Which one's better?
Which one's better?
Dark Souls 3 because it's superior in area and enemy variety. And it's boss fights are consistently good.
I like Bloodborne more for it's theming/atmosphere, level design, and it's faster combat.
I like Dark Souls 3 more for it's equipment/build variety.
>dark souls 3
>build/equipment variety
Ninja Gaiden Black.
>level design
Lmao you mean all those areas that look the same aside from Cainhurst Castle?
>faster combat
And more casual too.
Found the retard.
bloodborne. dark souls 3 had better bosses. that's about it
Fuck you bub i'll fuck up your straight sword build with my own
DS3 is great but BB is far far better.
3 was boneless and lived entirely on 1 setting, even 2 had more substance.
OH! OHH! We are doing one of "these" threads are we?? Me next! Which one guise??
DaS3 had better area and enemy variety. More build variety and replayability.
Bloodborne, hands down.
>3 was boneless and lived entirely on 1 setting
So did Bloodborne lmao
Dark Souls 3, superior bosses and gameplay variety @ 1440p 60fps ULTRA graphics, with superior keyboard and mouse controls.
Meanwhile Virginborne suffers from:
>25fps with fps drops to 15fps in certain situations
>frame pacing issues
>chromatic aberration
>can't disable motion blur and dept of field
>have to pay to play online
>medium graphical settings
They're both pretty mediocre action games and both not very good RPGs.
>equipment/build variety
Anyone who says Dark Souls 3 has not played Bloodborne
Bloodborne is one of the few games that can be considered art, Dark Souls comes close but not close enough
DS3 is just a lukewarm rehash, nothing was new or exciting.
I like Dark Souls more but that's because I don't have to suffer through the eternal loading of shitty console hardware. I'm also comparing after all DLC released. I think base game of DS3 is better than base game of BB but BB with DLC is a lot better than DS3 with DLC.
BB would be one of my favorite games ever if it wasn't on shitty console hardware. It's holding the game back so much. Also there isn't near enough weapons/armor in the base game. It really needs the DLC to fill it out.
At this point I can't tell if posts like these are bait or not
>sub 30 fps in most places
>most areas are just copy pastad
>story is literally 2edgy4you grimdark it was a dream/it was aliens
>chalice dungeons are the definition of artificially padding the content of your game
Sony ponies really are the worst
Jesus fuck, fuck off.
muh fps
muh grafix
muh 8k
sure it would be better, but the game would just be pretteir
t. cuck who watched bloodborne playhtough
>t. console cuck who is so used to shitty graphics and fps they cant even fathom just how bad they have it.
>forgetting the game had 40 second load times at launch because of how shitty ps4 hardware is
The game could have been twice as good if it wasnt constrained by sub part console hardwar
i like das3 more, it's my favorite of the series
love BB though
I forgot one more thing:
Virginborne loading times post-patch = still good 25-35 seconds.
Dark Souls 3 loading times on my SSD = 3-5 seconds.
You can't refute facts, pleb.
fps improves gameplay, stay cucked 25fps console-cuck.
I honestly enjoy playing Bloodborne more because there's not a single map I hate.
Before ringed city came out I thought it would be a good idea to start a fresh character to ready up but then I instantly dropped that idea come the whole poison swamp area
post specs then
my pc is bricked [/spoiler
on a chromebook [/spoiler
As a standalone game? Bloodborne
As a sequel? DS3
>claims to not be console cuck
>wont post specs
>m-m-m-m-my computer is bricked!
nice try sony pony
>console shitter gets weeded out @ casual filter
Like pottery. Keep playing Virginborne, it is dumbed down easy mode Souls for people like you :) It was designed to be :)
Considering souls 3 is the absolute worst souls game?
Yeah, not really a contest.
