>RTS is dead and nothing can bring it back
Why hasn't anyone made a moe/sexy RTS with entry level gameplay? That might help.
>RTS is dead and nothing can bring it back
Why hasn't anyone made a moe/sexy RTS with entry level gameplay? That might help.
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It's called moba.
Blizzard are attempting to rez Starcraft right now. No excuse not to try that. I'm trying the campaigns again and I suck now. I keep fucking up the last mission of the first Terran campaign.
Because RTS are boring to watch.
Today no one play complex game just because they're complex (you can have one or two exception like dwarf fortress), if you wanna bring a more complex and competitive game, you NEED to sell it as a e-sport but RTS are just boring to watch.You can watch the whole EVO without knowledge about fighthing game and still enjoy it.
Mechanical keyboards and other enthusiast PC gear is selling pretty well right now, ironic that "hardcore" PC game genres are dying. The meme that people use their $1000+ PCs to play casual shit is true.
>It's called moba.
The only good RTS in the last few years is Offworld Trading Company, and every time I tried to get some people on here to play it with me there were no takers.
Not even anywhere close to an RTS
Go play Original War. It needs more people playing online. Also it's still being updated even though it came out in the early 00s because the company gave the source code to a fan at some point.
Also Cossacks 3 just came out and is apparently pretty good, though if you don't like Cossacks you obviously wouldn't like the new one/remaster or whatever you want to consider it.
you play it in real time and strategically thoguh
I know there's at least 1 2hu game like that. Maybe stop being a pleb.
In that case, CS:GO is a RTS, and so is Sm4sh
fucking delete that pic
apu doesn't deserve this
fuck you
that doesn't make money and it's too fun, sorry can't be done
Is Old-Games dot com a valid source or do I need to buy the Steam version?
The patches might work on a physical copy of the game, which I imagine the Old-Games version is. I don't know if you can play online with a pirated copy though even with the patches. You could try I guess. I bought it off Steam.
This Old-Games site seems to have quite a lot of stuff. I might try it and see how I go. If I get single-player that will do it for me. If I like it I can pay for multiplayer later.
>it's too fun
Why are RTS fans so anti-fun anyway?
It's pretty nice that it keeps getting updated. It properly supports widescreen and such, along with being ported to OpenGL, and it also has Steam Workshop support that people have released custom scenarios and multiplayer maps on.
The game is interesting because you have a set number of unique characters (in single player, I'm not sure how it works in multiplayer because I haven't been able to find a match but it's similar) that you can change the classes of to do different things like research, fight, and build stuff. Vehicles need people driving them until you get the autopilot tech and even then having a person driving is still better, but you're risking one of your limited people. You can also train apes (that roam around the maps) to do simple things, like they can be trained to drive vehicles, but of course they're worse than even autopilot.
It's got a lot of interesting ideas for an RTS game.
Well, he asked for an entry level gameplay
why havn't you?
therein is your answer
mobas are for shitlords who are too bad to handle microing entire armies so they played war3 custom maps with one hero
losing 1v1 in a pure skill heads up match was too much for these 5v5 shitkids' fragile egos to handle
dont come here and tell everyone lies
starcraft is free now m8, thats a pretty good rts that hopefully will start getting some attetion again
Skill gap is way too wide for newer players. Makes this daunting and pushes away potential players. What's needed to make it work is to dumb down either how much you need to manage at one time or make it something like a turn based thing.
Maybe removing purchasing upgrades or having them be accessible from the hud at any point (you just need to have the requirements to build/research) could help too.
>Original War
Oh man this game was the shit. It was probably my first game that introduced choices and consequences.
It's mostly because it's easy for RTS to devolve into who can click fast enough and less focus on actual strategy. There's gotta be a way to minimize that. I'm sure some RTS games do it to some degree. Since Starcraft 2 became popular though most new RTS games are just copying it and buying into the esports bullshit which is the click click click stuff that people outside of the esports community don't like and that makes being new impossible.
Whenever I played StarCraft 2, I was afraid of playing anything but 4v4 because I hated not having team mates to rely on. I think a big reason that RTSes aren't popular with normies is that they place too much emphasis on individual skill, and most are designed around 1v1. People like to play on teams. That's just my theory though.
>devolve into who can click the fast enough and less focus on actual strategy
This 100%, that's why I was thinking maybe making it turn based could remove this problem, however it ends up making games longer and less exciting.
