>this is the state of video games in 2017
This is the state of video games in 2017
>it's an april fools joke
well here's your (You)
Is this the character pack that let's me destroy all my credibility in one upload?
Here's to (you) Nicola and Bart
I would fuck Hila without hesitation
Ethan recently went on a rant against SJW's
and how is that bad?since when the fuck is Sup Forums defending SJWs?
it was against the wall street journal. but he totally fucked that up so your point still stands
Based Ethan.
By the time you weren't allowed to post nude titty chocolate elves.
>he fucks up in a video by doing half-ass research
>people tell him he fucked up
>deleted the video
>uploades a new one telling everyone he fucked up and that he should have done mroe research
>doens't take him more than 24h to do so
He's pretty fucking based tee bee eich, he owned up to his mistakes right away without bullshiting.
meant for
>this is a bad thing
>3 years ago this post would have been obvious bait
>today we ostensibly have to share this board with neofag refugees and SJW faggots because moot had to turn Sup Forums into a safespace before abandoning this shit hole
That sounds less like he's based, and more that he's not *completely* fucking retarded.
>tee bee eich
Owning up to your mistakes is based, queer.
No it's not, it just puts you barely above trash.
So what isn't trash? Not commiting a mistake... ever? Are you calling yourself trash or barely above trash?
>Not Marioinatophat
I don't understand, do you just pick people at random? If anything you would support the people who have made like 80% of your memes
/vint/ was really eye opening. Really showed how fucking insufferable canadians are.
>So what isn't trash?
Not making half-assed, piece of shit videos.
>opinions and feelings
int is quite literally redit the board tb h, one of the shittiest boards on here
h3h3 is fucking garbage now. he used to be funny until he tried to make youtube a full time job. WAH I DON'T WANNA REAL JOB LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. making fun of clickbait videos and then producing the same fake content. when our we getting a ecleb board to hide this shit
Don't you mean ?
Like where his content belongs
Rest forever here in our hearts
think you mean champ
>he used to be funny until he tried to make youtube a full time job.
this is everyone you fucking idiot
EVERYTHING gets bad if it has to be released daily/weekly/monthly for years and years; no show or video game has ever been an exception to this so far.
i keep hoping he'll say fuck it and do the old reaction videos again. probably never gonna happen though. fucking jews man
It used to be alright before the board became 95% generals.
Before that it was basically sfw Sup Forums with flags.
Why do you have so many neofag refugees by the way ? Did these niggers go full commie and started banning everyone that didn't admit to like getting pegged ?
>he used to be funny
h3h3 and iDubbz were always shitty nutubers that do nothing but lolsorandom videos that reddit loves.
Literally who?
he's too big to do that now. any reaction video he makes is going to cause a wave of fans to fuck with that person or even bully. since they are getting sued too they are probably too scared to do anything remotely interesting now
spotted polygon fags
most of them aren't refugees, they are invaders. they still go to neogaf and actively try and turn Sup Forums into a liberal shit hole full of rules and faggot hot pocket enthusiasts
>shitty rehased memes(even more so than the rest of the boards)
>cringy humor
>country rolleplaying
>basically /r9k/ light with >tfw no gf threads all the time
its fcking terrible and thats an achievement by itself tb h
>literally unironically defending any ecelebs
I want the old Sup Forums back
Spotted the kotaku cuck
>he thinks sjw on Sup Forums are just Canadians, while in reality it was leafs + Brasilians, Australians, half of the murrican posters and Germans and few swedes, Brits.
u're favorite nutuber a shit
Makes sense then. I wish they'd stick to their shithole and leave the rest of the internet alone, we already have enough shit to sift through as it is.
Some memes aren't just memes
Hiro finally started to ban a few mobile ISPs.
He knows that they're the ultimate cancer.
Did you really just listen to a guy who doesn't even use capital letters?
Aaaaaand here come the Sup Forumstards. RIP thread, it's not like it was good in the first place.
cyka blyat
The last and final moment is yours~
go back to neogaf you subhuman piece of trash
Only after you fuck off to Stormfront or whatever fucking hole you have crawled here from in 2016.
What's wrong with being reasonable freethinking individual?
hell yes breh i like him EVEN MORE because he is a complete fuck up, truly b a s e d
fuck me if thats how you determine how based someone is.
fuck you
Dude if this bait it's pretty top tier.
On the other hand if it isn't it likely means you never used this place before Reddit told you about it, and you started blaming pol for any and all differing opinions.
who's ready for infinite infamy, green bridge, heat street, and a bunch of useless shit all while carrying pub shitters for the next week
fuck off leaf
Because editing, fact checking, and troubleshooting actually takes a lot of time and effort, is a talent, and can be rewarded. Why the fuck are you retards so adamant against people being able to earn money off of a new type of job?
t. an actual worker who isn't jealous of entertaining people making it big. At least they aren't fucking Hollywood kikes with their nepotism getting them roles.