DaS3 is great you mong
Yes, because god knows 30 second load screens is something that won't be effected.
never talk to me again you uncharitable fuck
my pc bricked soon after installing the new card. upgrade from 560 to 10670 - boot times went through the roof - was working fine then after a week it shit the bed. [/spoiler
>im an edgy contrarian faggot who still has a raging nostalgia boner for a bland and clunky game that even from soft apologize for
load times are 10secs at best, and that - like graphics- would just be a slight quality of life imprvement. the game wouldnt be chnaged in any majorly impactful way.
lowkey this
>load times are 10secs at best
>even fromsoft apologize for
>Better combat, but easier if you're not a shield pleb
>Better level design
>Much better DLC
Dark souls 3
>better bosses
>Worse level design but I liked the setting more, Bloodborne was just dude cobblestone lmao
DaS3 is the best game From Software has produced.
Dark Souls 2
Fight me
meant at worst.
the patch really unjusted the load times
>Das with a keyboard
Having the mouse as a camera is good but that's it
Why does it take me about 15-20 sec tops
Load times are great
And literally every weapon is justified to it's own playthrough
Bloodborne IMO.
DaS3 was a bit boring, just felt like retreading all the same stuff we've done before, and weapon arts weren't as cool as trick weapons.
Plus DaS3's lore and characters were absolute shit.
Not everyone that plays Bloodborne shills it, I'd probably place it below des/das
The only shit complaint that guy had was chalice dungeons, if you don't like them don't fucking do them
it could be me misinterpreting what you said, but you made it seem as if they apologized for the whole game itself and not just the technical issues
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BELOW DES
the shit taste emitting from you is too much
technical issues made the game pretty much unplayable at times
>5 fps in blight town on console
>pc version was a joke until a modder fixed it
tfw i installled dsfix for my first playhtough and went the whole game without enabling 60fps, playing at sub 30
still had a graet time
Dark Souls 3 easily
>better bosses
>more build variety
>more (and better) content
>better multiplayer
>more enemy variety (not just le ebic sickdark monsters like bloodborne)
Bloodborne has better atmosphere and story though, I'll give you that.
I mean its not entirely obvious how to change it to 60 fps unless you read carefully through the whole dsfix. That being said you can litrally bind the 30 fps lock to a key and swap back and forth at will, its a pretty good way of redpilling retards on just how big a difference there is between 30 and 60.
>more build variety
mash r1 to win
>better bosses
any boss in das3
>having anything on ludwig or even coming close
>more content
they're very similar in length
>better mp
pvp fags need not apply
>more enemy variety
dropped - blantaly false
>when sony ponies get triggered
it's true - das3 is a disapointment
probably worse than dark souls 2 desu
you autists realise you can replace the hdd with an ssd in ps4, right? considering you all shill how good is the ability of changing hardware in your pc, you seem pretty stubborn when it comes to this
I've played both controller and keyboard and mouse and keyboard and mouse is superior by far. Amazing and easy mode control over the camera. Only low IQ subhumans play Souls with controller, too dumb to make proper keybinds.
Dark Souls 3. As /vint/ showed, only third worlders and Canadians think otherwise.
Have you ever felt the touch of a woman?
Both games are good.
Which one is better is purely opinionated.
I like Bloodborne's weapon system more, with less weapons but them being unique.
But In saying that, Dark Souls 3 requires more weapons with less differences because there needs to be plenty of weapons that are viable will the much larger amount of builds that are possible.
Both games have awesome environments, great bosses (DS:3 has a bit more verity in bosses).
With both games DLC out now I can say that I do actually prefer Dark Souls 3 overall. It's re-playability feels far greater than Bloodborne as in Bloodborne a build is based around a weapon, where in Dark Souls 3 a build can be based around a weapon, stats or play-style.
Champion Gundyr, Pontiff Sulivahn, Nameless King, Lorian and Lothric, Soul of Cinder, Sister Friede and Father Ariandel, Demon Prince, Darkeater Midir and Slave Knight Gael >>>>>>>>>>>>> Ludwig the Holy Cuck.
Step aside babbies, superior taste marching thru.
