>Press circle to fuck them
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Not anymore, fuccboi.
>kratos not getting stomped by all of them except 2b
>character action games
Ninja Gaiden
Devil May Cry
Metal Gear Rising
Dark Souls
>Monster Hunting action-adventure
Monster Hunter
Dragon's Dogma
>traditional action-adventure
Shadow of Rome
Chaos Legion
>isometric hack and slash dungeon crawler
Path of Exile
>3D beat 'em up
God Hand
No More Heroes
>Cinematic Action-Adventure
God of War
Ninja Blade
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Dante would win
Followed by Bayo
Sex robot
How the fuck does Ryu beat Raiden?
Anyone who would put Automata alongside those games has clearly never put any actual time into the genre and is talking out their ass. It's the exact same genre as the first Nier.
I can't wait to see some user on Sup Forums split hairs over vidya categories for the 1000th time!
It's literally MGR with open world.
Black Oni Soki in his full form would triple-rape them all combined
power levels
Bayonetta is stronger than Dante cuck
No she's not lol.
Heh, you couldn't be more wrong, kid.
It's literally Nier with more moves. It doesn't even have as much moveset depth as MGR which is fairly light for the genre as is, most of the challenge in the game is dictated by numbers derived from you and your opponents level on top of your upgradable equipment, and progression is based on leveling up rather than becoming more skilled. It isn't even open world, there are games between "a straight fucking line" and "open world". It's an RPG and has an RPG overworld. The only difference between Nier's world and Automata's is a lack of loading screens, and Nier sure as shit isn't an open world game. Was Ocarina of Time an open world game? Is removing loading screens all it takes to achieve that? Even when transitioning between areas is still done through narrow connecting corridors?
>using someone's opinion as fact
Are you guys memeing?
Who can be added to pic related?
>character action
Nier is an ARPG not character action
2B has like two times more moves than MGR.
9S has four times more moves than sam and that dog combined.
You level and upgrade your shit in MGR as well.
Try actually playng games sometimes.
>respectable and badass
>either act like sluts or dress like one
really keeps the noggin joggin'
Doesn't Team Dirty Western Dogs have the literal personification of Death? Sounds pretty OP.
Also Nanobreaker.
But it's not an opinion. They look at each characters capabilities and determine the outcome based on that.
Like they say in the video—Bayonetta is inconsistent, often being thrown off guard and hit. She's also purely human while Dante is half. Dante with Yamato and Devil Trigger is nigh unstoppable.
>they put who put master chief above doomguy
>showing shoulders and biceps
>not a slut
>literally lives with two chicks and fucks them
>not a slut
Bayonetta and 2b are respectable and badass too
I nearly vomited at character action, but i just couldn't stop when you followed up with soulslike, what a fucking combo of disgusting terms you have there.
They are in common use now, you gotta deal with it.
I get soulslike, but what's wrong with character action as a classification
At least he didn't go deep enough to hit "roguelike" and "rogue-lite" and all that miserable faggotry.
Kiryu a fuckem all up desu. All of em getting head butted and stomped, and there will be a cool drum & bass/ electric guitar theme to go
What's wrong with rogue-lite? Wasn't it a compromise to not confuse roguelikes with new real time games?
It just will always seem redundant. "Character action"
>first person gun shooter
>stealth via a sneaky spy gameplay
>athlete in sport game
>amatuer survival horror civilians
>fighting with you bare hands and feet games
>super mario likes
I could make more dumb ones too.
Well "metroidvanias" are just metroid like games that have nothing from castlevania in them. But they are still called metroidvanias and not metroidlikes.
Is Yakuza a character action game?
I don't know what to call games like DMC, Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden. Are they Stylish Action, Hack and Slash, or just simply action games?
>Toph beating Gaara
>Yang beating Tifa
>Master Chief beating Doomguy
>Strider beating Ryu Hayabusa
Id say any of those would do. It's what we called DMC when it actually came out.
It's a shitty GTA clone without cars.
Also is there anything more dull than slapping "like" on the end of something?
Imagine if we had got in our head that Yakuza just got called "shenmue-like's©
>Dragon's Dogma
>monster hunting
Confirmed bait. Everyone move along.
>things wot are about criminals is just GTA
You guys in this thread.... It's like you have one base experince and then link games that even refrence a subject back to that initial experince. "Yakuza is just a GTA-like" holy shit.
I like all those games to some extent.
I mean being part of a certain genre doesn't make something good or bad. They stand on their own merits. Genreposters arguing about what differentiates character action or spectacle fighters or whatever gay term are missing the forest for the trees.
It's functional.
You wouldn't have hack'n'slash situation if you just called them diablolikes and DMClikes.
