know to hide their power levels.