Lemme explaind. There are some god tier visuals in DaS3, but thats it. Areas are beautiful, but linear and bland. Lowest build variety out of all DaS games.
DeS is just retarded version of DaS.
BB's aesthetics are great, but console just killed the game. Low fps, pop-ups, etc. Chalice dungeons are bullshit.
DaS's level design is 10/10, but the game is unfinished, and most of it felt like a meme challenge.
And now, the one to rule them all. The only 2 DaS2 problems are shit graphics and some of the bosses. In my opinion, bosses must be unique (like in DaS3).
Whats good about DaS2?
Best fucking lore.
Best build variety
Best PvP
Game is like 2 times bigger than DaS.
Best DLCs
Best fashion souls.
Comfiest hub.
So here's my conclusion.
BB babbies praise their game, cos it's the only good game on PS.
DeS babbies are just nostalgia fags. Ignore them.
DaS babbies are meme lords.
DaS3 babbies probably didn't play all other DaS games.
Bloodborne, it has no weapon memory bullshit
>trying to change the subject
lmfao, die from cancer son of a whore. Controller sucks dick for Souls, Keyboard and Mouse is superior.
name some better action games. Devil Daggers doesn't count.
This x100.
Bloodborne because it does heavy stronk weapons better
>can't refute anything
>"b-but muh never ever!!!"
>gtx 10670
Ludwig was the 3rd best boss of his DLC.
>Ancient wyvern
>Crystal sages aka fools idol 3.0
Yeah nah. DaS3 has some of the worst bosses in the series.
Bloodborne has better level design, atmosphere (ds3 doesnt have any), bosses and "story".
Without having played Bloodborne, I can honestly say it's better than DaS3
DaS3 is trash
This. I dont even remember half of its bosses. In fact the only memorable ones are the nameless king and the prince. I still remember every detail of pretty much every boss in BB.
bloodborne has good lore, okay build variety, brilliant DLC, great bosses and great fashion souls
I enjoy Bloodborne more but Dark Souls III has more replay value. It's just easier to get a new build going whether you respec or create a new character.
I hate sony and all but you have to be some kind of idiot to prefer DaS3.
It's the most boring of all the Souls games, DaS2 included.
>Lists every good boss
I agree with a few like soul of cinder and gael but there's no way you believe WWE heavyweight champion gundyr>Ludwig
>put anything below DaS3
>praise DaS
partially agreed. kb+m works well in DAS2 and 3 because they're not programmed retardedly like DAS1 on PC, where mouse literally emulates a stick. I had a better experience with kb over kb+m in DAS1 because it was more consistent.
how do people enjoy playing with a controller when aiming is on a stick, and rolling is an inch away on B? a friend of mine said he gripped in a way that let him keep his thumb on the stick and index finger on B. I tried it and it was retardedly uncomfortable.
>Hemwick witches
>Celestial emissary
BB got some shit ones too
DAS3 > BB >>> DAS > DES
just forget that that one other game exists
Das3's bosses are a lot easier, have a lot less going on mechanically and rely on gimmicks over interesting attack patterns
Nameless king, Pontiff and Dancer are brought up a lot just because they're some of the few that actually do have engaging patterns to learn.
The bulk of DaS3's bosses are just the same strafe-fests like Gundyr, DS Armor, Soul of Cinder and the two princes.
Meanwhile BB consistently delivers on its bosses.
It does have its gimmick bosses like Witches and its pushover bosses like Celestial Emissary but theres a lot less and they're at least visually or conceptually interesting.
I think that's DaS3's biggest fault, aside from gameplay problems it just felt so uninspired.
yeah, and putting DaS2 above BB isn't retarded
>a friend of mine said he gripped in a way that let him keep his thumb on the stick and index finger on B
Your friend is retarded. I'm sure most people have reflexes decent enough to hit B with their thumb and move back to the analog stick without inconveniencing themselves.
Even DaS it is better once you install DS mouse fix.
Bloodborne. Gehrman alone is better than every DS3 boss by miles.
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