Magic uses Stamina instead of having its own MP bar

>magic uses Stamina instead of having its own MP bar

>game punishes you for winning the objective indirectly

>attacking uses up stamina

>it uses both

>the best spells take too long to cast/cost too much to cast

>attacking requires a credit card number on file

>debuffs arent worth using on random mobs
>bosses are immune to every debuff

same with instant kill moves

What anime is she from?

NTRbait, the series.

>Never did magic

>magic/mana system that doesn't use the same old "personal reserves" dead horse
>instead, the magic user draws mana from the surroundings as part of the procedure for casting any spell
>magic caster can "store" mana within, but must not keep it for too long; else mana poisoning would kick in

That's the best kind of magic. Magic that is dependent on my own energy as a living creature rather than some kind of limited "magic power" that I can somehow raise by murdering things.

Then you have the absolute bullshit that is Vancian Casting

>phys skills use hp

Mana or MP can be considered innate energy akin to stamina though.

I know this game!

It just looks like another blue balls harem, what's NTRbait about it?

The cool thing about spellcasting using hp is that it turns spellcasters into real glass-cannons.

Pretty sure everyone on Sup Forums does

Its monmosu or something. Just a monster girl harem

>magic uses HP
>tutorial npc calls you a bitch for thinking magic won't come at a price

>magic uses up HP
what game does this so i can blacklist it

Name one (1) game please

>the Israelites got mana from an alien robot's penis



If you like magic with consequences Psykers in 40k games are good fun. Too bad vidya can't or won't do something like this.

>The warp is a dangerous and unpredictable entity and every time a Psyker draws from it he risks insanity, death and ruin. When a Psyker invokes Psychic Phenomena there is a chance that it might actually indicate that something far, far worse has occurred. Psykers who have rolled 75 or more on Psychic Phenomena Table must immediately roll on Perils of the Warp Table. In addition to any other effects, whenever a Psyker invokes the Perils of the Warp he gains 1 Corruption Point.

Exequy from Dragon's Dogma. Useless shit.


>tfw i prefer it that way because i like the "magic is tiring" trope


Dragon Age
Final Fantasy Tactics if you use blood price
Soul Sacrifice
The Secret World

That's all I have off the top of my head but I know a lot of other games do it with necromancy/blood magic

Every fucking Gust game.

But that's the best system, that's why Dragon's Dogma got magic right. Fuck you OP top lel get some taste.

One of the interesting things about Dominions magic system is the communion mechanic in which lesser mages can lend their power to others (communion master). Spellcasting causes fatigue (which is shared to communion slaves) but once unconscious, further fatigue is converted to damage. Misjudge the required ratio of slaves to masters or have something going wrong in terms of buffing the communion slaves with regeneration etc, and you could have mages killing their peers by the dozens.

>leveling up a spells increases its cost, and you aren't able to cast lesser versions of it.

Gay. Games like Ragnarok Online do it alright:
>level up a spell
>you now have a more powerful, yet more costly version of it
>you are able to cast both versions, depending on your needs

The bigger problem I find to it is it can be a bit cumbersome to set up it up so that you can choose which spells and versions to cast fast enough for action games. I don't think a solution for this has been found.

that spells actually really good for killing weak enemies, it's speed was based on the mobs remaining health so mobs with fuck all total health would die real fast.

I haven't played DD yet although I have it in my backlog. I guess I'll install it now.

I'm curious: other that spells, what uses stamina? Normal attacks? Running? Blocking?

>magic uses mp
>physical special attacks use hp

Charging your attacks, only works for certain battle systems, coule be a good workaround. The more you charge it the more powerful the spell and cost. Or you can allocate how much MP you want.

Having lesser versions is only nice if it's purely turn based and the menu already neatly arranges them in an intuitive way.

Blocking, sprinting, climbing opponents, and using every skill in the game, normal attacks don't as far as I remember.

my favorite was a game that had hp and mana act as hp, so if you used magic you would kill yourself, enemies could attack mana, then the game would only give you a few thousand hp or mana, but give enemies hundreds of thousands, fucking game pissed me off so much.

They do when you're climbing, otherwise not.

>I don't think a solution for this has been found.
Equipment/skills or a special move that reduces casting time is the only solution (ie. tales of games).

>game has several different types of mana

till rpgs can be actual rpgs and not choose your own adventure books, this would be a fucking horrible mechanic and just cause rage, some how die rolls deciding if I get something in real life, is nowhere near as infuriating as when its all done behind my back or digitally.

Right, that's correct too.
Haven't played in 2 months so I kind of forgot about that one.

Technically speaking that's how elder scrolls magic works.
Soul has a Magicka storing Animus that absorbs Magicka from Aetherius out of light and surroundings.
Mana poisoning doesn't exist though because magic/creatia is the natural state of existence while mortality is the fabricated and poisonous one.

I figured. Something about current vidya has people shun simulationist (like hindering weather) or RNG mechanics. Not everything has to be a pure, even test of your thumbs' reaction times, Sup Forums.

In DoW1, there will be times where a pysker will blow his own head off if he casts too much magic repeatedly.

Simple, getting dicked by an ai that may weigh the dice against you is infuriating.

See, we know how dice work, we see it roll and we can largely accept if its not in our favor.

But digitally, where we don't know the algorithm, we cant see what is happening, and we just have to accept it?

Ok, you want to argue for weather hindering us, ok, i can go with that, however, if it doesn't also hinder the enemies in much the same way its horse shit, if the game world has a long way to travel and weather makes it not to doable/longer its bullshit.

Lets go this way, we get caught in a storm, have to transport alot of goods, and in all likelihood we will not be able to wait it out. in a real life rpg I could argue that we could use a sled or treads instead of wheels, and a dm would either find that part of the rule book if its extensive enough, or make some shit up on the fly to get it working, in a videogame, i'm 100% at the whims of how much the developers wanted to program.

Im not apposed to rng, or simulations, but digitally they all are rage inducing mechanics.

>hp bar
>when it reaches 0 you die
>stamina bar
>when it reaches 0 you get tired and can't move
>mana bar
>when it reaches 0 nothing happens

>level up a spell
>it's more costly
>higher cost is irrelevant because you have more mana
>use leveled up spell forever until you level it up again
>end of game 80% of skills are useless because they're straight up inferior to your maxed spells

Didn't think of that, I guess there are games where everything scales and having inferior versions would be trivial.

>>stamina bar
>>when it reaches 0 you get tired and can't move
No game does this.

Dragon's Dogma

>not using it in hallways/staircases on Bitterblack to kill 10~ of those fucking worm things before they can jump out at you
>not killing whole camps of bandits at once before they can react

>the flashy and cool spells are the most inefficient by a mile
>the basic projectile spell is the best in the game

if your mana bar reached 0, you were either the healer, dps, or support, and now that healing is gone, the dps is dead, or all the other characters are getting their shit pushed in.


Magic : The Gathering

>game has a dullahan

>Remove head
>Body still somehow lives


FF15 magic is like this

There's a Minecraft mod that does very similar stuff, it was fun dicking around with it, too bad it was still Minecraft at the end