>leveling up restores your HP and mana to full
Leveling up restores your HP and mana to full
>Sup Forums pretends to hate casuals yet loves instant, free hp+mp regeneration
> experience points are free
Casull spotted
>Said mechanic makes you reckless since you take advantage of the HP/Mana refill
>Final Boss is suddenly harder than it actually is because the way you're thinking about it is jacked up by the former
>you can level down
>final boss levels up with you
>game lets players "level down" their character
>lets them keep proficiency points of their abilities
>players you kill drop their gear
>your in-game teammates congratulate you on leveling up
>players you kill drop their clothes
In many games you get experience points and levels but not a full restore with each level up, so yeah, it's free.
>Leveling up raises your max HP but not your current HP
>Constantly be triggered by having slightly less than max HP.
>Epic level up music
>Ruined completely by forced game pause to menu
That's artificial difficulty.
>You can watch how other players died
>level up
>the stat growth when you level up is random
>Way to go, cupcake!
Gonna be honest, I laughed my ass off when that happened, but the game didn't last for me.
>Your horse levels up with you
>timing your level up so you get your HP back just when you're about to die
>speedrun strats revolve around timed level ups
>leveling up gives a unlisted +50% dmg bonus for 12 seconds
its multiplicative with other bonuses
>levelling up your units prevents them from moving until the next turn
(denounces you)
>item that raises your maximum hp also restores your hp
>take item off
>HP stays full
>take dmg
>equip item
>free health
>items, npcs and rewards vary according to your level
God I hate this shit.
>You lose all your money when you die, max hp goes down, and you also turn into a zombie
Fucking fire emblem.
>get a unique player level item from quest reward
>boss from the quest doesnt drop it for new drops as the world level raises
>entering the quest area for the first time sets items and enemies to your level
>quest items are unique per playthrough and are only given once
>parts and characteristics like elemental enchantment and bonus damage are randomized
>your big and shiny toy that you grinded for is now obsolete when you move to the next zone
fucking borderlands
>level up heal is an important source of heals in the early game
>holding that level up until you're hurt
>have to stay blueballed for a long section because ran out of other heals
>Leveled up to 80 in skyrim before I started doing quests so I could recieve the best gear from them.
>Game has durability on weapons
>Find ancient weapon in a vault
>100% durability
>heal skills are great early game
>late game are just wasted points
>the entire games levels up with you
>the game is easier if you just don't level up
Fucking Oblivion
>enemy health is exponential
>yours is linear
its not so much a matter of 'get the best gear', but the fact that unique weapons will be worthless if you aren't above their max stat threshold.
Is that from Q from Behind Moon?
Yeah. That's what I tried to mean. Best gear is always crafted.
>game lets you re-farm uniques through specific steps be it from killing a boss or doing a little mini quest
>early on every heal is precious
>later you drown in Giganigga Turboheal 9000
>early on one heal is enough to last for a whole battle
>later on the cooldown kills it so that you don't even need to use the biggest pot
>game lets you create healing potion that heal you completely every second
>they last hours
It should, if you don't want this then have it set so you can only level up in designated spots.
You should also lose levels when dying.
>Crafted items are way better than random loot
>Even those shitty ones crafted with low skill
>shitty crafted items are useless
>good crafted items are amazing
>there is no middle ground, you can only max craft or ignore it
From the same game
>Half the skills points you get are from NPC trainers
>Most are missable if you level up the skill from level ups too much or do certain quests that get rid of said NPC
No it's not. If it is, it's difficulty in the other direction. Ever think of that, you fucks?
Is there even a game that doesn't do this?
Grim Dawn