Well turn based games are good and do avoid the "whoever clicks the fastest wins" thing that RTS suffers from but you can't just turn an RTS game into a TBS game and expect it to work, not to mention that these two genres don't cater to the same people. Plus TBS is about as dead as RTS.
And no longer Real Time.
been trying to remember a strategy game that I heard about a few years ago. Similar to home world, you can move in 3d space, but turn based. you queue up actions while all of your and your opponents' units move at the same time. trying to remember has been driving me crazy the last few days, help me out Sup Forums
Whenever i play team games in something i'm new to i always get uneasy for bringing down my team by being a shitter, got zero problem with 1v1.
Your theory is bullshit.
What would be an entry level RTS though?
The core flaw of RTS is the autisticallyclickreallyfast aspect of it but that's pretty much embedded to the genre.
>And no longer real time
Fair, you're both right I completely dropped the ball there
Sadly SupCom was a pinnacle of RTS genre and it's not going to be topped any time soon.
They include campaigns or a reason
Thanks for the tip, it looks really fun
I would actually like a tbs that focuses on online 1v1 with about an hour long average game length, a game like this could open up a totally untapped market. Maybe i should just give up finally learn to play chess.
That would be CnC series, it has only one resource that you need to collect and you can focus on strategy rather than base building.
>Why hasn't anyone made a moe/sexy RTS
because RTS games are the West's genre and our societies hate cuteness
I've been wanting to get into chess recently too because it seems there aren't any TBS video games that fill the same void. How experienced are you with the game? I've known how to play for a while but am ignorant of really any established strategy that the game runs on and more or less just randomly move pieces without much forethought. There's lots of good chess software though. The program I'm using right now is Scid vs PC with the Stockfish chess engine.
>implying base building isn't part of the strategy
Have you seen how people play CnC online? It's all about rushing, it's not fun allowed at all.
Wrong! Pic related.
Cute, CUTE!
Yes, but that is not the main concern in CnC series, you just need a correct refinery placement in order to make an effective economy and proper turret defense.
As far as "why hasn't anybody made an entry level" one goes, Halo Wars 2 just came out.
The issue is it's Windows store/10 only as of now.
Which is precisely why it is entry level, no depth of tactics and just unit spam.
Is it made by Ensemble Studio?
Dawn of War 3 comes out next month and is pretty good.
I think once the game comes out, all the "moba moba moba cuck cuck" Archwarhammer fanfaggots will be forced to accept it's a decent game.
But it doesn't help that Relic has handled the marketing poorly.
Do any of the same people still work at Ensemble who worked there 17 years ago?
Yeah its the same for me, was always afraid of playing solo, was fine playing in team
Its a trash dumbed down Dow 1 with moba mechanics. Relic and Sega can fuck off and die.
do you have this nigger template?
Yeah come to my studio white boi we can work something out
The only moba mechanic is the fact that to win a multiplayer match you have to kill certain objectives in order.
I wouldn't say it's dumbed down at all. The game requires just as much if not more skill due to being faster paced and having lots of active abilities on units.
>Ywn set up a gamedev company and make a new supcom with more races and modern grafix
thank you fellow Sup Forums gamer!
Nope. Mobas are more micro intensive in that positioning, timing and reactions required. What you're thinking is macro. RTS macro when it isn't boiled down to dumb rash strats like starcraft is a whole different game. Ironicly it's this and not micro that MOBA players tend to fail hard at. They can lane, fight and last hit like pros but the second those lanes break down and they have to think about their overal game plan it goes out the window.
DoW2 had far more MOBA mechanics than DoW3 does.
>no base building
>pick one hero for the match
>hero gets exp for killing regular units and other heroes, levels up in match becoming stronger
>hero buys items during match
>hero casts spells using mana
>If hero is losing a fight, run back to base to heal
>initially balanced around 3v3 team games
>base defended by powerful turrets (in fairness, the objective of DoW2 was not to kill the base)
And all this before assfaggots even released.
RTS requires skill. No allies or teammates to fall back on or blame should you lose. It's all on yourself. Too much to handle for many people. It's won't ever have a major resurgence.