No, this thread wasn't meant to stir up shitposting regarding the genre. It's just meant to discuss power-levels. I'm not sure why everyone's caugh up on the genre itself.
That's even gayer, dude.
Oh would win in a fight, Dante or Marty Mcfly?
Me, I do, and then I go to your house and fuck you're mom.
Marty Mcfly can travel back in time and prevent Sparda from fucking Dante's mom. Dante loses.
Nippon has asura
I can't really see many of these fights literally ever ending.
Pretty much all of them have really high evasion or are based on countering.
Like dante should be stronger than bayonetta and 2b but I can't see dante ever actually landing a hit on bayonetta so I think he would just get shot and lasered 6 gorrilion times until his regen/hp runs out or they give up.
Actually bayonetta could probably throw him into space or something with a weave demon.
hol up
is this a swordsman fight???
3D Beat 'Em Up
so? Asura can't beat Death
What makes you think that bayo can hit dante? Between tricster dodge and royal guard he's untouchable to pretty much anything.
except he was so angry he went back from the death
3 times
We're doing this again?
Because Dante takes hits literally all of the time. I've seen him get stabbed though the chest like 8 times now. I'm sure he could dodge everything but he gets really overconfident a lot.
Meanwhile bayonetta dodged bullets that were teleported like a metre behind her.
>No Chrono
>No Lloyd
>No Vyse
shit fucking pic lad
>Ninja Gaiden Black still isn't on current gen platforms
biggest factor I think is that Dante can more or less 'die' then get back up.
but if Bayonetta 'dies' for even a moment her soul gets dragged to hell before she can recover
He literally allows himself to get hit, just for show. Like during that opening fight scene in Dmc3—it was just for style points.
Or he underestimates his opponent. Like his fight with Nero.
the only people who matter in that are vergil hakumen and youmu anyway
adding more hax people does nothnig because hakumen is anti-hax and the only one (possibly) on his level there is youmu
who gets shitstomped because hakumen doesn't have hesitation
It's shit so nobody cares.
>Fucking Trish
Nigger what, Trish is a clone of his mom. That's the whole joke behind her "frustration" with him not ever making a move on her. Pretty sure he considers Trish as his sister or some shit.
>Trish is a clone of his mom
I just thought she happened to look like her. But that's beside the point. Considering how much time they spend together, I doubt a simple resemblance is going stop Dante from fucking a walking talking pair of tits that follows him around everywhere.
>2B has like two times more moves than MGR.
I guess if you count the duplicated moveset every weapon-type shares. Raiden can do more with his basic sword than 2B can do with one pair of weapons. Too bad Raiden's extra weapons are so shallow, and Automata has it beat with decent weapon switching. Unfortunately, the moves in Automata don't have much interplay and you are not incentivized at all to use any of the special moves.
You can upgrade your weapons, buy skills, and find/buy health and energy upgrades in MGR, but it isn't the same thing at all as leveling up, which increases a variety of stats, and is involuntary; if you fight enemies you WILL level up. You can opt to play MGR without obtaining upgrades because they are found or purchased. Not to mention that enemies in MGR do not have levels. Leveling up in Automata is key to the progression because an enemy sufficiently above your level will take microscopic or zero damage from some of your attacks, making level an important part of your game progression.
Enemies in the early parts of Automata can take eons to kill you even if you're standing still once you've reached a high enough level, I wouldn't call any game where you can outlevel any potential challenge a pure action game.
Yeah idk asura is there i don't think any of them could beat him kek
>silent hill, resident evil, fatal frame, haunting ground and alone in the dark should be called "clock tower-likes"
Im glad i don't live in your proposed timeline user.
She's an identical clone of her, and yeah that'd be fuckin weird m8.
ctowerlike doesn't sound too bad.
fuck i lov hack n slash games
like holy fuck
Jeez, you don't have to mock people who like the games, dude.
dmc3 virgil
fuck you faggot
i need more and fucking cuck devs don't seem to want to
Bayonetta could defeat all the other four by herself.
DMC 5 is going to be announced this year.
Screen Cap this.
it wont
but it fucking better
>Itsuno planning to announce game
>DMC4:SE released recently
>DmC:DE released recently
All the signs are there. They are trying to reignite people's in the series again for the inevitable reboot/sequel
dante could fuck em all up
you sure about that, kid?
welcome to Sup Forums
I can't believe someone would play NieR and still think 2B fits in this list just because Platinum developed it. The genre is completely different.
your list sucks
Do tell, what was the difference between NieR:automata and NieR that made you put them in different categories.
>t. GOW faggot
That's all.
Females are for fucking/cooking/cleaning.