Are Canadians the new Australians
Correct, but it's been like this for ever a year, and what they lack in wit, they make up for in increased obnoxiousness.
yeah, both are unfunny fucks with a meme status on here for some reason
Australians are chaotic neutral. Canadians are neutral evil.
Japan is lawful good
He's a retard, as is everyone else who goes after the media for accurately reporting shit.
t. Michael-sama
That agony is (you)r triumph
4 years ago no one gave a shit because the board wasn't run by ebin Sup Forumstards who mandate everyone be a fucking neo nazi
>actually defending old media smear stories
fuck off reddit
Have you ever seen someone with a Japanese flag shitpost? Like, actual Japs on this site and not Americans stationed in Okinawa. They're the exact opposite of Canadians.
South Koreans are lawful neutral
literally everything the wsj has done lately has been a hit piece that takes shit out of context
even his apology vid highlights how the ones who made the claim on the nigger video only made twelve fucking dollars. that's a bit skewed of a profit margin for coke and starbucks ads, don't you think?
bending the truth to attack someone is libel, not journalism
Your leaf is showing
>Defending fake news sites like the WSJ, WaPo, the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, and HuffPo
because gooks are too dumb to speak any english at all
and there arent any actual chinks here anyway, all of them are weebfaggots woking as english teachers in gookland
australians are 100% shitposting and discussion on shitposting
canadians are 75% genuine and the other 25% hate canada but are too poor to escape
Yeah but Australians are all aware they're shitposting and made an art out of it.
Гoвнa въeби, либepaхa.
Nips =/= gooks =/= chinks
That's like calling a Brit a Frenchman or vice versa. There's nothing the Perfidious Albion hates more than They Who Surrender.
>I put at least 120 dollars into this game
Worst feel. The game was pretty fun imo, and I had gotten some friends into it as well, so I was ignoring the cost as long as the content was good... then at least if the content was passable... the last one I actually bought was the ninja pack, I was on full drone mode. They released the chivalry pack and I decided to take a break. While I wasn't playing, they released the Goat Simulator pack. I never picked it back up and never intend to.
>too poor
"too poor to escape" would mean that you earned less than $50 a month
canada has higher wages
Jeez, I always thought there were a lot more people here but 140million. No wonder Sup Forums is so shit now
Why are all those big youtube stars so fucking impudent?
They make more money in a few years thank most of the people will make in their lifetime, and they still have the nerve to whine wtih long videos how youtube is "killing"(rad, they get a few bucks less, big fucking whoop)their income.And on top of that, most of those huge youtubbers make money for shilling/sponsorship of third party products in their videos anyway, which is not connected to the ad revenue at all, and they are still ungrateful.
Thats why youtubers will never be taken seriously.You cant have adueince, as big as a top rated TV show, and behave like you do with your online buddy.Literally no professionalism whatsoever.
Im a viewer, i watch you for your content, i dont give a fuck about youtube problems "killing" your channel or whatever, you gotta figure this our behind the scenes and not bother me with the information...
Can you imagine if every shitty TV show that is
getting its next season canceled, made a few episodes mid-season for compaining how their network is killing them?
>Nips =/= gooks =/= chinks
literally all arr the same
That was against Wall Street Journal you idiot.
Also he admitted he was wrong and removed his videos.
that's what I said
No, nips make anime, gooks make MMOs, and chinks make pollution. They're entirely different.
His video was all about trashing WSJ and then he proceeds to make the same fucking mistake he was trashing them about. The point is he shouldn't have made that mistake to begin with, how is this based. It's his duty to inform us he fucked up, especially like this.
Not to mention he tried to fight fire with fire and cherrypicked 2 dumbass twitter comments from 2009 and 2015 on that WSJ-fag. Not to defend him, but why the fuck should I crucify the guy for a dumb joke he made 8 (!!!!!!) fucking years ago. I know that probably Ethan just tried to use the same shame tactics Street Wall Journal try to use by being sarcastically offended, but it comes really hypocritical from him.
its not the fact that he went on a rant against sjws that makes him an idiot its going on a rant against anything when your entire livelihood is based on being a personality
you forfeit your rights to speak freely when you put yourself out there like that, just keep your mouth fucking shut
Like 5 years ago he'd upload funny youtube poop esque .exe videos now it's just one reaction and then three videos about who's attacking him over copyright infringement today
probably gonna unsub soon if the faggotry continues like that gradeA nigger
>Being a personality means you can't have an opinion
What is this new form of retardation?
>you forfeit your rights to speak freely when you put yourself out there like that, just keep your mouth fucking shut
Literally fuck off
>you forfeit your rights to speak freely when you put yourself out there like that, just keep your mouth fucking shut
literally the other way around, fucktard
you even know how politics work?
>work your ass off to finally gain some semblance of fame
>say shit
>everyone hates you now but at least half of an anonymous imageboard on the internet thinks you're cool
this is why you're all shut-ins and you'lll always be shut-ins