Warcraft 3
I'm waiting for this one
The new mechanics seem fine, gameplay look solid overall (much closer to Starcraft than MOBAs, but with squads and strategic points to capture and... a lot of DoW features basically, mostly DoW1) and the "customize your army"-factor look pretty good too (I hope the doctrines are impactful and varied enough though)
>No allies or teammates to fall back on or blame should you lose.
what the fuck is up with everyone pretending like RTS games are 1v1 only
>And all this before assfaggots even released.
Dota had been around for half a decade before DOW 2.
>Duel is the only matchup that exists in RTS
There's no co-op RTS games unless you count halo wars but that's not a mainstream rts game
I can't even remember the original picture now. Blacked isn't even porn in my mind now, it's become 100% meme.
Because ladderfags act like it's the only way to play.
Starcraft has co-op campaigns, fairly sure there are some for DOW 2 as well and 2-8 player has always been in RTS multi.
like 99% of rts can have anywhere from 2 to 8+ players
No one gives a shit about 2vs2 starcraft, people only care about 1vs1
Get chessmaster 10, it's all you'll need for chess.
>Dota had been around for half a decade before DOW 2.
Yes but it was the marketing for assfaggots which coined the term 'MOBA' since they didn't want people to call them a "Dota-like".
But yeah I guess it would be more accurate to say DoW2 had some Dota-like mechanics.
I'm like a 1600's scub at AOE2 and feel like there was almost no difference with the age advancements like reaching dark and feudal age even with the harassment when I played 1v1 against a 1900. The issue is always later on where you don't know what will happen if it reaches that stage. Like my offence failed miserably when I tried to castle drop from one side whle trying to harass from the other. The guy somehow guessed the drop+immediately went ahead to stop my workers from buidling town centers near gold veins that were quite far from my main base. At that stage the game was basically over and the mass Chinese archers owned me.
What I'm trying to say is that I feel like its much easier to get the economy going in that game+On very large maps flushes,rushes aren't exactly viable. Like one guy tried a Town Centre drop when he had to walk the map for who knows how long while I managed to already advance in castle and easily stopped him.
I want you to die.
and who cares about campaign and solo play?
Company of Heroes 2 famalamaman
>playing against 4 soviet expert a.i's for "Dante Must Die" experience
DoW3 and Steel Division are coming.
A genre only dies when people stop playing the games and games don't sell. If you want it to live, fucking play the games, and get your friends to do the same, it's that simple
You actually had a very good game in this regard for mobile named Aether or something. played that for a year or so a few year back, but can't find any trace of it anywhere now
Cossacks 3 is alright, pretty cheap as well
>RTS is dead
>Grand strategy is bigger than ever (but certainly not better)
What a weird world we live in, guess normies really do dictate the landscape of gaming.
do you even play any of these games or just repeat things you heard neckbeard esports commentators say on your league of lesbians stream?
Homeworld 3
Friends had the same.
Don't get it tho, I loved to 1v1 and improve myself every game.
Never gave a fuck about loses and getting stumped, you would just improve from it
Maybe I'm just shit but I swear it's impossible to win as allies in 4v4, at least online. No matter how aggressive I play or how long I take them off the fuel they always seem able to amass an army of heavy tanks and just steamroll my team.
>miss rts dearly
>none of the 'comeback' rts did anything for me
>RTS game with cute girls playing sabagebu
shit, this might just work
>tfw no WC4 made by a non-shit blizzard
Let us hope Starcraft gets big again, the tournaments start up and companies start seeing big dollar signs and try to cash in on the wave.
Microing entire armies like in Starcraft etc. is cancer though.
Literally bad controls: the game.
Managing detachments, formations, squads etc. is where it should be at.
Do you play anything that isn't gookclick?
Don't get mad because it's true.
>mfw when playing Starcraft 1 right now and having fun
If you are shitter you won't be put up against pros you will play against other shitters so don't bitch.
Ask Gearbox / Blackbird.
They just made Deserts of Kharak. Prob working on HW3 atm.
>Clearly, we won because ME
>This fucking carry/support/mid didn't do anything! We fuckin' lost!
DoW3 looks good but I'm ignorant about Steel Division. Can you give me the lowdown?
I know exactly what you mean
I really like the concept of RTS but being a Korean being a pre-requisite to play on any competitive level kind of makes it anti-fun.
I usually stay around games like Wargame without any base-building because at least I can focus my efforts in that game.
world in conflict 2